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The  plan  of  the  lesson

Grade: 7 ‘A’

Date:  26.02.2016

The  theme  of  the  lesson: Materials

Educational: О?ушылар?а ‘Materials’ та?ырыбын 

т?сіндіру, жа?а  с?здермен таныстыру. ‘Present  

Simple Passive’ грамматикалы? та?ырып бойынша 

жатты?у ж?мысын орындау.

Developing: О?ушыларды? жатты?улар ар?ылы   

жазу,  есту, ты?дау да?дыларын дамыту. С?здік

?орларын, білімдерін ке?ейту.

                                                    Bringing-up: О?ушыларды бір-бірімен м?дениетті 

                                                    ?арым-?атынас жасау?а, таби?атты ?ор?ау?а  


Type  of  the  lesson: new lesson

Methods  of  the  lesson: explanation, speaking, demonstration, practical  exercises.

Visual  aids: pictures,tables, cards.

Procedure  of  the  lesson

I.   Organization  moment.

Classroom  expressions:

-     Good  morning, pupils!

-     How  are  you?

-     Who  is  on  duty  today?

-     Who  is  absent?

III. Checking  up  the  home  task.

What  was  your  home  work? Ex  _____  p _____.     

New lesson

Ex 1. Match the words with the photos. You’ve got two minutes.

Silver – к?міс

Gold- алтын

Wood- а?аш

Cotton – ма?та

Leather – был?ары

Glass- шыны

Plastic- пластик

Metal – метал

Ex 2. A) What can you say about the photo?

B) Close your book and listen to the conversation. How many different things do Ana and Jay look at?

C) Listen again and follow in your book. Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.

Ex 3. Present Simple Passive

Complete the examples and the explanation with the right form of  be.

This teapot is made of silver.

It isn’t made of gold.

Things from all over the world …. Sold at Portobello Road.

The watches … made in England. They’re from Taiwan.

 We form the present simple passive with subject + is, …, …., aren’t + past participle (made, sold)

We use the passive when we don’t know or aren’t interested in who does the action.

The watches are made in Taiwan. We don’t know who makes the watches.

Ex 4. A) look again at the pictures in Ex 1. Ask and answer questions like these.

A: What’s the necklace made of?

B: it’s made of silver.

B) what about you? Describe your things, and thigs in the classroom. What are they made of?

- Our desks are made of plastic and metal.

Ex 5. Work with a friend. Read sentences 1-5. Your friend chooses a reaction from a-e.

  1. Someone has stolen my new bike.
  2. My brother has just won the lottery.
  3. Your blood travels 168 million miles every day.
  4. These trainers were omly $10.
  5. Hundreds of tons of food are wasted every day.
  1. That’s fantastic!
  2. That’s cheap!
  3. That’s terrible!
  4. That’s carzy!
  5. That’s amazing!

Home  task.  To learn by heart the new words. Ex ____ p _____


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The plan of the lesson

Grade: 7 ‘A’

Date: 26.02.2016

The theme of the lesson: Materials

Educational: Оқушыларға ‘Materials’ тақырыбын

түсіндіру, жаңа сөздермен таныстыру. ‘Present

Simple Passive’ грамматикалық тақырып бойынша

жаттығу жұмысын орындау.

Developing: Оқушылардың жаттығулар арқылы

жазу, есту, тыңдау дағдыларын дамыту. Сөздік

қорларын, білімдерін кеңейту.

Bringing-up: Оқушыларды бір-бірімен мәдениетті

қарым-қатынас жасауға, табиғатты қорғауға


Type of the lesson: new lesson

Methods of the lesson: explanation, speaking, demonstration, practical exercises.

Visual aids: pictures,tables, cards.

Procedure of the lesson

I. Organization moment.

Classroom expressions:

- Good morning, pupils!

- How are you?

- Who is on duty today?

- Who is absent?

III. Checking up the home task.

What was your home work? Ex _____ p _____.

New lesson

Ex 1. Match the words with the photos. You’ve got two minutes.

Silver – күміс

Gold- алтын

Wood- ағаш

Cotton – мақта

Leather – былғары

Glass- шыны

Plastic- пластик

Metal – метал

Ex 2. A) What can you say about the photo?

B) Close your book and listen to the conversation. How many different things do Ana and Jay look at?

C) Listen again and follow in your book. Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.

Ex 3. Present Simple Passive

Complete the examples and the explanation with the right form of be.

This teapot is made of silver.

It isn’t made of gold.

Things from all over the world …. Sold at Portobello Road.

The watches … made in England. They’re from Taiwan.

We form the present simple passive with subject + is, …, …., aren’t + past participle (made, sold)

We use the passive when we don’t know or aren’t interested in who does the action.

The watches are made in Taiwan. We don’t know who makes the watches.

Ex 4. A) look again at the pictures in Ex 1. Ask and answer questions like these.

A: What’s the necklace made of?

B: it’s made of silver.

B) what about you? Describe your things, and thigs in the classroom. What are they made of?

- Our desks are made of plastic and metal.

Ex 5. Work with a friend. Read sentences 1-5. Your friend chooses a reaction from a-e.

  1. Someone has stolen my new bike.

  2. My brother has just won the lottery.

  3. Your blood travels 168 million miles every day.

  4. These trainers were omly $10.

  5. Hundreds of tons of food are wasted every day.

  1. That’s fantastic!

  2. That’s cheap!

  3. That’s terrible!

  4. That’s carzy!

  5. That’s amazing!

Home task. To learn by heart the new words. Ex ____ p _____


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС


Автор: Телжанова Айзат Ба?ытжан?ызы

Дата: 04.04.2016

Номер свидетельства: 314925

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