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Teaching English trough country knowing materials

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Country  learning  materials

- geographical position of the english              speaking countries
- British culture
- british life stile
- eating habits
- holidays
-traditions and customs
-education system
political system of the english speaking countries

Country learning materials improve pupils’ reading, writing, listening and

         speaking skills.

           Reading activity



1.What is the text about? 2.Have you ever been in Great Britain? ●



1.Read the text and write down the new words

                guess their meanings.


          post –reading

    Answer the questions.

Grammar Exercise

 put the appropriate article where

             is      necessary

- full name of-country is -United Kingdom of -Great Britain

And -Northern Ireland. - UK  is consist of three isles: England

Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. -Capital of  - England  is -London.  Edinburgh  is -capital  of- Scotlaand.

What is the role of cultures in foreign language learning?


Through the study of other languages, pupils gain a knowledge and understanding of the cultures of the speakers of those languages.  In fact, speakers of 2nd languages cannot truly master knowing that language unless they have also mastered the cultural contexts in which the language occurs.  

Standards:  Cultures
Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures


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«Teaching English trough country knowing materials»

Teaching English trough country knowing materials

Teaching English trough country knowing materials

CONTENT Introduction 3.Integrating culture in the English language classroom – culture through textbooks, prose, poetry and electronic media.  Country learning materials Country learning materials improve pupils oral and written speech 4.Personal experience Conclusion The list of used literature



3.Integrating culture in the English language classroom – culture through textbooks, prose, poetry and electronic media.

Country learning materials

Country learning materials improve pupils oral and written speech

4.Personal experience


The list of used literature

On December 10 in 2012, our first president I.A.Karimov signed a decree “On measures to further improve foreign language learning system.” It’s noted that in the framework of the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “ On education and the national program for training in the country a comprehensive foreign languages” teaching system, aimed at creating harmoniously developed, highly educated, modern thinking young generation, further integration of the country to the community has been created.

On December 10 in 2012, our first president I.A.Karimov signed a decree “On measures to further improve foreign language learning system.”

It’s noted that in the framework of the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “ On education and the national program for training in the country a comprehensive foreign languages” teaching system, aimed at creating harmoniously developed, highly educated, modern thinking young generation, further integration of the country to the community has been created.

Today Uzbekistan is a large scientific centre in Central Asia. Almost 300 scientific Institutions function in the country. During the year of Independence Uzbekistan has established and is developing scientific and technical cooperation with the U.S.A. The European Union . Our President I.A Karimov pays his main attention to the development of education system especialy to the development of teaching of learning Foreign Language.
  • Today Uzbekistan is a large scientific centre in Central Asia. Almost 300 scientific Institutions function in the country. During the year of Independence Uzbekistan has established and is developing scientific and technical cooperation with the U.S.A. The European Union . Our President I.A Karimov pays his main attention to the development of education system especialy to the development of teaching of learning Foreign Language.

Country learning materials   - geographical position of the english speaking countries  - British culture  - british life stile  - eating habits  - holidays  -traditions and customs  -clothing  -education system  political system of the english speaking countries

Country learning materials - geographical position of the english speaking countries - British culture - british life stile - eating habits - holidays -traditions and customs -clothing -education system political system of the english speaking countries

Country learning materials improve pupils’ reading, writing, listening and  speaking skills.

Country learning materials improve pupils’ reading, writing, listening and

speaking skills.

Reading activity  Pre-reading What is the text about? Have you ever been in Great Britain?  While-reading Read the text and write down the new words  guess their meanings.  post –reading  Answer the questions. ,,,

Reading activity


  • What is the text about?
  • Have you ever been in Great Britain?


  • Read the text and write down the new words

guess their meanings.

post –reading

Answer the questions.


Grammar Exercise    put the appropriate article where   is necessary --- full name of---country is ---United Kingdom of ---Great Britain And ---Northern Ireland. --- UK is consist of three isles: England Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. ---Capital of --- England is ---London. Edinburgh is ---capital of--- Scotlaand. i

Grammar Exercise put the appropriate article where is necessary

--- full name of---country is ---United Kingdom of ---Great Britain

And ---Northern Ireland. --- UK is consist of three isles: England

Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. ---Capital of --- England is ---London. Edinburgh is ---capital of--- Scotlaand.


Question:  What is the role of cultures in foreign language learning? Answer: Through the study of other languages, pupils gain a knowledge and understanding of the cultures of the speakers of those languages. In fact, speakers of 2 nd languages cannot truly master knowing that language unless they have also mastered the cultural contexts in which the language occurs.

Question: What is the role of cultures in foreign language learning?


Through the study of other languages, pupils gain a knowledge and understanding of the cultures of the speakers of those languages. In fact, speakers of 2 nd languages cannot truly master knowing that language unless they have also mastered the cultural contexts in which the language occurs.

Standards: Cultures  Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures     Standard1: pupils demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.  pupils are focusing on the practices derived from traditional ideas and attitudes (perspectives) of a culture. Cultural practices refer to patterns of behavior accepted by a society and deal with aspects of culture that may include rites of passage, use of forms of discourse, social class structure, and use of space. They represent the knowledge of “what to do when and where”.

Standards: Cultures Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures

Standard1: pupils demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.

pupils are focusing on the practices derived from traditional ideas and attitudes (perspectives) of a culture. Cultural practices refer to patterns of behavior accepted by a society and deal with aspects of culture that may include rites of passage, use of forms of discourse, social class structure, and use of space. They represent the knowledge of “what to do when and where”.

Standards: Cultures  Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures Sample Learning Scenario Demonstrating Standard 2.1:  Grade 6: pupils in a Uzbek class re-enact a English wedding. Pupils receive printed information from their teacher about English marriage ceremonies. This includes a marriage contract, the sequence of events, and the script participants read during the ceremony, along with supporting vocabulary in Uzbek and its English derivatives. After discussing the information, pupils choose roles. After pupils enacted the ceremony in Uzbek, they compare Uzbek weddings with weddings in American culture.  Source: Massachusetts Foreign Language Curriculum Framework, August, 1999.

Standards: Cultures Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures

Sample Learning Scenario Demonstrating Standard 2.1:

Grade 6: pupils in a Uzbek class re-enact a English wedding. Pupils receive printed information from their teacher about English marriage ceremonies. This includes a marriage contract, the sequence of events, and the script participants read during the ceremony, along with supporting vocabulary in Uzbek and its English derivatives. After discussing the information, pupils choose roles. After pupils enacted the ceremony in Uzbek, they compare Uzbek weddings with weddings in American culture.

Source: Massachusetts Foreign Language Curriculum Framework, August, 1999.

BY COUNTRY LEARNING materials  PUPILS WILL KNOW What are the English speaking countries? Where are they situated? What is the climate like in these countries?  What holidays do they celebrate? What is the national food of these countries?  It will develop patriotic feelings of the pupils. Learn traditions and customs.


What are the English speaking countries?

Where are they situated?

What is the climate like in these countries?

What holidays do they celebrate?

What is the national food of these countries?

It will develop patriotic feelings of the pupils.

Learn traditions and customs.

Standard 3: Pupils demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.  Pupils focus on learning the linguistic elements in the new language. This learning enables pupils to examine English and develop hypotheses about the structure and use of languages. From the beginning stages of 2 nd language learning, pupils can compare and contrast the two languages as different elements are presented. Activities can be systematically integrated into instruction to assist pupils in gaining understanding and in developing their abilities to think critically about how languages work, similarities, and differences.

Standard 3: Pupils demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.

Pupils focus on learning the linguistic elements in the new language. This learning enables pupils to examine English and develop hypotheses about the structure and use of languages. From the beginning stages of 2 nd language learning, pupils can compare and contrast the two languages as different elements are presented. Activities can be systematically integrated into instruction to assist pupils in gaining understanding and in developing their abilities to think critically about how languages work, similarities, and differences.

The list of Used literature  1. I. A. Karimov,The consept of further deepening the democratic reforms and establishing civil society in the country, Uzbekistan, 2012.  2. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the National Program for the Cadre Training”, 1997 august 29 .3. I. A. Karimov`s decree “On measures to further improvement of foreign language learning system”. December 10, 2012  4.Alptekin, Cem. “Target-language Culture in EFL Materials.” ELT Journal 47.2 (1993) : 136- 143. Web. 1 Jun. 2015. 5.Arabski, Janusz, and Adam Wojtaszek. “Introduction.” Aspects of Culture in Second Language  Acquisition and Foreign Language Learning . Eds. Janusz Arabski and Adam Wojtaszek. Berlin: Springer, 2011. 1-4. Print. 6.www.google.com 7.www.yandex.uz

The list of Used literature

1. I. A. Karimov,The consept of further deepening the democratic reforms and establishing civil society in the country, Uzbekistan, 2012.

2. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the National Program for the Cadre Training”, 1997 august 29

.3. I. A. Karimov`s decree “On measures to further improvement of foreign language learning system”. December 10, 2012

4.Alptekin, Cem. “Target-language Culture in EFL Materials.” ELT Journal 47.2 (1993) : 136- 143. Web. 1 Jun. 2015.

5.Arabski, Janusz, and Adam Wojtaszek. “Introduction.” Aspects of Culture in Second Language Acquisition and Foreign Language Learning . Eds. Janusz Arabski and Adam Wojtaszek. Berlin: Springer, 2011. 1-4. Print.



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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
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Teaching English trough country knowing materials

Автор: Toshmirzayeva Iroda Ilxomovna

Дата: 18.04.2020

Номер свидетельства: 547134

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