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Man - made and natural wonders

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Урок разработан для учащихся 10 класса УМК Биболетовой М. З. Урок обучения письменной речи. На уроке учащиеся учатся статью, описывая достопримечательностях. Материал урока может быть использован для подготовки учащихся к ЕГЭ.

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«Конспект урока»

Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

Гимназия № 19 имени Н. З. Поповичевой г. Липецк

Конспект урока по английскому языку

в 10 классе

«Man – Made and Natural Wonders»

(Описываем достопримечательность)

УМК Биболетовой М. З.


преподаватель английского языка

Жаглина Татьяна Владимировна

Липецк 2017

Цель урока: Формирование навыков письменной речи.

Деятелъностная: Тренировать в чтении и устной речи.

Содержательная: Научить писать статью на заданную тему.

Задачи урока:


  • тренировка произносительных навыков;

  • развитие речевых умений.


  • воспитание положительного отношения к изучению иностранного языка;

  • воспитание интереса к учению и формирование познавательной активности;

  • формирование потребности в практическом использовании языка в различных сферах деятельности.


  • развитие внимания, памяти.

Планируемые результаты:


  • расширение объема знаний по теме;

  • умение написать статью.


  • проявление интереса к изучению английского языка;

  • формирование уважения учащегося к культуре изучаемого языка.



  • осуществлять подбор аргументов для решения учебных задач.

  • уметь оценивать результаты своей деятельности, анализировать собственную работу, планировать свое действие в соответствии с поставленной задачей. (Регулятивные УУД);

  • уметь с достаточной полнотой выражать свои мысли (Коммуникативные УУД);

  • уметь систематизировать материал, сравнивать и рассуждать. (Познавательные УУД).


  • умение осуществлять деятельность с учётом конкретных учебных задач.


  • умение выполнять действие в соответствии с заданием;

  • умение выполнять самооценку.

Оборудование: Компьютер, экран, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока.

I. Организационный момент.

Т:Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you. Today we shall read,

speak about some world man – made wonders. We shall also write about one

of the most famous sightseeings. Write down the topic of the lesson. (2слайд)

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

Т:Look at the screen. Say the words after me. Read the words in pairs.

(3 слайд)

Which words are geographical names?

(Key: The Panama Canal; the English Channel; the Isthmus of Panama; the

Asian Pacific Coast.)

III. Речевая зарядка.

Т: Which is the tallest building in your country? Where is it located? What is it

made of? (Students’ answers)

IV. Развитие навыков чтения и устной речи. (4 – 8 слайды)


Т: Read the article about the tallest buildings in the world, and answer the


1). Which building was opened before it was completed? (The Sears Tower)

2). Which buildings are located in Manhattan? (The Chrysler Building, The

Empire State Building)

3). Which building was designed by Fazlur Khan? (The Sears Tower)

4). Which building was the easiest to build? (The Eiffel Tower)

5). Which buildings were opened in the 1930’s? (The Chrysler Building, The

Empire State Building)

6). Which building has a concert hall? (The Petronas Twin Towers)

7). Which buildings have over 100 floors? (The Sears Tower, The Empire State



(9 слайд)

T: Read the article and match the paragraphs A-D to the headings 1-4.

T: Which of the following recommendations are positive? Which are

negative? (10 слайд)

(Key: 1 – positive, 2 – negative, 3 - positive, 4 - positive, 5 – negative)

T: Now replace the recommendation in the article with another appropriate one

from the list above. (Key: 1, 3 or 4)


V. Обучение написанию письма.

T: Read the advertisement for the Grand Canyon. (11 слайд)

T: Use the information to write appropriate supporting sentences for the topic

sentences 1 to 4. (12 слайд)

(Key: 1 - It is located in Arizona and is made of red rock. 2 - The walls were

formed by water cutting through the rocks 250 million years ago. The rocks at

bottom are 2 billion years old. 3 - You can go on hiking trips, go camping or

see beautiful animals. 4 -You won't forget your trip there.)

T: What phrases would you use to recommend it?

(Key: Wonderful place to visit — worth a visit — truly unique experience.)

T: Now look at the screen. You see the writing tip. Read it. (13 слайд)

T: Now read the plan of the article, then write it down. (14 слайд)

V. Итоги. Домашняя работа. (15 слайд)

T: Write an article (120-150 words) about the Grand Canyon. Use your

answers, the writing tip and the plan. You can use the article about Niagara

Falls as a model.

VI. Рефлексия. (16 слайд)

  • сегодня я узнал...

  • было трудно…

  • я понял, что…

  • я научился…

  • я смог…

  • было интересно узнать, что…

  • меня удивило…


A__ Niagara Falls in New York State, USA, and Ontario Province, Canada, are one of the natural wonders of the world. They are two separate waterfalls that come from the Niagara River. Together they produce 750,000 gallons of water per second.

B__ The Niagara River is 12,000 years old, but the wide, steep slope that the water falls over is much older. It was formed by glaciers in the Ice Age, about 2 million years ago, by water and ice cutting through the rocks. However, it wasn't until 1615 that the falls were first seen by Europeans.

C__ There is plenty to see and do at Niagara Falls. You can take the "Journey Behind the Falls" tour or visit the "Cave of the Winds". The views are spectacular. The falls are surrounded by beautiful parklands too, so you can also go for a walk or a bike ride in the summer.

D__ Niagara Falls are one of the most famous tourist attractions in America. Anyone who appreciates the beauty of nature should visit them.

(Suggested answer)

The Grand Canyon is one of the most beautiful natural landmarks in the world. It is located in Arizona, in the USA. It is made of red rock.

The canyon is ancient. The walls were formed by water cutting through the rock 250 million years ago. The rocks at the bottom of the canyon are 2 billion years old. The first time Europeans saw the canyon was in 540.

You’ll never be bored there. There are lots of activities to do, like hiking and camping. You can also go skiing on one of the northern sections of the canyon. There are lots of animals and birds to see.

It’s a wonderful place to visit. I hope to go there again one day.

Использованные материалы: (16 слайд)

I. Интернет ресурсы:

1.http://www.colors.life/upload/blogs/bb/0f/bb0fd44dabb4287be1f6ab68613d3324_RSZ_690.jpeg – изображение Эйфелевой башни

2.http://buylovely.com/files/funzug/imgs/arch/highest_buildings_sky_06.jpgизображение The Chrysler Building

3.http://all-new-york.ru/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/Empire-State-Building.jpgизображение the Empire State Building

4.http://s51.radikal.ru/i133/0907/02/2e95d534b97f.jpgизображение The Sears Tower

5.http://alicja.qipru.users.photofile.ru/photo/alicja.qipru/151087497/xlarge/170424794.jpgизображение The Petronas Twin Towers

6. http://a1209.hizliresim.com/11/b/cuzuj.jpg – изображение Ниагарского водопада

7.http://40.media.tumblr.com/336cfda415c9cae28e593e4d5d2b403e/tumblr_nfr55fJkaZ1rwtzqno1_500.png – изображение Гранд каньона

8. http://img7.arrivo.ru/cfcd/5c/1490/1/usa-unesco-flickr.com-benontherun.com.jpg

- изображение Гранд каньона

9. http://www.tuaregviatges.es/asia/viajes_a_rusia/fotografia/viajar_a_rusia_5224-De_Moscu_al_Lago_Baikal_en_el_Ferrocarril_TraNsiberiano-12.jpgизображение Trans-Siberian Railway

10. http://www.krasfun.ru/images/2011/10/9af2b_0_6fa1e_b25a4db4_XXL.jpg - изображение Hoover Dam

11. http://www.29feb.ru/picture/panama-kanal-1.jpg – изображение Панамского канала

12. http://esoteric4u.com/images/7_nauka_kak_metod/stounhendj.JPG – изображение Stonehenge

13. http://kolyan.net/uploads/posts/2013-04/thumbs/1365324151_best-full-hd-wallpapers-vol.-86-30.jpg - изображение Гранд каньона

14. http://australianism.ru/u/rkj/sydney_opera_(8)_800_600.jpg изображение Оперного театра в Сиднее

15. http://img1.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/b/3/26/913/26913579_pic144.jpg изображение моста – радуги в штате Юта, США

II. Virginia Evans, Neil O’Sullivan. Click On 2. Workbook. - Newbury:

Express Publishing, 2001.

III. Virginia Evans, Neil O’Sullivan. Click On 2. Teacher’s Book. - Newbury: Express Publishing, 2001.

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«Презентация к уроку»

Презентация   к уроку английского языка  “ Man – Made Wonders ”  для 10 класса.  УMK Биболетовой М. З.  Учитель английского языка  МБОУ гимназии №19  имени Н.З.Поповичевой  г. Липецка  Жаглина Татьяна Владимировна.

Презентация к уроку английского языка Man – Made Wonders для 10 класса. УMK Биболетовой М. З. Учитель английского языка МБОУ гимназии №19 имени Н.З.Поповичевой г. Липецка Жаглина Татьяна Владимировна.

Man – Made and Natural Wonders    (Описываем достопримечательность)

Man – Made and Natural Wonders

(Описываем достопримечательность)

Stonehenge  The Panama Canal  The English Channel  Hoover Dam  The Empire State Building  The Asian Pacific Coast  The Eiffel Tower  The Isthmus of Panama  The Petronas Twin Towers  Trans-Siberian Railway

Stonehenge The Panama Canal The English Channel Hoover Dam The Empire State Building The Asian Pacific Coast The Eiffel Tower The Isthmus of Panama The Petronas Twin Towers Trans-Siberian Railway

From 1889 to 1930, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, was known as the world’s tallest building. It was designed by Gustav Eiffel and was built to commemorate the French Revolution. It is made of iron and was built in only a few months by a small group of workers. It is hard to believe that something that was so easy to build is now one of the world’s most famous landmarks and is visited by millions of tourists every year.

From 1889 to 1930, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, was known as the world’s tallest building. It was designed by Gustav Eiffel and was built to commemorate the French Revolution. It is made of iron and was built in only a few months by a small group of workers. It is hard to believe that something that was so easy to build is now one of the world’s most famous landmarks and is visited by millions of tourists every year.

The Chrysler Building in New York City, USA, was opened in 1930 and was the tallest building in the world until 1931. It was designed by William Van Alen and was built for Walter P Chrysler, the owner of one of the largest American motor companies. The Chrysler building is located in Manhattan, where it is admired by everyone who sees it.

The Chrysler Building in New York City, USA, was opened in 1930 and was the tallest building in the world until 1931. It was designed by William Van Alen and was built for Walter P Chrysler, the owner of one of the largest American motor companies. The Chrysler building is located in Manhattan, where it is admired by everyone who sees it.

In 1931, the Empire State Building was completed in New York City. USA. It was the highest skyscraper ever built and was the world’s tallest building until 1954. The Empire State Building is located on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan and is 102 storeys high. Inside, there are two observatories which offer spectacular views to the building’s many visitors.

In 1931, the Empire State Building was completed in New York City. USA. It was the highest skyscraper ever built and was the world’s tallest building until 1954. The Empire State Building is located on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan and is 102 storeys high. Inside, there are two observatories which offer spectacular views to the building’s many visitors.

The Sears Tower in Chicago was opened in 1973, but it was not completed until 1974. It was designed by Fazlur Khan am was the world’s tallest building at that time. The tower has 110 floors and is 443m high. The outside of the building is covered in black aluminium and glass. Inside, there are offices, shops and over 100 lifts.

The Sears Tower in Chicago was opened in 1973, but it was not completed until 1974. It was designed by Fazlur Khan am was the world’s tallest building at that time. The tower has 110 floors and is 443m high. The outside of the building is covered in black aluminium and glass. Inside, there are offices, shops and over 100 lifts.

The Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, were completed in 1988. They are 452m tall and have 88 storeys each. They are made of concrete, steel and glass and are linked by a skybridge at the 41 st storey. Inside the towers are offices, a concert hall and a reference library. The Petronas Twin Towers were built as a symbol of unity and strength for the Malaysian people.

The Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, were completed in 1988. They are 452m tall and have 88 storeys each. They are made of concrete, steel and glass and are linked by a skybridge at the 41 st storey. Inside the towers are offices, a concert hall and a reference library. The Petronas Twin Towers were built as a symbol of unity and strength for the Malaysian people.

Read the article and match the paragraphs A-D to the headings 1-4 A В 1. What you can do at the place  2. Name and location of the place   3. General remarks, recommendation  4. Historical details.   С D

Read the article and match the paragraphs A-D to the headings 1-4



1. What you can do at the place 2. Name and location of the place 3. General remarks, recommendation 4. Historical details.



Which of the following recommendations are positive? Which are negative? 1. Everyone can have a wonderful time there. Niagara Falls is a place to visit again and again.  2. You will be glad when it is time to leave. It is a very boring place to visit.  3. Niagara Falls is certainly worth a visit. It is a truly unique experience.  4. A visit there is a must. You will want to go back.  5. I would definitely not recommend the place. It is the worst trip anyone could ever make.

Which of the following recommendations are positive?

Which are negative?

1. Everyone can have a wonderful time there. Niagara Falls is a place to visit again and again. 2. You will be glad when it is time to leave. It is a very boring place to visit. 3. Niagara Falls is certainly worth a visit. It is a truly unique experience. 4. A visit there is a must. You will want to go back. 5. I would definitely not recommend the place. It is the worst trip anyone could ever make.

THE GRAND CANYON -ARIZONA, USA  American’s most beautiful natural landmark  16 km wide - 450 km long  made of red rock  Walls of canyon: 250 million years old  formed by water cutting through the rocks  rocks at bottom: 2 billion years old  1540: first time Europeans saw the canyon  - Activities: go on hiking trips, go camping, guided tours, go skiing on one of the northern sections of the canyon, see animals (deer, squirrels, wild turkeys, bears, mountain lions)  PLAN YOUR TRIP NOW -  YOU WON’T REGRET IT

THE GRAND CANYON -ARIZONA, USA American’s most beautiful natural landmark 16 km wide - 450 km long made of red rock Walls of canyon: 250 million years old formed by water cutting through the rocks rocks at bottom: 2 billion years old 1540: first time Europeans saw the canyon - Activities: go on hiking trips, go camping, guided tours, go skiing on one of the northern sections of the canyon, see animals (deer, squirrels, wild turkeys, bears, mountain lions) PLAN YOUR TRIP NOW - YOU WON’T REGRET IT

Write appropriate supporting sentences for the topic sentences 1 to 4. 1. One of the most spectacular natural landmarks in the world is the Grand Canyon.  2. The canyon is ancient.  3. You’ll never be bored there.  4. It’s a wonderful place to visit.

Write appropriate supporting sentences for the topic sentences 1 to 4.

1. One of the most spectacular natural landmarks in the world is the Grand Canyon. 2. The canyon is ancient. 3. You’ll never be bored there. 4. It’s a wonderful place to visit.

Writing Tip When we write an article about a place, we can write four paragraphs . In the introduction , we write the name and location of the place. In the second paragraph , we write the history of the place. In the third paragraph , we write what one can see or do there. In the conclusion , we recommend the place. We normally use present tenses in such pieces of writing. We use past tenses to write about the history of the place.

Writing Tip

When we write an article about a place, we can write four paragraphs . In the introduction , we write the name and location of the place. In the second paragraph , we write the history of the place. In the third paragraph , we write what one can see or do there. In the conclusion , we recommend the place. We normally use present tenses in such pieces of writing. We use past tenses to write about the history of the place.

Plan  Introduction  (Paragraph 1) name & location of the place  Main Body  (Paragraph 2) historical details  (Paragraph 3) what you can do there  Conclusion  (Paragraph 4) general comments,    recommendation

Plan Introduction (Paragraph 1) name & location of the place Main Body (Paragraph 2) historical details (Paragraph 3) what you can do there Conclusion (Paragraph 4) general comments, recommendation

YOUR HOMEWORK: Write an article (120-150 words) about the  Grand Canyon. Use your answers, the writing tip and the plan. You can use the article about Niagara Falls as a model.


Write an article (120-150 words) about the Grand Canyon. Use your answers, the writing tip and the plan. You can use the article about Niagara Falls as a model.

Сегодня я узнал...  Было трудно…  Я понял, что…  Я научился…  Я смог…  Было интересно узнать, что…  Меня удивило…

Сегодня я узнал... Было трудно… Я понял, что… Я научился… Я смог… Было интересно узнать, что… Меня удивило…

Использованные материалы: I. Интернет ресурсы: 1. http://www.colors.life/upload/blogs/bb/0f/bb0fd44dabb4287be1f6ab68613d3324_RSZ_690.jpeg – изображение Эйфелевой башни 2. http :// buylovely . com / files / funzug / imgs /arch/highest_buildings_sky_06.jpg – изображение The Chrysler Building 3. http://all-new- york.ru / wp -content/uploads/2011/11/Empire-State- Building.jpg – изображение the Empire State Building 4. http://s51.radikal.ru/i133/0907/02/2e95d534b97f.jpg – изображение The Sears Tower 5. http:// alicja.qipru.users.photofile.ru /photo/ alicja.qipru /151087497/ xlarge /170424794.jpg – изображение The Petronas Twin Towers 6. http :// a 1209. hizliresim . com /11/ b / cuzuj . jpg – изображение Ниагарского водопада 7. http://40.media.tumblr.com/336cfda415c9cae28e593e4d5d2b403e/tumblr_nfr55fJkaZ1rwtzqno1_500.png – изображение Гранд каньона 8. http://img7.arrivo.ru/cfcd/5c/1490/1/usa-unesco-flickr.com-benontherun.com.jpg - изображение Гранд каньона 9. http :// www . tuaregviatges . es / asia / viajes _ a _ rusia / fotografia / viajar _ a _ rusia _5224- De _ Moscu _ al _ Lago _ Baikal _ en _ el _ Ferrocarril _ TraNsiberiano-12.jpg – изображение Trans-Siberian Railway 10. http://www.krasfun.ru/images/2011/10/9af2b_0_6fa1e_b25a4db4_XXL.jpg - изображение Hoover Dam 11. http :// www .29 feb . ru / picture / panama - kanal -1. jpg – изображение Панамского канала 12. http :// esoteric 4 u . com / images /7_ nauka _ kak _ metod / stounhendj . JPG – изображение Stonehenge 13. http://kolyan.net/uploads/posts/2013-04/thumbs/1365324151_best-full-hd-wallpapers-vol.-86-30.jpg - изображение Гранд каньона 14. http :// australianism . ru / u / rkj / sydney _ opera _(8)_800_600. jpg изображение Оперного театра в Сиднее 15. http://img1.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/b/3/26/913/26913579_pic144.jpg изображение моста – радуги в штате Юта, США II. Virginia Evans, Neil O’Sullivan. Click On 2. Workbook. - Newbury: Express Publishing, 2001. III. Virginia Evans, Neil O’Sullivan. Click On 2. Teacher’s Book. - Newbury: Express Publishing, 2001.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Man - made and natural wonders

Автор: Жаглина Татьяна Владимировна

Дата: 01.04.2017

Номер свидетельства: 405733

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