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Live in Harmony with the World

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«Live in Harmony with the World»

Live in Harmony with the World

Presenter 1: What is to live in harmony with others?

Presenter 2: What for to live in harmony with others?

Presenter 1: Can you say that you live in harmony with the world?

Presenter 2: We have heard, seen and read the answers to these questions given by scientists, artists and people of virtue. Today we have asked our mates what they are thinking of it. Please, have a look..

Interviewed 1: For me to live in harmony with others is to have no conflicts with other people. You try to understand the needs of others and be able to forgive their faults. Really, I try to avoid conflicts within my family and with my friends. In general, conflicts are destructive. So be patient and tolerant to each other.

Interviewed 2: Ok, I am sure that if you want to be successful in your life you must take this world in with all its defects and problems. You need to be able to appreciate your opportunities in this world and to fit the surroundings which may change rather quickly. I am always trying to be flexible, that means to be in harmony with the quickly changing world around me.

Interviewed 3: For me harmony is living in peace with oneself and other people. We all are far from being angels. One may have disabilities and problems, physical and moral. The thing is that you can improve this world only with the help of understanding, tolerance and love. I think, the progress of this civilization is possible if we stay tolerant, then we will not destroy each other. Remember Dostoyevsky's "Beauty will save this world"? Kindness and tolerance will do the same.


Presenter 1: There are good words MERCY and COMPASSION. What are they for you?

Interviewed 4: I believe all of us need to be merciful and feel compassion not only towards our relatives and friends, but also to other people who suffer or are being in a hard life situation. Misfortune may happen to everybody, neither money, nor social status can help to survive the loss of someone’s beloved, to reconcile with a death disease. A kind treatment and compassion can help here.

Presenter 2: In all world religions and spiritual practice people are being taught mercy and compassion. Listen to this teaching, it is the wisdom proved through centuries.


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Live in Harmony with the World

Автор: Старшинова Людмила Ивановна

Дата: 30.08.2017

Номер свидетельства: 426819

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