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Let's revise

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the  theme of the lesson: Let's revise.

Educational aim: a). to introduce new words

b). to learn new materialsc). to teach,reading writing listening the new words.

Developing  aim: to develop istening, reading, speaking

culturul aim: to teach pupil work in pairs, in groups

the type of the lesson: new lesson

the form of the lesson: group work, work in pairs, question -answer

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Быстро и объективно проверять знания учащихся.
Сделать изучение нового материала максимально понятным.
Избавить себя от подбора заданий и их проверки после уроков.
Наладить дисциплину на своих уроках.
Получить возможность работать творчески.

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«Let's revise»


Date: 5.02.2016

The theme of the lesson: Let’s revise

The aims:

Educational aim: a) to introduce new words

b)to learn use grammar materials

c)to teach reading, speaking, writing ,listening to the new words

Developing aim: To develop listening, reading, speaking, to work with in pairs, to make dialogue ,to describe the pictures

Cultural aim: To teach work in pairs ,in groups

The type of the lesson: new lesson

The form of the lesson: group work, work in pairs, question-answer

Visual aids: The blackboard, the desks, chess pieces and pictures.

The outline of the lesson:

І. Organization moment


-introducing with pupils

-checking up the pupils

ІI. Revising the material

– Look at the blackboard. Our topic is «Comparison of the adjectives». What adjectives do you know? Very good.
– I want you to refresh your memory with the grammar material. – Look at the poster. Read, please. Right. So we have two types of forming comparisons: for short adjectives and for long adjectives.

And, of course, we have some exceptions.


Comparative degree

Superlative degree

One syllabic adjectives







The cheapest

The smallest

The biggest

Adjectives ending

in -y





The dirtiest

The earliest

One or more syllabic adjectives




More expensive

More important

More polluted

The most expensive

The most important

The most polluted

Irregular adjectives








The best

The worst

The most

– Now it’s time to do some exercises. The first task is: give the degrees of comparison of the following adjectives. Let’s write on your copy books as more words as you can. I’ll give you 3 minutes.

II. Crossword.

Now, pupils it’s time to guess the crossword. On the board you can see the pictures. Looking for the pictures you must guess and write on the paper. There are ten pictures. At the end you’ll read the sentence

There’s a great view of London from Tower bridge.

  1. Theatre

  2. Tower

  3. Town square

  4. Museum

  5. Sports stadium

  6. Harbour

  7. Restaurant

  8. Airport

  9. Bridge

  10. Shopping centre

  1. Ok pupils you’re clever.

  2. III. Doing exercises.

  3. Look at the board. You can see pictures of New York in UK and New York in USA.

  4. Do you know that New York in UK is a small village? And New York in USA is the largest and the noisiest city in USA.

  5. Let’s compare them while doing exercise 3 on page 48.

  6. New York City is an exciting place. It’s the biggest city in the USA. It’s got the most famous museums, the most interesting shops and the best restaurants and cafes in the world. But wait a minute, there is another New York . Where is it? It’s in UK. It’s smaller than New York City. There aren’t any famous buildings and there aren’t any shops. It’s quieter , but the people are more friendlier.

  1. .

  2. V. A proverb.

  3. Let’s read and understand the meanings of these proverbs.

  4. East or West – home is best.
    Two heads are better than one.
    Honesty is the best policy.
    Better late than never

  5. Translate into Kazakh and Russian.

  6. VI. Doing exercises .

  7. Look at your books let’s do compare your town to New York City. Use these adjectives.

  8. Big, small, interesting, expensive, famous, quiet, noisy, friendly, good

  9. My town is quieter than New York. New York is the noisiest city in the world. My town is friendlier than New York. My town is smaller than NY. The shopping center in NY is the most expensive. The Statue of Liberty is the biggest.

  10. VII. Physical exercises

  11. Look at the Board and repeat

  12. VIII. Make a dialogue.

  13. Imagine that you’re in New York City. Make a conversation with your partner.

  14. Use these sentences. .

  • How about going shopping?

  • Let’s climb the tallest building in the city.

  • Why don’t we visit the bridge?

  • What about going to the theatre?

  • Why don’t we go rollerblading in the park?

  • Let’s eat in a restaurant.

  1. IX. Sing a song

  2. Yesterday’s dream

  3. X. Giving hometask

  4. To review

  5. XI. Marking the pupils

  6. XII. the end of the lesson

  7. The lesson is over . Good bye

  8. School gymnasium # 9 by Nagy Ilyasov

  9. The open Lesson

  10. The theme : “Let’s revise”

  11. Grade: 6 “G”

  12. Teacher: Nurzhanova Gulnur

  13. Date: 5.02.2016

    1. Этапы урока, время

    1. Речь учителя

    1. Запись на доске

    1. 1. Организационный момент (2 мин.)



    1. 2. Речевая  зарядка  (3 мин.)

    1. – Look at the blackboard. Our topic is «Comp arison of the adjectives». What adjectives do you know? Very good.
      – I want you to refresh your memory with the grammar material. – Look at the poster. Read, please. Right. So we have two types of forming comparisons: for short adjectives and for long adjectives. And, of course, we have some exceptions.

    1. Comparison

    2. Плакат (Приложение 1)

    1. 3. Отработка  грамматического материала (6 мин.)

    1. – Now it’s time to do some exercises. The first task is: give the degrees of comparison of the following adjectives:Clean, dirty, interesting, colorful, новый, старый, теплый, дорогой, красивый, популярный, плохой, хороший, маленький.

    2. – Thank you very much.
      – Let’s compare two objects…
      – Thank you.




    4. Презентация. Слайды 2-5

    1. 4. Использование приготовленных дома картинок (6 мин)

    1. – Now I want you to come to the blackboard and show us your pictures with the pair of things to compare. Who wants to be the first? Come to the blackboard, please.

    2. – Good pictures and good answers! You are the best!


    1. 5. Работа в группах (4 мин)

    1. – Let’s work in groups. The task is: match two pieces of the following sentences in order to get a proverb. There are some adjectives in these proverbs. Which group will be the first?
      Read and translate the proverbs.

    2. East or West – home is best.
      Two heads are better than one.
      Honesty is the best policy.
      Better late than never.

    3. – Thank you very much for your work.

    1. Каждая группа получает карточки, из которых собирает  пословицы
      (Приложение 2)

    1. 6. Введение и отработка идиоматического материала (6 мин)

    1. – Look at the blackboard, please. Let’s read and translate this very funny poem.
      – Now I want you to use the construction “the…the…” I want you to give me similar phrases that can be used in the following situations:

    1. To be a good runner you must run …(the faster the better),

    2. Your parents want your marks to be …(the higher the better),

    3. Our birthday cake must be …(the bigger the better, the tastier the better),

    4. We want the weather to be …(the warmer the better, the colder the better),

    5. To be a good weight-lifter you must be… (the stronger the better),

    6. We want ice-cream to cost …(the cheaper the better)

    1. – Very good. You can use this construction to form a lot of sentences.

    1. Презентация. Слайд 6



    4. Презентация. Слайд 7

    1. 7. Отработка грамматического материала (10 мин)

    1. – Now the task is a bit more difficult. You should compare three objects. 
      – Which object is the highest of all?
      – Which picture is the most beautiful?
      – Well done. Thank you.


    2. Презентация. Слайды 8-11

    1. 8. Домашнее задание (6 мин.)

    1. – Your home task will be the following. Read the task, please:

    2. Write a short composition about famous/ interesting places in your city for a teen magazine. 
      Which are the most famous/ interesting places in your city?
      Why do you think so? 
      What can you do there? 
      Choose two places, which are interesting for you, and write a short composition about our city. 

    3. – What are you going to write?
      – For whom are you going to write?
      – How many places should you describe?
      – How many questions should you answer about each place?

    4. – Do you know the most popular swimming pool in our city?
      – Yes, it’s Lazurny. Why do you think so?
      – What can you do there?

    5. – Now I’m sure you can do the task well.

    1. Карточки с заданием и планом сочинения (Приложение 3)

    1. 9. Подведение итогов урока (2 мин)




  15. "It's interesting to know".

  16. It's interesting to know that the fastest animal is Gerard. Its record is 110 kilometers an hour.

  17. It is hard to believe that the largest and the most impressive animals are Blue whales. They are 30 meters long and weigh about 125 tons. They are three times heavier than the biggest dinosaur.

  18. The tallest animal is Giraffe. It is about 7 meters high. The baby Giraffe is 2 meters high.

  19. The best eaters are elephants. They eat 100 kilos of food a day and drink 189 liters a day.

  20. The hardiest animal is the Arabian camel. It can walk 60 kilometers a day.

  21. It’s interesting that the mice can sing.

  22. The crocodile can smile.







    1. Урок является вторым в серии из 10 уроков по теме «Правила поведения».

    1. Цели урока:

    2. 1. Обучающая

    3. 2. Развивающая

    4. 3. Воспитательная


    2. Закрепление нового грамматического материала (Образование степеней сравнения прилагательных).

    3. Развитие внимания, памяти, воображения, развитие речевых навыков по теме.

    4. Воспитание чувства уважения к культуре страны изучаемого языка. Поддерживать интерес к изучению иностранного языка.

    1. Задачи урока:

    2. 1.Образовательная

    3. 2. Развивающие


    2. Формировать лексико-грамматические навыки на уровне предложения.

    3. Формировать умения и навыки работы с имеющимся словарным запасом, развивать лексический запас.
      Развивать логическое мышление на основе изучаемого грамматического материла.

    1. Оснащение урока:

    1. Доска, учебник,  карточки, компьютерная презентация.

    1. Учебник:

    1. Ваулина Ю.Е. Английский в фокусе. [Текст] / Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Д., Подоляко О.Е. и др.: учебник для 6 класса общеобразовательных учреждений  – М.: Express publishing: Просвещение, 2006. – 136 с.


  30. -+1. Организационный момент

  31. 2. Сообщение темы

  32. Мотивация и настрой на учебную деятельность через речевую зарядку. Учащиеся называют любые знакомые им прилагательные, которые используются для описания предметов, затем прочитывают прилагательные на плакате, где показано образование степеней сравнения.

  33. 3. Выполнение лексико-грамматических упражнений

  34. Учащиеся называют степени сравнения прилагательных, которые называет учитель (используются уже известная лексика). Следующее задание на тему: сравнительная степень сравнения, которая используется для сравнивания двух предметов по какому-либо признаку. Учащимся предлагается сравнить два объекта – на слайдах 2-5, используя данные на слайдах или другие прилагательные.

  35. 4. Устное  закрепление изученного грамматического материала

  36. На предыдущем уроке было дано домашнее задание: нарисовать два предмета и написать несколько прилагательных, которые можно использовать, чтобы сравнить эти предметы, например, две куклы, два воздушных шара, два карандаша и т.д. Теперь, после тренировки образования степеней сравнения, учащимся предлагается использовать эти картинки и составить предложения, содержащие степени сравнения прилагательных.

  37. 5. Работа в группах

  38. Используется элемент игровой технологии – соревнование (какая группа быстрее составит предложения). Из половинок предложений учащиеся составляют пословицы.

  39. 6. Введение новой конструкции происходит на примере уже использованной пословицы «Чем скорее, тем лучше». Учащиеся читают и переводят шуточное стихотворение, а потом, используя повторяющуюся несколько раз конструкцию, сами составляют похожие предложения. Можно дать подсказку в виде прилагательных, которые можно использовать в этих предложениях.

  40. 7. Отработка превосходной степени сравнения

  41. На слайде картинки, содержащие три предмета, и учащиеся составляют предложения, содержащие сравнительную и превосходную степень сравнения прилагательных.

  42. 8. Постановка и объяснение домашнего задания, которое представляет собой письменное закрепление изученного материала. Учащимся предлагается написать небольшое сочинение о самых интересных и примечательных местах нашего города. Им выдается план, примерные фразы начала и окончания сочинения, вопросы, на которые нужно ответить для правильного и полного описания какого-либо примечательного сооружения или места нашего города.

  43. 9. Подведение итогов урока

    1. Этапы урока, время

    1. Речь учителя

    1. Запись на доске

    1. 1. Организационный момент (2 мин.)



    1. 2. Речевая  зарядка  (3 мин.)

    1. – Look at the blackboard. Our topic is «Comparison of the adjectives». What adjectives do you know? Very good.
      – I want you to refresh your memory with the grammar material. – Look at the poster. Read, please. Right. So we have two types of forming comparisons: for short adjectives and for long adjectives. And, of course, we have some exceptions.

    1. Comparison

    2. Плакат (Приложение 1)

    1. 3. Отработка  грамматического материала (6 мин.)

    1. – Now it’s time to do some exercises. The first task is: give the degrees of comparison of the following adjectives:Clean, dirty, interesting, colorful, новый, старый, теплый, дорогой, красивый, популярный, плохой, хороший, маленький.

    2. – Thank you very much.
      – Let’s compare two objects…
      – Thank you.




    4. Презентация. Слайды 2-5

    1. 4. Использование приготовленных дома картинок (6 мин)

    1. – Now I want you to come to the blackboard and show us your pictures with the pair of things to compare. Who wants to be the first? Come to the blackboard, please.

    2. – Good pictures and good answers! You are the best!


    1. 5. Работа в группах (4 мин)

    1. – Let’s work in groups. The task is: match two pieces of the following sentences in order to get a proverb. There are some adjectives in these proverbs. Which group will be the first?
      Read and translate the proverbs.

    2. East or West – home is best.
      Two heads are better than one.
      Honesty is the best policy.
      Better late than never.

    3. – Thank you very much for your work.

    1. Каждая группа получает карточки, из которых собирает  пословицы
      (Приложение 2)

    1. 6. Введение и отработка идиоматического материала (6 мин)

    1. – Look at the blackboard, please. Let’s read and translate this very funny poem.
      – Now I want you to use the construction “the…the…” I want you to give me similar phrases that can be used in the following situations:

    1. To be a good runner you must run …(the faster the better),

    2. Your parents want your marks to be …(the higher the better),

    3. Our birthday cake must be …(the bigger the better, the tastier the better),

    4. We want the weather to be …(the warmer the better, the colder the better),

    5. To be a good weight-lifter you must be… (the stronger the better),

    6. We want ice-cream to cost …(the cheaper the better)

    1. – Very good. You can use this construction to form a lot of sentences.

    1. Презентация. Слайд 6



    4. Презентация. Слайд 7

    1. 7. Отработка грамматического материала (10 мин)

    1. – Now the task is a bit more difficult. You should compare three objects. 
      – Which object is the highest of all?
      – Which picture is the most beautiful?
      – Well done. Thank you.


    2. Презентация. Слайды 8-11

    1. 8. Домашнее задание (6 мин.)

    1. – Your home task will be the following. Read the task, please:

    2. Write a short composition about famous/ interesting places in your city for a teen magazine. 
      Which are the most famous/ interesting places in your city?
      Why do you think so? 
      What can you do there? 
      Choose two places, which are interesting for you, and write a short composition about our city. 

    3. – What are you going to write?
      – For whom are you going to write?
      – How many places should you describe?
      – How many questions should you answer about each place?

    4. – Do you know the most popular swimming pool in our city?
      – Yes, it’s Lazurny. Why do you think so?
      – What can you do there?

    5. – Now I’m sure you can do the task well.

    1. Карточки с заданием и планом сочинения (Приложение 3)

    1. 9. Подведение итогов урока (2 мин)




    1. Adjectives

    1. Opposites

    1. alive

    1. dead

    1. beautiful

    1. ugly

    1. big

    1. small

    1. bitter

    1. sweet

    1. cheap

    1. expensive

    1. clean

    1. dirty

    1. curly

    1. straight

    1. difficult

    1. easy

    1. good

    1. bad

    1. early

    1. late

    1. fat

    1. thin

    1. full

    1. empty

    1. hot

    1. cold

    1. happy

    1. sad/unhappy

    1. hardworking

    1. lazy

    1. modern

    1. traditional

    1. new

    1. old

    1. nice

    1. nasty

    1. intelligent

    1. stupid

    1. interesting

    1. boring

    1. light

    1. heavy

    1. polite

    1. rude/impolite

    1. poor

    1. rich

    1. quiet

    1. noisy

    1. right

    1. wrong

    1. safe

    1. dangerous

    1. short

    1. long

    1. small

    1. big

    1. soft

    1. hard

    1. single

    1. married

    1. true

    1. false

    1. well

    1. ill/unwell

    1. white

    1. black

  45. List of adjectives. 

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Let's revise

Автор: Нуржанова Гульнур Дуйсенгалиевна

Дата: 18.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 295258

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