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Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 6 класса (Урок 14) к учебнику авторов О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой

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Lesson 14, VI                TEST (VARIANT  1)

  1. What is the English for:
  1. Паспорт; 2) сельское хозяйство;  3) ранить;  4) спасать; 5) краткий  6) собор;  7) тропинка;  8) поступать в университет;  9) спор;  10) поток;
  1. Listening Comprehension. “Three Answers”.
    • journalist – журналист
    • n article –  статья
    • weak point –слабое место, слабость

Answer the Questions:

1) What was Ed Newby?

              2) Was Ed nice and modest or was he ugly and stupid?

                    3) With whom did he argue?

                    4) Did stupid people say unusual and funny things?

5) There are always three answers to any question. What are they?

  1. Grammar Test:  Complex Object
  1. They were allowed (buy/to buy/buying) ice-cream.
  2. Kate wants you (go/to go/going) there.
  3. He saw the girl (walk/to walk/walking) along the path.
  4. You made me (do/to do/doing) it.
  5. Nobody noticed the thief (enter/to enter/entering) the house.
  1. Fill in the preposition:


  1. Don’t look (at/for/after) me so angrily.
  2. Who will look (at/for/after) the children?
  3. Don’t look (at/for/after) trouble!
  4. She bought a new magazine and looked (at/through/after) it in the evening.
  5. Just a minute! I’ll look the meaning of the word (at/through/up) in the encyclopedia.


Lesson 14, VI                TEST (VARIANT  2)

  1. What is the English for:
  1. Альпинист; 2) спорить; 3) вкратце; 4) служить;  5) быстрый;  6) сельскохозяйственный; 7) быть раненым; 8) посетитель;  9) служба спасения; 10) входить 
  1. Listening Comprehension. “Three Answers”.
  2. journalist – журналист
  3. n article –  статья

a weak point –слабое место, слабость

Answer the Questions:


  1.  What did Ed have to do as he was a journalist?
  2. What weak point did Ed have?
  3. About what did he argue?
  4. With what man did Ed argue once?
  5. There are always three answers to any question. What are they?
  1. Grammar Test:  Complex Object


  1. Do they let you (come/to come/coming) home late?
  2. Helen was made (tell/to tell/telling) the truth.
  3. I watched my mother (cut/to cut/cutting) the roses.
  4. We didn’t expect him (be/to be/ being) so smart.
  5. I saw that boy (cross/to cross/crossing) the river.
  1. Fill in the preposition:
  2. He consulted the dictionary to look (for/up/at) the meaning of the word.
  3. They looked (at/for/through) each other angrily.
  4. He is looking (at/for/through) the job.
  5. She looks (at/after/through) her flowers carefully, that’s why they are so nice.
  6. Look (at/after/for) the map of Wales and show me its capital.
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«Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 6 класса (Урок 14) к учебнику авторов О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой »

Lesson 14, VI TEST (VARIANT 1)

  1. What is the English for:

  1. Паспорт; 2) сельское хозяйство; 3) ранить; 4) спасать; 5) краткий 6) собор; 7) тропинка; 8) поступать в университет; 9) спор; 10) поток;

  1. Listening Comprehension. “Three Answers”.

а journalist – журналист

аn article – статья

a weak point –слабое место, слабость

Answer the Questions:

1)What was Ed Newby?

  1. Was Ed nice and modest or was he ugly and stupid?

  2. With whom did he argue?

  3. Did stupid people say unusual and funny things?

  4. There are always three answers to any question. What are they?

  1. Grammar Test: Complex Object

  1. They were allowed (buy/to buy/buying) ice-cream.

  2. Kate wants you (go/to go/going) there.

  3. He saw the girl (walk/to walk/walking) along the path.

  4. You made me (do/to do/doing) it.

  5. Nobody noticed the thief (enter/to enter/entering) the house.

  1. Fill in the preposition:

  1. Don’t look (at/for/after) me so angrily.

  2. Who will look (at/for/after) the children?

  3. Don’t look (at/for/after) trouble!

  4. She bought a new magazine and looked (at/through/after) it in the evening.

  5. Just a minute! I’ll look the meaning of the word (at/through/up) in the encyclopedia.

Lesson 14, VI TEST (VARIANT 2)

  1. What is the English for:

  1. Альпинист; 2) спорить; 3) вкратце; 4) служить; 5) быстрый; 6) сельскохозяйственный; 7) быть раненым; 8) посетитель; 9) служба спасения; 10) входить

  1. Listening Comprehension. “Three Answers”.

а journalist – журналист

аn article – статья

a weak point –слабое место, слабость

Answer the Questions:

  1. What did Ed have to do as he was a journalist?

  2. What weak point did Ed have?

  3. About what did he argue?

  4. With what man did Ed argue once?

  5. There are always three answers to any question. What are they?

  1. Grammar Test: Complex Object

  1. Do they let you (come/to come/coming) home late?

  2. Helen was made (tell/to tell/telling) the truth.

  3. I watched my mother (cut/to cut/cutting) the roses.

  4. We didn’t expect him (be/to be/ being) so smart.

  5. I saw that boy (cross/to cross/crossing) the river.

  1. Fill in the preposition:

  1. He consulted the dictionary to look (for/up/at) the meaning of the word.

  2. They looked (at/for/through) each other angrily.

  3. He is looking (at/for/through) the job.

  4. She looks (at/after/through) her flowers carefully, that’s why they are so nice.

  5. Look (at/after/for) the map of Wales and show me its capital.


  1. What is the English for:

  1. passport; 2) agriculture; 3) injure; 4) rescue; 5) brief 6) cathedral; 7) path; 8) enter university; 9) 10) stream 11) argument

  1. Listening Comprehension. “Three Answers”.

а journalist – журналист

аn article – статья

a weak point –слабое место, слабость

Answer the Questions:

1. Ed Newby was a journalist.

2. Ed was nice and modest.

3. He argued with everybody and about everything.

4. Sometimes stupid people said unusual and funny things.

5. There are always three answers to any question: your answer, my answer and the correct answer.

  1. Grammar Test: Complex Object

  1. They were allowed to buy ice-cream.

  2. Kate wants you (go/to go/going) there.

  3. He saw the girl (walk/to walk/walking) along the path.

  4. You made me (do/to do/doing) it.

  5. Nobody noticed the thief (enter/to enter/entering) the house.

  1. Fill in the preposition:

  1. Don’t look (at/for/after) me so angrily.

  2. Who will look (at/for/after) the children?

  3. Don’t look (at/for/after) trouble!

  4. She bought a new magazine and looked (at/through/after) it in the evening.

  5. Just a minute! I’ll look the meaning of the word (at/through/up) in the encyclopedia.

Lesson 14, VI TEST (VARIANT 2)

  1. What is the English for:

1)climber; 2) argue; 3) in brief; 4) serve; 5) agricultural; 6) be injured; 7) fluent; 8) visitor; 9) ; 10) Rescue Service; 11) enter

  1. Listening Comprehension. “Three Answers”.

а journalist – журналист

аn article – статья

a weak point –слабое место, слабость

Answer the Questions:

1. Ed had to travel a lot as he was a journalist

  1. Ed had one weak point: he liked arguing very much.

  2. He argued about everything.

  3. Once Ed argued with a man who was not very clever.

  4. There are always three answers to any question: your answer, my answer and the correct answer.

  1. Grammar Test: Complex Object

  1. Do they let you (come/to come/coming) home late?

  2. Helen was made (tell/to tell/telling) the truth.

  3. I watched my mother (cut/to cut/cutting) the roses.

  4. We didn’t expect him (be/to be/ being) so smart.

  5. I saw that boy (cross/to cross/crossing) the river.

  1. Fill in the preposition:

  1. He consulted the dictionary to look (for/up/at) the meaning of the word.

  2. They looked (at/for/through) each other angrily.

  3. He is looking (at/for/through) the job.

  4. She looks (at/after/through) her flowers carefully, that’s why they are so nice.

  5. Look (at/after/for) the map of Wales and show me its capital.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Автор: Лукина Наталья Васильевна

Дата: 18.01.2015

Номер свидетельства: 157625

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