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Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме «Peoples’ Friendship»

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Расширение и обогащение лексики по теме: “Праздники и обычаи ”;

Стимулирование речевой деятельности;

Развитие познавательной активности и творческих способностей.

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«Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме «Peoples’ Friendship»»

Конспект урока по английскому языку

по теме «Peoples’ Friendship» (Дружба народов)

Цель урока: Создание условий для личностной самореализации и личностного развития каждого обучающегося, формирование у него компетенций по средствам погружения в тему ««Peoples’ Friendship».


  • Познавательный аспект:

  • Совершенствование произносительных навыков;

  • Активизация некоторых грамматических явлений;

  • Расширение и обогащение лексики по теме: “Праздники и обычаи ”;

  • Стимулирование речевой деятельности;

  • Развитие познавательной активности и творческих способностей.

Развивающий аспект:

  • Развитие способностей к сравнению и формулированию выводов из полученной информации;

  • Формирование информационных компетенций через презентации и работу с текстом;

  • Расширение коммуникативных способностей обучающегося через работу в парах и в группе.

Воспитательный аспект:

  • Воспитание чувства партнерства, любознательности, стремление доводить до конца;

  • Воспитание культуры поведения;

  • Осознание реалий родной культуры.

Общие компетенции, формируемые на уроке:

  • ОК  1. Расширение познавательной сферы обучающегося;

  • ОК 4. Осуществление поиска, анализа и оценки информации, необходимой для постановки и решения профессиональных задач, профессионального и личностного развития;

  • ОК 5. Умение работать в команде.

Ожидаемые результаты урока:

  • знание лексики по теме

  • использование полученные знания и умения в практической деятельности

  • умение применять полученные знания в практической и профессиональной деятельности

  • умение воспринимать на слух и использовать  иноязычную речь .

  • Формы организации работы учащихся

  • групповая

  • индивидуальная

  • парная

Формы организации работы учителя:

  • организаторская

  • обучающая

  • контролирующая

  • стимулирующая



  • Посадочные места по количеству обучающихся;

  • Рабочее место преподавателя;

  • Аппаратное и программное обеспечение:

  • Компьютер или интерактивная доска

  • Программное обеспечение: MS Power Point

  • Карточки с приветствиями

Ход урока.

Приветствие (на разных языках: английский –Good morning, чувашский – Ыра кун пултар, русский – Здравствуйте, татарский - Исэнмесез , марийский - Шала).

( Все участники в национальных костюмах).

Teacher: Today we have gathered here to show the difference between cultures. In spite of having being some difference there is some relationship between them. Our students have prepared the presentation about national holidays and traditions. Each group represents some national group ( три человека в каждой группе).

Чтобы всем было понятно презентации сделаны на двух языках с переводом.

Teacher: Let’s begin with English group – Thanksgiving day ( День благодарения) (Выходят к доске. Один – говорит на английском, второй– на русском языке).

1 группа

Thanksgiving is a happy holiday on the fourth Thursday of each November. Americans of all religions celebrate this holiday with big dinners and family reunions. It is a time to remember all the good things in life and to be thankful. Turkey is a traditional Thanksgiving Day Food.

This holiday was founded by the Pilgrims. They were a group of English settlers who came to Massachusetts in 1620. The Pilgrims came to America because they wanted religious freedom.

Their first winter was difficult, and many of the Pilgrims died. But the following year, the corn harvest was good. And there was celebration for three days. That was the first Thanksgiving.

Every Thanksgiving Macy's department store organizes a parade in New York City. In the parade there are balloons of popular cartoon characters, famous television stars, and bands from all over the United States.

Each year, more than 55 million people watch this parade on television. Many other large American cities also have Thanksgiving Day parades.

Watching college football games on television is also a typical Thanksgiving Day activity.

Teacher: Thank you (спасибо).

2 группа марийская ( Праздник цветов)

Peledysh of Piram (translated with Mari – "flower festival") is celebrated as a national holiday in the Republic of Mari El and abroad. Holiday Peledysh Pyro symbolizes the end of the spring agricultural works and a short rest before the onset of summer work.

In the old days during the holiday Mari kindled a large fire, surrounded by bouquets of flowers as a symbol of the holiday. This event was designed to ensure a good harvest. Mari then turned to God to send them a good harvest. The main treats at the festival were: home brew (cheese), bread (sykyr), pancakes, cakes, pies, berries and mushrooms, dumplings and cheese (packaging). Eggs were a symbol of fertility, which together with the grain threwn on the front page with the wish of a rich harvest. Тау ( спасибо)

3 группа татарская ( Сабантуй)

Sabantuy is a very popular, amusing and loved by everybody Tatar national holiday. It is a celebration of the plough (in tatar language “saban” means “plough” and ‘tuy” means “festival”). Sabantuy doesn’t have a set date. It takes place at the beginning of summer,after the first haymaking. Initially the festivals are arranged in villages.

Earlier people believed that owing to this festival they would have a good harvest.

The competitions of Sabantuy are horse racing, race-in-sack, pillar-climbing, egg-in-spoon-in-mouth-racing, sacks-battle on the crossbar, pots crashing, finding a coin in a beverage made from sour milk. The Tatar wrestling is the main competition of Sabantuy. Wrestlers use towels and the arm to knock down the opponent.In our village all boys take part at this competition to find out their power.

The winner becomes the hero of Sabantuy. The prizes for him is very expensive,like a TV-set or a car. But the main present is a ram.

Sabantuy takes place on the maydan, which would usually be located at the edge of a forest. Рәхмәт! – Спасибо!

4 группа чувашская ( Сурхури)

Surhuri (Chuvash: Сурхури) is the true Chuvash national heathenish holiday.

Surhuri celebrated in the middle of winter. The word Surhuri (Upper Chuvash people pronounce it as "Sorhori" ) means "a sheep leg".

In Ulhash Chuvash pagans celebrate Surhuri in January 6. According to V.K. Magnitskiy, earlier Chuvash people celebrated it at the end of December, on the third Friday after Nikola Day (December 6 ). Approximately it coincides with Russian Christmas. TodayChristmas is called Surhuri. South Chuvash people still differentiate Russian Christmas and Surhuri. The last one is celebrated according to the ancient custom. Chuvash people celebrate thanksgiving holiday with regular sacrifices and prayers corresponding to them. And this holiday consists of continuous festivities, pranks and jokes.Cheremis people know this holiday as "a sheep leg" (shorok yol), so as Chuvashs. So as North Chuvashs Cheremis people celebrate it on Friday before or after Russian Christmas.

According to the description of V.K. Magnitskiy, earlier boys and girls came in the houses and gathered groats and bins, saying the words:

Me-e-e, let sheep have lambs,

Let girls remain virgins,

Let women give birth to babies. Тавтапуç  - Спасибо!

5 группа русская ( Масленица)

Maslenitza is one of the most favourite holidays in our country. It lasts from Monday till Sunday.

It comes either at the end of February or at the beginning of March, this is so-called movable festival. In 2002, Maslenitza took place in March (from 3d up to 9th).

This holiday means the end of winter and the spring coming. It has pagan origin. During this holiday people visit each other, children play snowballs, light bonfires, enjoy horse-sledging.

During these days people should avoid eating any kind of meat, but they are to eat much butter, cheese, sour cream, lots of pancakes.

Lent follows Maslenitza, it is the strictest and long holiday, it lasts 7 weeks. During these weeks people avoid eating fat meals, meat and there are few entertainments.

People must work hard, pray and clean their soul.


Teacher: Thanks to all, students and our guests for your work. At the end I’d like to say that our task – to support friendship with all nations and our neighbors because we are one family!

В конце.

Англичане: Good bye! (До свидания)

Марийцы: Вäшлимеш! До встречи!
Татары: Сау булыгыз! До свидания! 

Чуваши: Тепре тĕл пуличчен! до свидания!

Русские: До свидания!

Подведение итогов урока.

Teacher: So children, you have worked well at the lesson today, haven’t you?

Did you like it? Was it useful and interesting?l

You all will get good marks for your work. Thank you for the lesson. Good bye!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме «Peoples’ Friendship»

Автор: Мельникова Татьяна Ростиславовна

Дата: 03.03.2017

Номер свидетельства: 397589

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