-Let’s do Cluster Cities of GB Let’s do phonetic exercise I live here, You live near, Tom lives so far That he goes in a car We live near, You live here, Tom and Ray Live far away. Listen and repeat the next sounds and words Words .Repeat please Theatre Library Square Museum Traffic lights Church Art gallery Fencing attraction -Look at the blackboard.Firstly What do we know about UK?Let’s remember them. - And now, let’s check up your knowledge.Today we will speak about Cities of Great Britain Answer my questions 1. What is the UK? 2. How many parts does the UK consists of and what are they called? 3. What is the capital of England? 4. What is the capital of Wales? 5. What is the capital of Scotland? 6. What is the capital of Northern Ireland? And at home girls prepare us poem by William Black London in 2 languages:English and Russian. Please(pupil’s poem and presentation). -Work in groups. Jigsaw reading about Oxford, Cambridge, Cardiff .Teacher divide the text into 3 parts.1/2/3/groups.Read the parts of the text .Every pupil takes 1 aspect of the topic, read it, then take 1 expert by this question.Then come again and tell what did he know. Every team has it own expert for another teams.They ask questions to other group Your task is to make up questions to the text, using only these question-words: who, when, where, why, what and answer them Dinamic pause.let’s sing a song “London bridg is…” Match cities and their sightseeing Liverpool-Everton London- Buckingham Palace Stratford upon Avon-William Shakespeare’s house Belfast- Titanic Museum Oxford-University of Oxford Sea life Centre- Birmingham Firstly look to the dialogue “At the travel agency” and complete your own the dialogues Pair work Dialogue “Tourist agency” Imagine yourself that you are at the travel agency and want to travel around the GB.One man will be the agent another will be client.Complete the dialogues about travelling in the city which I give you.(Stratford, London, Belfast) After reading task 