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Конспект урока английского языка с презентацией в 8 классе "СМИ" по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«Personal card of student»

Personal card of student


(please, insert your name and surname)

1. Radio (max 7 scores)


2. Television (max 11 scores)+ 2 (the first)


  1. weather forecast

  2. talk show

  3. game show

  4. news

  5. cartoon

  6. comedy

  7. horror

  8. adventure film

  9. reality show

  10. advertisement

  11. sport

4. Newspaper






Просмотр содержимого документа
«План урока»

Муниципальное казенное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Средняя общеобразовательная школа ст.Приближной»

Прохладненского муниципального района

Кабардино-Балкарской Республики

Открытый урок в 8 классе

в рамках недели науки

по теме:

«Средства массовой информации:

хорошо или плохо?»

УМК Биболетова М.З. «Английский с удовольствием» Enjoy English

Учитель английского языка

Самсонова Елена Владимировна

2016-2017 учебный год

Тема урока: Обобщающий урок по теме «Масс-медиа»

Задачи урока:

- обобщить и закрепить знания по теме «Средства массовой информации»

- тренировать навык аудирования

- тренировать навык устной речи

- закрепить умения групповой работы

Средства обучения: ПК, мультимедиа проектор, раздаточный материал: личные карточки ученика, британская газета «The Guardian», конверты с иллюстрациями, клей, ножницы.

Ход урока.

I. Приветствие, орг. момент (2 мин)

-Good day, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen’s! Welcome to our lessons!

Today we will have a very unusual lesson as we’ve got a lot of guests.

Today we continue to speak on our topic “Mass media: good or bad. С-1

So, now we are ready to start! Let’s do it right now!

II. Вводная беседа (5 мин)

How many kinds of Mass media do you know?

What are they?

(слайд №2)



The Internet


-Let’s summarize! Which of the mass media you like best of all? Why? С-3

We are going to discuss means of mass media which is very suitable because we can get information, listen to music and interviews when we are in different places but we can’t watch the event and people who take part in the programs. We can only imagine them. Please try to guess what is it.



Do you like radio?

What we can hear on the radio? (News, talk show, music, sport and cultural programmes)

Have we got a radio? (Yes we’ve got a lot of radio stations in Russia.) С-5

III. Аудирование (5 мин)

Today we’ve got a lot of guests. One of the guests is a student from the 9th form

And she’ll tell you about a Russian physicist who built the first radio receiver.

(слайд6) Тask 1 C-7

IV. Работа над лекикой. Работа по карточкам.

Children, what kind of M-m is the most common in each family?

(слайд №8)


So, let’s talk about television now. TV is one of the most important mass media. I think you know much about TV. C--9

-You have to find the right word to each picture – you’ve got all these words in your personal cards (слайд №10)

soap opera

talk show

game show





adventure film


reality show


(слайд 11)

Television now plays an important role in our life. It is difficult to say if it is good or bad for us.

It is clear, that television has advantages and disadvantages. But are there more good than bad sides? Work in 2 groups. You have a list of positive and negative opinions about television, the first group - find only negative sides of television, the second group – positive sides, read them. Let’s begin. (3 minutes)

OK, well done.

Now I want you to tell me about television. Come to the board (one by one), Left column – for television

кight column – against television

Now, we`ll talk about press. (слайд №12-15)

VI. Устная речь.

Now, I suggest you make your own newspaper (8 мин)

(каждой группе выдается конверт с иллюстрациями, кусочками текста, заголовками, клей и ножницы)

Children, answer our main question: M-m good or bad? (слайд №16)

VII. Подведение итогов урока

T: Thank you for the lesson. I’ll give you good and excellent marks. But you should value your work too. You Is the lesson interesting or boring for you? Your homework :

  1. In 1894 A.Popov built his first radio receiver

  2. He was born in the village Turinskiye Rudniki in 1859

  3. As a boy he became interested in natural siciences

  4. A. Popov studied physics at the St. Petersburg university

  5. After graduation in 1882 he started to work as a laboratory assistant at the university

  6. He presented his radio receiver to the Russian Physical and Chemical Society on May, 7.

  7. Today radio is popular mass media.

Просмотр содержимого документа
«метод материал»


  1. In 1894 A.Popov built………….. a)popular mass media.

  2. He was born ……………… b)to work as a laboratory assistant at the university

  3. As a boy he became interested………… c)in the village Turinskiye Rudniki in 1859.

  4. A. Popov studed physics…………….. d)in natural sciences.

  5. After graduation in 1882 he started………… i) the Russian Physical and Chemical Society on May, 7.

  6. He presented his radio receiver to ……… f) at the St. Petersburg university

  7. Today radio is ………………….. g)his first radio receiver.


  1. In 1894 A.Popov built………….. a)popular mass media.

  2. He was born ……………… b)to work as a laboratory assistant at the university

  3. As a boy he became interested………… c)in the village Turinskiye Rudniki in 1859.

  4. A. Popov studed physics…………….. d)in natural sciences.

  5. After graduation in 1882 he started………… i) the Russian Physical and Chemical Society on May, 7.

  6. He presented his radio receiver to ……… f) at the St. Petersburg university

  7. Today radio is ………………….. g)his first radio receiver.

Task 2 Task 2

Television Television

  1. weather forecast 1. weather forecast

  2. talk show 2. talk show

  3. game show 3. game show

  4. news 4. news

  5. cartoon 5. cartoon

  6. comedy 6. comedy

  7. horror 7. horror

  8. adventure film 8. adventure film

  9. reality show 9. reality show

  10. advertisement 10. advertisement

  11. sport 11. sport

Card 4

(find the good sides of television)


Waste of time

Bad for eyes

A lot of rubbish

It’s a pleasure

Helps us to learn more about the world

We see many new things

Excellent way to relax

Makes us passive

Our brains become lazy

Saves money (we don’t need to buy tickets to sport matches, cinemas)

Takes away time from activities, doing sports, meeting with friends

A lot of crime and violence

Helps to see famous people


 Card 4

(find the bad sides of television)


Waste of time

Bad for eyes

A lot of rubbish

It’s a pleasure

Helps us to learn more about the world

We see many new things

Excellent way to relax

Makes us passive

Our brains become lazy

Saves money (we don’t need to buy tickets to sport matches, cinemas)

Takes away time from activities, doing sports, meeting with friends

A lot of crime and violence

Helps to see famous people

In 1895 Alexander Stepanovich Popov built his first radio receiver, which contained a coherer. Further refined as a lightning detector, it was presented to the Russian Physical and Chemical Society on May 7, 1895. A depiction of Popov's lightning detector was printed in the Journal of the Russian Physical and Chemical Society the same year.

Alexander Stepanovich Popov (1859-1906) was a Russian physicist who first demonstrated the practical application of electromagnetic (radio) waves, although

he did not apply for a patent for his invention.

Born in the village Turinskiye Rudniki (now Krasnoturinsk, Sverdlovsk Oblast)

in the Ural mountains as the son of a priest, he became interested in natural sciences

early in his youth. His father ensured that Alexander received a good education

at the seminary at Perm, and later studying physics at the St. Petersburg university. After graduation in 1882 he started to work as a laboratory assistant at the university. However, due to the bad funding of the university he changed to a teaching job at the Russian Navy's Torpedo School in Kronstadt on Kotlin Island.

In 1894 he built his first radio receiver, which contained a coherer.

Further refined as a lightning detector, it was presented to the Russian Physical and Chemical Society on May 7, 1895—the day has been celebrated in the Russian Federation as "Radio Day“.

Radio Day is officially marked in Russia and Bulgaria.

Today radio is popular mass media.

There are many radio stations worldwide.

Any of them can be caught practically everywhere. Despite the fact that where you are.

В 1895 году Александр Степанович Попов построил свой первый радиоприемник, который содержал когерер. Доработана, как детектор молний, он был представлен на заседании русского физико-химического общества 7 мая 1895 года. Изображение детектор молний Попова был напечатан в журнале русского физико-химического общества в том же году.

Александр Степанович Попов (1859-1906) - русский физик, который впервые продемонстрировал практическое применение электромагнитных (радио) волн, хотя

он не обращался за патентом на свое изобретение.

Родился в селе Turinskiye рудники (ныне Краснотурьинск, Свердловская область)

в Уральских горах, как сын священника, он увлекся естественными науками

в начале своей молодости. Его отец заверил, что Александр получил хорошее образование

в семинарии в Перми, а позже изучал физику в Санкт-Петербургском университете. После окончания университета в 1882 году он начал работать лаборантом в университете. Однако, из-за плохого финансирования университета он перешел на преподавательскую работу в военно-морской флот Российской школы "Торпедо" в Кронштадт на остров Котлин.

В 1894 году он построил свой первый радиоприемник, который содержал когерер.

Доработана, как детектор молний, он был представлен на заседании русского физико—химического общества 7 мая 1895 года-день отмечается в Российской Федерации как "День Радио“.

День радио официально отмечается в России и Болгарии.

Сегодня радио является популярным СМИ. Существует множество радиостанций по всему миру. Любой из них можно поймать практически везде. Несмотря на то, где вы находитесь.




Advantages Disadvantages

2. Read the text. Complete each sentence with one of the words in the box.

It is not easy to fancy our life without newspapers,……………………,

…………….…, and reviews of all kinds. And what was …………… newspaper like? When was it made?

The earliest newspapers appeared in 59 BC (before Christ) in Rome. It was a handwritten …………..newspaper. It was very little only one………. ….. Julius Caesar ordered …………. them throughout the city to inform the people about ……………. events,………………., military conflicts and executions.

In Europe printed …………………… appeared in he 15th century, when the letter press ………….. . The first daily newspaper in England was published in London in 1702. In 1784,
The Pennsylvania Packet became the first daily newspaper of the United States.

was invented, tabloids, newspapers, daily, to post, scandals, magazines, sheet, the first, political

2. Read the text. Complete each sentence with one of the words in the box.

It is not easy to fancy our life without newspapers,……………………,

…………….…, and reviews of all kinds. And what was …………… newspaper like? When was it made?

The earliest newspapers appeared in 59 BC (before Christ) in Rome. It was a handwritten …………..newspaper. It was very little only one………. ….. Julius Caesar ordered …………. them throughout the city to inform the people about ……………. events,………………., military conflicts and executions.

In Europe printed …………………… appeared in he 15th century, when the letter press ………….. . The first daily newspaper in England was published in London in 1702. In 1784,
The Pennsylvania Packet became the first daily newspaper of the United States.

was invented, tabloids, newspapers, daily, to post, scandals, magazines, sheet, the first, political



Просмотр содержимого презентации



  • Good or bad?
Press Television Radio The Internet

Press Television Radio The Internet

Let’s summarize! Which of the mass media you like best of all? Why?

Let’s summarize! Which of the

mass media you like best of all? Why?

  • As for me I like … best.
  • It makes me feel better.
  • I enjoy watching / listening / surfing …
  • It’s amazing / fantastic / exciting!
  • I really relax …
  • I prefer …


There are a lot of radio stations in Russia

There are a lot of radio stations in Russia

Alexander Stepanovich Popov (1859-1906)   was a Russian physicist who first demonstrated the practical application of electromagnetic (radio) waves. Born in the village Turinskiye Rudniki  in the Ural mountains as the son of a priest, he became interested in natural sciences  early in his youth.

Alexander Stepanovich Popov (1859-1906)

  • was a Russian physicist who first demonstrated the practical application of electromagnetic (radio) waves.
  • Born in the village Turinskiye Rudniki

in the Ural mountains as the son of a priest,

  • he became interested in natural sciences

early in his youth.

  • Beginning in the early 1890s he conducted experiments along the lines of Heinrich Hertz's research.
  • In 1894 he built his first radio receiver.


  • In 1894 A.Popov built his first radio receiver
  • He was born in the village Turinskiye Rudniki in 1859
  • As a boy he became interested in natural sciences
  • A. Popov studied physics at the St. Petersburg university
  • After graduation in 1882 he started to work as a laboratory assistant at the university
  • He presented his radio receiver to the Russian Physical and Chemical Society on May, 7.
  • Today radio is popular mass media.


weather forecast talk show game show news cartoon comedy horror adventure film reality show advertisement sport
  • weather forecast
  • talk show
  • game show
  • news
  • cartoon
  • comedy
  • horror
  • adventure film
  • reality show
  • advertisement
  • sport
d b a c e f g h i j k












Task 2

Task 2

  • weather forecast -d
  • talk show -h
  • game show -c
  • news -j
  • cartoon -a
  • comedy -i
  • horror -k
  • adventure film -f
  • reality show -e
  • advertisement -b
  • sport -g


Let’s discuss:

Let’s discuss:

  • What kinds of newspapers are there in Britain?
  • How do they differ?
  • What popular British newspapers can you name?
  • What quality British papers can you remember?
Quality newspapers

Quality newspapers

  • The Times, the Guardian, the Daily Telegraph, the Independent, the Financial Times, the Observer, the Sunday Times and the Sunday Telegraph.
Popular papers

Popular papers

  • They publish sensational news. The popular papers are the News of the world, the Sun, the Daily Mirror and others. They publish personal articles which shock the reader. Many articles deal with the private lives of people
It is not easy to fancy our life without newspapers,…, …, and reviews of all kinds. And what was … newspaper like? When was it made?   The earliest newspapers  appeared in 59 BC (before Christ) in Rome. It was a handwritten …newspaper. It was very little only one… . Julius Caesar ordered … them throughout the city to inform the people about … events,…, military conflicts and executions.   In Europe printed … appeared in he 15 th century, when the letter press … . The first daily newspaper in England was published in London in 1702. In 1784, The Pennsylvania Packet became the first daily newspaper of the United States.    was invented, tabloids, newspapers, daily, to post, scandals,  magazines, sheet, the first, political

It is not easy to fancy our life without newspapers,…, …, and reviews of all kinds. And what was … newspaper like? When was it made? The earliest newspapers appeared in 59 BC (before Christ) in Rome. It was a handwritten …newspaper. It was very little only one… . Julius Caesar ordered … them throughout the city to inform the people about … events,…, military conflicts and executions. In Europe printed … appeared in he 15 th century, when the letter press … . The first daily newspaper in England was published in London in 1702. In 1784, The Pennsylvania Packet became the first daily newspaper of the United States. was invented, tabloids, newspapers, daily, to post, scandals, magazines, sheet, the first, political

It is not easy to fancy our life without newspapers,………….. , ……, and reviews of all kinds. And what was …………newspaper like? When was it made?   The earliest newspapers  appeared in 59 BC (before Christ) in Rome. It was a handwritten ……. newspaper. It was very little only one ..….. . Julius Caesar ordered ........... them throughout the city to inform the people about ………....events, …………, military conflicts and executions.   In Europe printed …………….. appeared in he 15 th century, when the letter press………………. . The first daily newspaper in England was published in London in 1702. In 1784, The Pennsylvania Packet became the first daily newspaper of the United States.     Magic Box newspapers scandals sheet political magazines tabloids to post the first daily was invented

It is not easy to fancy our life without newspapers,………….. , ……, and reviews of all kinds. And what was …………newspaper like? When was it made? The earliest newspapers appeared in 59 BC (before Christ) in Rome. It was a handwritten ……. newspaper. It was very little only one ..….. . Julius Caesar ordered ........... them throughout the city to inform the people about ………....events, …………, military conflicts and executions. In Europe printed …………….. appeared in he 15 th century, when the letter press………………. . The first daily newspaper in England was published in London in 1702. In 1784, The Pennsylvania Packet became the first daily newspaper of the United States.

Magic Box







to post

the first


was invented



  • good or bad?

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Автор: Самсонова Елена Владимировна

Дата: 01.11.2017

Номер свидетельства: 436128

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