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Конспект открытого урока в 8 классе по теме "Solving School Problems"

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Открытый  урок английского языка в 8 классе по учебнику   "Messages"  на тему "Решение  школьных  проблем"  в форме  ролевой  игры  педсовета.

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«Конспект открытого урока в 8 классе по теме "Solving School Problems"»

Кочергина Н.С.

План урока английского языка в 8M классе 23.11.17

Тема урока : « Solving school problems »


Учебный аспект:

  1. Контроль умения формулировать, описывать и решать проблему.

  2. Приём драматического (сценического) воплощения в форме ролевой игры: Педсовет.

  3. Повторение и обобщение лексических тем: All in the Mind; Friends and Neighbours; School ( based on the text “Greenside School”; формообразование и использование в связной речи структуры used to, глаголов в Present Indefinite (Simple ), Pаst Continuous, Past Indefinite (Simple), рhrasal verbs. contradictions, , модальных глаголов should (not), have to, pronouns who\which; one\ones.

  4. Контроль сформированности навыков устной речи

Развивающий аспект:

  1. развивать навыки и умения во всех видах речевой деятельности;

  2. развивать навыки и умения использовать в устной речи новые слова и структуры;

  3. развивать внимание и познавательную активность;

  4. развивать память, смекалку, сообразительность, речевую компетенцию.

  5. развивать умение работать в команде


  1. Повторить и активизировать ранее изученные новые лексические единицы и структуры по темам: Getting Together, All in the Mind; Friends and Neighbours; School.

  2. Повторить и обобщить формообразование и употребление глаголов в Present Indefinite (Simple ), Pаst Continuous, Past Indefinite (Simple), рhrasal verbs, структур used to; contradictions; модальных глаголов should (not), have to, pronouns who\which; one\ones.

  3. Развивать и осуществить контроль умения вести диалог-расспрос по ситуации «Педсовет».

Тип урока: комбинированный, обобщающее-контролирующий.

Приемы работы: прием наглядности; прием повторения и обобщения знаний, приём драматического (сценического) воплощения в форме ролевой игры, приём рефлексии.

Оборудование урока: фотографии и карточки с изображением блюд и меню школьной столовой, костюмы участников ролевой игры, объявление о теме и повестке дня педсовета, изображение – плакат Солнышко с названиями качеств личности.

Продолжительность урока: 30 минут


  1. Организационный момент .Сообщение темы и цели урока. T: Good morning, dear boys and girls! Glad to see you. So, let’s start our lesson. Look at the blackboard, please. Can you tell me what we are going to speak about? (T→Cl). (- About Solving school problems)

  2. Речевая зарядка.T: Have you come across any problems in your life? Did you have to solve any problems with your parents or any school problems? (T→Cl). Now we’ll imagine how it would look like if you were teachers and had to solve some of our school problems. We’ll do it in a form of a role play of the Teachers’ Council which we’ll discuss then,

  3. Основная часть урока.

Сценка « Педсовет»

1.Head Teacher (Director of studies) takes the floor ( Лихобабина Людмила):

So, dear collegues, our teachers’ council summons (повестка) is as follows:

  1. We should discuss the work of our school canteen.

  2. Then the problem of central heating at our school.

  3. And at the end some school statistics

Please, vote for the summons . (Everybody raises hands).If everybody agrees we’ll start.

First of all I’d like to introduce you to the person who does all the cooking. He is a newcomer at our school. His name is Michael. Will you be so kind as to say some words about yourself and your work, Mr Stanley?

2. School Chef (Стас Смиян) :Dear ladies and gentlemen, to introduce myself I should say I trained to be a chef [ʃef ] (шеф) in Astana, our capital city. I used to work in a couple of cafes in Astana. Then I moved to my native town Ust-Kamenogorsk. Here I have been hired to work in School-lyceum #11. I’ve worked here for 2 months. I’m fond of cooking. I like using fresh food and I prefer to cook dishes of local cuisine if I can.

3. Teacher of Geography (Алёна Александрова):Why do you sometimes use tinned meat or fish for cooking? Isn’t it dangerous for the children’s health? Why aren’t the dishes various?

4. School Chef (Стас Смиян) continues:It isn’t always easy to find things that everyone likes - teenagers are very unadventurous when they choose their meals

5. Teacher of Biology (Аида Имадилова) and Teacher of English ( Coня Адамова): Why are there so few salads on the menu?

6.School Chef (Стас Смиян) answers: It doesn’t always depend on me. It depends on the products we are provided with. I promise we’ll order more fresh vegetables.

7.Head Teacher (Director of studies) ( Лихобабина Людмила) continues:

Thank you. We rely on you and hope that our school canteen will work even better since today.

Now, let’s discuss how well our school is prepared for the forthcoming winter and how our heating works.

First of all, dear collegues, I’m going to ask you a very difficult question: Do you know who is the most important person in our school?

8.Teacher of Russian ( Мячин Миша): I think that’s our school principal.

9.Head Teacher (Director of studies) ( Лихобабина Людмила) argues:

I’m afraid you’re not right. Our school principal is on a business trip now and who noticed his absence? 10.Teacher of PE ( Дима Лилисон):In my opinion the most important person is our chef [ʃef ] (шеф-повар). We would die of hunger if he didn’t cook for us.

11. Head Teacher (Director of studies) ( Лихобабина Людмила) says:

Unfortunately you are mistaken again. I should say that our caretaker DmitriyMurzin is the most important person in our school. Do you know why? He’ll tell it to you himself. Please, take the floor Mr.Murzin.

12. School Caretaker (Дима Мурзин):G ood evening, everybody.My name is Dmitriy. I’m a caretaker. I’m the one who mends the heating when it stops working . I also lock the school at the end of the day and make sure that the building is clean and safe. I have to start early in the morning and work in the evening and at the weekends too. It’s a hard job.

13. Teacher of Chemistry (Гриша Черныш): Can we rely on your work?

14. School Caretaker (Дима Мурзин): Yes, you can.

15.Teacher of Biology (Имадилова Аида):Сan we be sure the heating will work properly?

16. School Caretaker (Дима Мурзин): Yes, you can.

17.Form mistress ( Брим Аня): I can hardly believe in it. I often see you playing snooker. As far as I know you’re an expert snooker player. Are you an expert in mending central heating as well?

18.School Caretaker (ДимаМурзин): You know I’ve also got a black belt in judo but it just helps me to manage my work.

19. Head Teacher (Director of studies) ( ЛихобабинаЛюдмила) asks: Will our heating work properly all the winter?

20. School Caretaker (Дима Мурзин): Yes it will. Don’t worry about it.

21. Head Teacher (Director of studies) ( Лихобабина Людмила) answers: O’key. Thank you. You may sit down.

(Addressing all the teachers):

And now, dear collegues, we’ll have to talk about statistics. Overall everything was going well until the previous week. I have to introduce you to the person who spoils our statistics. Do you guess who we are going to talk about?

22. Chorus ( all the teachers but for Teachers of History and PE, i.e.кроме Кати и Димы Лилисона) : David Hooligan, of course.

23. Head Teacher (Director of studies) ( Лихобабина Людмила) continues: Unfortunately you’re right. It’s our big problem to teach such an unobedient student in our school. I’ve invited David and his Mom to our teachers’ council today.

(Входят Давид и Настя- мама)

Head Teacher (Addressing all the teachers): You are welcome, dear collegues.Who wants to take the floor first?

24.Teacher of Geography (Алёна Александрова):

You know I teach Geography in many forms and the worst student I know is David. He demonstrates a terrible behavior and he doesn’t know Geography well. When I was explaining a new theme he shouted. ( David: No, I didn’t. It wasn’t me.) But It was! And he got the worst mark in his class for his control work. While I was telling the students about Japan he was talking to other boys. (David: No, I wasn’t) He didn’t let them listen to the new material. ( David: Yes, I did) He didn’t do his last homework.( David: Yes, I did, but I left it at home). I don’t know how to cope with him. He can learn better , I believe in him.

25. Head Teacher (Director of studies) ( Лихобабина Людмила) continues(addressing a teacher of English): O’key, Mrs Gray, would you like to add something?

26. Teacher of English ( Coня Адамова):

As for me I’m very upset about David’s behavior. He is a clever and talented boy but he isn’t hardworking. He can’t sit still or study properly. David prevents his classmates from studies (David: No,I don’t) Yes, you do. For example, we learnt a new topic yesterday. Do you know what it is about, David? ( David: Yes, I do.)Of course , you don’t. It upsets me greatly because I remember David used to be my favourite pupil in the primary school. I realize he is just a child but nevertheless he should respect his teachers. That’s all I wanted to say.

27.David Hooligan ( Давид Гильзидинов):(Addressing his Mom): Don’t worry, Mom. She doesn’t like me.(Одновременно с Соней , пока она заканчивает говорить)

28.Head Teacher (Director of studies) ( Лихобабина Людмила) continues: Does anybody else want to tell me about David’s behaviour?

29. Teacher of Biology (Имадилова Аида:

At each lesson he talks to his neighbour, distracts other pupils from studies. Consequently he gets bad marks. Once I called to his parents but they deny everything. He broke the window at a break yesterday. I noticed it when I was walking to another classroom. I wrote a report . Some measures should be taken by all means.

30. Teacher of Russian ( Cтас Cмиян): When David isn’t ready for the lesson he refuses to give me his record book for remarks.

31. David Hooligan ( Давид Гильзидинов): My record book is red with your remarks.

32. Form mistress ( Брим Аня): MayI say some words as I’m David’s form mistress?.

I’ve talked to David’s parents many times. I wonder what’s happened to him? He used to be a good boy in primary school. Oh, my God! David, what’s happened to you? (addressing the other teachers): He is so clever, but he doesn’t use his mental abilities in full. He’s got very good qualities. David is talented in sports. He plays in the school volleyball team. They have won the gold medal! ( addressing the Teacher of P.E. - ДимаЛилисон). Am I right?

33. Teacher of PE ( Дима Лилисон): Oh, yes, you are.. David is very good at sports. He is our best athlete and a very reliable one. He will stand for his friends in trouble. Once when we were playing volleyball the ball hit him in the face. Though his nose was bleeding David wasn’t crying and he didn’t stop the game.(David Hooligan ( Давид Гильзидинов) No,I didn’t.) And you know what? Our team won!

34. David’s Mom (Настя Портяная): I'm David’s mother. I feel you are talking about some other boy, not my son. My son is an angel! (Strokes him on his head) He can’t have such a bad behavior. At home he does his homework and watches TV, that’s all. He usually helps me about the house. I dare say he’s got a good upbringing. I don’t believe my ears now as I know my son best of all!

35. Teacher of History ( Катя Пикулина): I will support Mrs Hooligan. Her son has some very good traits. You see everything is vice versa at my lessons. David used to be my  worst pupil  but he  has changed his behavior a lot within  this year. He used to frustrate the lessons, talk with everybody and did not prepare  for my lessons! But he is my favorite pupil now. He prepares for all the lessons and does all homework,  finds out  additional information and does not break the rules. And I really can not understand why you are scolding him?! (David Hooligan –Давид Гильзидинов) I love History)

36. Head Teacher (Director of studies) ( Лихобабина Людмила) replies:

How interesting. I didn’t know that. You see David is not so bad as some of us think. David, will you, please, explain what’s the reason for your behaviour then?

37. David Hooligan ( Давид Гильзидинов):

You know, I try to do my best. But I always feel nervous when I’m invited to the blackboard. In fact I always feel nervous when I have to speak in front of the class. For me it’s a real nightmare.

38. Teacher of English ( Coня Адамова) exclaims: David! What can I hear?! You can speak very good English. That’s a surprise for me!

39. David Hooligan ( Давид Гильзидинов): Yes, I can. But you’re too strict, Mrs Gray. I’m frightened when you ask me.

40. Form mistress ( Брим Аня): I can hardly believe you’re so shy, David. You look brave. May be you pretend to be shy?

41. David Hooligan ( Давид Гильзидинов): No, I don’t. I usually worry about everything: my answers, marks, clothes and school work.

42. Form mistress ( Брим Аня): Oh, I see. There is a way out of the situation. You should talk to our school psychologist. She’ll help you to feel free at the blackboard and not to worry about everuthing.

43. School Caretaker (Дима Мурзин): Dear teachers. I have to interrupt you. It’s time to go home. My work day is over. I must lock the school.

44. Chorus ( all the teachers): Alas!Thanks goodness! We can go home!

  1. Подведение итогов основной части урока. Рефлексия. T: We have spoken a lot today about solving school problems. . You did a lot of work today and you did it rather well.  But I’d like to ask you the following question: what’s the idea or message of our today’s performance? What conclusions have you arrived at? ( T-Class)

What are the main qualities of a good and reliable friend or your relative as you see it? Which of them would you choose of the ones offered to you? And why? ( T-Class)

Дети подходят к столу и выбирают из лучей солнышка тот, на котором написано качество характера, импонирующее данному ученику. Отвечают на вопрос и прикрепляют лучи к доске.

  1. Выставление оценок и oбъяснение домашнего задания. T: Your home task is to do written exercises using the structures used to, глаголов в Pаst Continuous, Past Indefinite (Simple): WB Ex. 3,5 p.16-17

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект открытого урока в 8 классе по теме "Solving School Problems"

Автор: Кочергина Наталья Степановна

Дата: 07.12.2017

Номер свидетельства: 442778

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