Задает вопросы, определяя тему урока и подводя учащихся к постановке цели урока. - I’d like to start our lesson with these words: “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life” Will you translate, please.
What is the topic of our lesson? -That’s right If you look at the blackboard, you will see that the topic of our lesson today is -"Sights of London" What will we speak about today?
I. Организационный момент. Y es. Today we are going to visit London, because I’ve received a letter from London. It is from Miss Chatter (слайд с Miss Chatter):
(звучит гимн Великобритании) 2. Фонетическая зарядка.
But first we must be ready for our trip properly. That’ why let’s revise everything we know. Work in a chain P1-P2…...-P8 2.What sights do you know?
The First task: Miss Chatter asks Sherlock Holmes to get personal information about you. And we must help Sherlock Holmes A) Introduce yourselves, please. What are you names? How old are you?What are you hobbies? 2.Фонетическая зарядка Т: Remember the poem: Pussy cat,pussy cat Where have you been? I have been to London To look at the Queen Pussy cat,pussy cat What did you there? I frightened a mouse Under the chair. Who can help him?
B)The second task (слайд-разгадать название страны) c) The third task:( ребус-название столиц).(names and find on the map)
3.Imagine that you are tourists. You are in London now. Let’s listen to the dialogue between the guide and the tourist see the presentation. about London.
4. Предлагает посмотреть на экран, где показаны достопримечательности Лондона и дети соотносят названия с изображениями. 5.Repeat after me. Отработка названий хором. What are you going to see or visit in London? (work in a chain) 6.Физкультминутка. Are you tired? Let’s have a break. (Come up to the blackboard.) Go to your seat,please. 7. Работа с текстом. You have a text. Look at the text, please. Begin reading, please. Чтение текста. Работа по тексту. Let’s play the game «Agree or disagree with me» - Trafalgar Square is in London. - Moscow is the capital of the UK. - Moscow is different from London. - London is the biggest city in the UK. - You don't want to visit Great Britain. - There are a lot of places to visit in London. - London is one of the most interesting and famous cities in Europe. 3) The next task for you is to complete the sentences. Now we find out how you know the names of places of interest of London
… Square (Trafalgar) … Gallery (National) … of London (The Tower) … Bridge (Tower) … Abbey (Westminster) … Palace (Buckingham) The River…(Thames) The Houses of …(Parliament)
8.Make up the dialogue.
Check up, please. Итог урока. We have spoken about sights of London a lot and answer my question: What places in London would you like to visit? Why? | The topic of our lesson is «The Sights of London» We will speak about sights of London. Дети называют достопримеча тельности. (P1-I know Big Ben; P2- I know Big Ben and Trafalgar Square; ……………. P8-I know Big Ben,…,…,…,. The White Tower) И показывают картинку(достопримечательность)
-разыгрывают стих по ролям .
-I am.( разговор по телефону-один из учащихся задаёт вопрос,другие отвечают)
-Great Britain.
(разгадывают ребус,столицы стран,находят их на карте) - Сardiff is the capital of Wales -Belfast is the capital of N/I -London is the capital of England - Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland.
Трое рассказывают диалог и показывают достопримечательности на экране, остальные слушают, смотрят презентацию, затем соотносят названия с достопримеча тельностями.
I am going to see ….And you….
Учащиеся читают и переводят текст.
Например: I agree with you. London stands on the river Thames. I disagree with you. Buckingham Palace is the Queen’s official London residence.
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По опорным фразам дети составляют диалоги и прочитывают их. Дети разыгрывают диалоги. I would like to visit… |
-(звуковое приложение-стих )
Приложение: Hello! My name is Inna. I am 11 years old. I study in the fifth form. I like music and I can dance very well. I like my school. I have many friends.
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