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«Конспект урока "Полезны ли семейные ссоры"»
Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме «Полезны ли семейные ссоры?»по УМК “EnjoyEnglish” для 10 класса под редакцией М.З. Биболетовой.
Учитель Поманисточка Валентина Федоровна
Тема «Полезны ли семейные ссоры? (Familydisagreements. Aretheyuseful?) »
Цель: выработка умения критически оценить, осмыслить и самостоятельно применить новую информацию.
Образовательные задачи урока:
Обеспечить в ходе урока повторение лексики, характеризующей взаимоотношения в семье. Продолжить формирование умений и навыков аудирования и чтения текстов с развитием различных стратегий (при аудировании – с пониманием основной идеи, и детальным пониманием; при чтении – с пониманием основного содержания и детальным пониманием), говорения. Закрепить общие учебные умения и навыки выражения согласия и несогласия с собеседником, аргументации своей точки зрения.
Воспитательные задачи урока: формирование конструктивного отношения к семейным ссорам.
Тип урока: урок закрепление знаний и способов деятельности (совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков, навыков аудирования, чтения и говорения).
Технология - критическое мышление.
Методы и приемы: мозговой штурм, синквейн, предположение, инсерт, частично-поисковый.
Основные формы организации ПД детей: индивидуальная, парная, групповая, общеклассная.
Контроль на учебном занятии: Приемы взаимоконтроля и самоконтроля, составление кластера, синквейна.
Место учебного занятия в теме: 10 учебное занятие по теме «Семья».
Оборудование урока: ТСО (магнитофон), дидактический материал, учебники, рабочие тетради “Enjoy English” для 10 класса, маркеры, чистые листы бумаги, заготовки для кластера, отрывок из стихотворения. Основная доска - для составления кластера (Оформляется в процессе урока).
I. Организационный момент.
Hello, dear friends. Nice to meet you. I hope you are fine today. Then let’s begin.
II. Вызов.
You know that a family means much for children and their parents. But something can go wrong in their attitudes. I have prepared an extract from the poem written by Carrie-Ann Wheatley. She wrote it when she was 15. Let’s read and try to understand her:
No one ever seems to trust me,
no matter what I say.
They always talk about what I could be,
but never who I am.
Teacher: What are your ideas about the girl’s feelings? Why do you think so? - P1, P2, P3…
Arerows a part of a normal and healthy relationship to your mind? – P1, P2, P3…
What are we going to talk about today? What is the theme of our lesson? - P1, P2, P3…
The theme of our lesson is disagreements in the family.
III. Этапосмысления
Teacher: What family disagreements are the most common to your mind? Fill in the table, please (Индивидуальная работа – учащиеся заполняют заготовки. (Приложение 1)
Family disagreements:
1 – to get into a conflict
Teacher: Now you will work in groups of three. You’ll compare the tables, come to a decision, which disagreements are common. Complete the cluster. Then discuss the ways how to cope with a difficult situation in a family. (Example: To ignore someone’s opinion – to discuss a conflict) Приложение 2.
How to cope with family disagreements?
Teacher: Now it’s time to listen to the teenagers talking about their attitude to family disagreements and complete the first two lines of the table. You’ll use your workbook
Приложение 3.
1. Do you have family rows?
2. Did you often have rows?
3. How do you cope with difficult situations?
Teacher: Listen again and complete the third line in the table.
Teacher (after finishing listening): I think you understand and now you will work in pairs. You’ll answer the questions in the table and discuss your answers. Some phrases will help you:
Dialogue vocabulary
I can honestly say…
What about you?
We try to avoid conflicts because…
It’s much easier/better to…
What do you do in such situations?
I think it’s healthy…
I realize that…
Sorry, but I’d rather not say.
We are going to see some photos of popular people (Ex.67.). – (P1, P2, P3 …)
Do you know who these people are?
What do you know about them?
What do you think they have in common?
Some answers you’ll find in the text.
Ex.68, page 70. You’ll have to read the text and match the titles with the paragraphs. You have 3 minutes to do it. The titles are:
a) Professional commentary.
b) Study results
c) TV therapy
d) “Real-life” examples
e) Peaceful silence
Let’s check your answers. It will be interesting to hear why you have decided this or that way. (P1, P2, P3 …)
Ex.69. The task of this exercise is to find the answers to the questions inserting the symbols K, W, H. Then discuss them in groups and present your ideas
III. Рефлексия.
You have understood that some people think that disagreements help create healthy attitudes in a family. But others consider that it’s better to avoid any conflicts. I want you to work in groups and describe positive and negative points of disagreements. Your task is to prepare cinquains (выполненные синквейны – см. приложение 5)
Now I want you to make a conclusion:
What have we learnt? What was difficult for you?
How did you work? Was the lesson useful/(un)interesting?
What can you recommend to the teacher?
Your marks are: (six “fives”, seven “fours”)
IV. Your home task is to be ready to speak how to deal with conflicts. Ex. 1 and 2, page 37 in the work book will help you.