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Конспект урока на тему “Welcome to Washington D.C”

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The 8th form

The theme of the lesson

“Welcome to Washington D.C”

The aim of the lesson:

  1. Educational:
  1. To master new lexicon and its use in speech.
  2. To revise already studied material on the theme “Geography”.
  1. Developing:
  1. To develop students’ skills and habits in monologue, dialogue speech through asking, answering questions, making up of different conversation.
  2. To develop the students’ speaking, listening and writing habits.
  3. To develop the students’ skills and habits in pronunciation.
  1. Bringing-up:
  1. To teach the students to be patriot.
  2. To teach pupils to know about another country.

The form of the lesson: non-traditional

The type of the lesson: demonstrative lesson

Method: group work.

The visual aids of the lesson: cards, posters, pictures, an interactive board.

The outline of the lesson:

  1. Organization moment:

- Good afternoon guys! Sit down please.

- So, guys today we gave a demonstrative lesson and theme of our lesson is “Welcome to Washington D.C.”

The main aim is to review all lexical and grammatical material we have learned.

  1. Brainstorming:

Make up an association. Draw a diagram of this kind in your sheet of paper then complete it.

What ideas come to your mind when you hear the word “travelling”. So, please begin to work.

So, if you have finished take your piece of paper and put it on the blackboard.

  1. Read the words and try to say their meanings. Work in a group of three.

Task 1

  1. To visit
  2. Holiday
  3. Expression
  4. Whole
  5. To fly

Task 2

  1. To travel
  2. Purpose
  3. To declare
  4. Customs inspector
  5. Luggage

Task 3

  1. Pilot
  2. Stewardess
  3. Movie
  4. To serve

Look at the active board. And here we have three tasks for each group. Each group has to say the meaning of these words and make up their own dialogue with the following words.

  1. Game: “Which group is the quickest?”

Match the words with signs.


  1. Entrance
  2. Elevator
  3. Post office
  4. Information
  5. No smoking
  6. Exchange
  7. Taxi

Group 2

  1. Baggage claim
  2. Café
  3. Bus
  4. Telephone
  5. Souvenirs
  6. Restaurant
  7. Hairdresser
  8. departures

Group 3

  1. luggage lockers
  2. first aid
  3. meeting point
  4. arrivals 
  5. restrooms
  6. porters
  7. check room facility for the disabled

Let’s play the game “Which group is the quickest?”

Here we have different signs. And you should say what these signs mean. If you know these signs well, you won’t have any problems at the airport. Let’s check your knowledge about the signs.

  1. Dialogue

Listen to the dialogue and choose the right answer.

  1. Proverbs.

Listen to the proverbs and find the Russian and the Kazakh equivalents.

  1. East or west home is best.
  2. There is no place like home.
  3. So many countries, so many customs.
  4. Home is where the heart is.
  1. Presentation.

Now, Kamila will show us her presentation that she made. The presentation is about Washington D.C.

  1. Film about Washington D.C.

Now guys, we are going to watch a film about Washington D.C. Then you will try to answer some questions and to do a short quiz on Washington D.C.

  1. Conclusion of the lesson.

Today we spoke a lot about Washington D.C. answered the questions and retold the text, worked with grammar. Thank you very much for your activity. I hope you have learned more about Washington D.C. and maybe someday you’ll visit the USA.

  1. Giving marks.
  2. Home task: Write a composition about Washington D.C.

The lesson is over. Goodbye!















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«Конспект урока на тему “Welcome to Washington D.C”»

Kazakh gymnasium #8

The plan of the lesson.


Welcome to Washington D.C.”

(The 7th “G” form)

Done by English teacher:

Omarova G.N.



The 7th form

The theme of the lesson

Welcome to Washington D.C”

The aim of the lesson:

  1. Educational:

  1. To master new lexicon and its use in speech.

  2. To revise already studied material on the theme “Geography”.

  1. Developing:

  1. To develop students’ skills and habits in monologue, dialogue speech through asking, answering questions, making up of different conversation.

  2. To develop the students’ speaking, listening and writing habits.

  3. To develop the students’ skills and habits in pronunciation.

  1. Bringing-up:

  1. To teach the students to be patriot.

  2. To teach pupils to know about another country.

The form of the lesson: non-traditional

The type of the lesson: demonstrative lesson

Method: group work.

The visual aids of the lesson: cards, posters, pictures, an interactive board.

The outline of the lesson:

  1. Organization moment:

- Good afternoon guys! Sit down please.

- So, guys today we gave a demonstrative lesson and theme of our lesson is “Welcome to Washington D.C.”

The main aim is to review all lexical and grammatical material we have learned.

  1. Brainstorming:

Make up an association. Draw a diagram of this kind in your sheet of paper then complete it.

What ideas come to your mind when you hear the word “travelling”. So, please begin to work.

So, if you have finished take your piece of paper and put it on the blackboard.

  1. Read the words and try to say their meanings. Work in a group of three.

Task 1

  1. To visit

  2. Holiday

  3. Expression

  4. Whole

  5. To fly

Task 2

  1. To travel

  2. Purpose

  3. To declare

  4. Customs inspector

  5. Luggage

Task 3

  1. Pilot

  2. Stewardess

  3. Movie

  4. To serve

Look at the active board. And here we have three tasks for each group. Each group has to say the meaning of these words and make up their own dialogue with the following words.

  1. Game: “Which group is the quickest?”

Match the words with signs.


  1. Entrance

  2. Elevator

  3. Post office

  4. Information

  5. No smoking

  6. Exchange

  7. Taxi

Group 2

  1. Baggage claim

  2. Café

  3. Bus

  4. Telephone

  5. Souvenirs

  6. Restaurant

  7. Hairdresser

  8. departures

Group 3

  1. luggage lockers

  2. first aid

  3. meeting point

  4. arrivals

  5. restrooms

  6. porters

  7. check room facility for the disabled

Let’s play the game “Which group is the quickest?”

Here we have different signs. And you should say what these signs mean. If you know these signs well, you won’t have any problems at the airport. Let’s check your knowledge about the signs.

  1. Dialogue

Listen to the dialogue and choose the right answer.

  1. Proverbs.

Listen to the proverbs and find the Russian and the Kazakh equivalents.

  1. East or west home is best.

  2. There is no place like home.

  3. So many countries, so many customs.

  4. Home is where the heart is.

  1. Presentation.

Now, Kamila will show us her presentation that she made. The presentation is about Washington D.C.

  1. Film about Washington D.C.

Now guys, we are going to watch a film about Washington D.C. Then you will try to answer some questions and to do a short quiz on Washington D.C.

  1. Conclusion of the lesson.

Today we spoke a lot about Washington D.C. answered the questions and retold the text, worked with grammar. Thank you very much for your activity. I hope you have learned more about Washington D.C. and maybe someday you’ll visit the USA.

  1. Giving marks.

  2. Home task: Write a composition about Washington D.C.

The lesson is over. Goodbye!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект урока на тему “Welcome to Washington D.C”

Автор: Омарова Гульзия Нышанхановна

Дата: 20.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 255988

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