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Конспект урока "Права человека. Нам нужны учителя"

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«Конспект урока "Права человека. Нам нужны учителя"»

1 0-А 11.22

10-Б 11.22

Тема: Права человека (Нам нужны учителя)/Human rights (We need Teachers)

Module 3 Citizenship, p. 58

Цели: ввести новую тематическую лексику, развивать и совершенствовать навыки ознакомительного и поискового чтения, слуховую память, языковую догадку, мышление, умение выражать свою точку зрения, развивать навыки говорения, гражданское воспитание.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJyxK9QNwug 16 min

We need Teachers!

C itizenship

Across the curriculum

  1. Ex 1, p. 58

Look at the statements. Do you agree with them? Why?

Vocabulary: benefit, brief, event, impossible, media, sponsored, support, tough, well-paid, lack of, put into action, rent share with, expect, raise money, conditions.

My friend needs a teacher Brazil

A letter 20th April

To all the pupils and teachers at Mill House Secondary School, Greetings from Brazil! I've been here for just a week, but already I have so much to share with you about the children and teachers I've met here!
Sadly, conditions at the village school here are much worse than I expected. For example, there are pupils here from 7 to 11 years old, and there is only one teacher, Mrs Da Silva, and she teaches them all at the same time. For this reason, they only go to school for four hours a day. Mrs Da Silva tries really hard and she is so busy that it's impossible for her to give everyone the help they need. She is also not very well-paid and gets no support.
What is more, if the children want to continue school after Year 4, then they have to go and live in Porto De Moz, the town where the nearest large school is. Unfortunately, though, this means that they have to stay with another family and get a job to pay for their rent and food because it is quite far away. An 11-year-old student called Eliane told me that's what his brothers and sister do and he only sees them twice a year when they come home for the holidays. He wants to finish school, but he doesn't want to leave his family. He wouldn't have to make this tough decision if his school had more teachers.
Did you know Brazil is not the only country that needs more teachers? Over 15 million teachers are needed around the world so that children can go to school and get an education. I think we should do something to help. We could write a letter to the Prime Minister or we could organise some sponsored events to raise money. Why don't you all think of some ideas and when I come back we can put them into action?
See you all in a couple of weeks!
Ann Myles

  1. Ex. 2 a, b, p. 58

  1. Look at the letter. Who is it to? from? Where is the writer?

  2. Read the first paragraph. What is the letter about?

  1. Ex. 3, a, b, p. 58

  1. Read the letter. Are the children that Mrs. Myles met receiving a good education? Why/Why not?

  2. Explain the words/phrases in bold.


  1. Ex 4, p. 58

Situation: You are Da Silva or Eliane. Tell about your school, your feelings and dreams for the future.


  1. Ex 5, p. 58

Listen to some students discussing a child’s right to a free education. What do they say about it?

  • The benefits of going to school

  • The problems some children have

  • Who can help.


  1. Do all children in Brazil’s villages have the right to a free education?

  2. How many teachers are there in the village?

  3. Why do the children stay in the town with another family?

  4. Should they work hard to pay for the food and rent?


  1. Write your opinion about child’s right to a free education Ex 6, p. 58

Use the table “Expressing opinion”

  1. Learn new words and phrases WL, p. 10

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Конспект урока "Права человека. Нам нужны учителя"

Автор: Наталья Григорьевна Жеребченко

Дата: 14.02.2023

Номер свидетельства: 625652

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