After you participate in a lesson, answer the following questions by putting a check [v] in the appropriate spaces.
1. When you spoke, how often did you use English?
____________ A. All the time.
____________ B. Most of the time.
____________ C. Some of the time.
____________ D. None of the time.
2. How many times did you have a chance to speak during the lesson?
____________ A. Five or more times.
____________ B. Three or four times.
___________ C. One or two times.
____________ D. None of the times.
3. Did you have any problems during the lesson? Check any of the following that apply to you:
____________ A. I didn’t understand the topic.
____________ В. I didn’t know enough about the topic to contribute ideas.
____________ С. I couldn’t think of anything to say.
____________ D. I had problems with vocabulary. I didn’t know the right words in English to say what I wanted.
____________ E.I had problems with grammar.
____________ F. I had some problems with my pronunciation.
____________ G. I haven’t had enough practice in speaking English and I just couldn’t get the words out.
____________ H. It was difficult to use the expressions for this lesson.
____________ I. Other speakers interrupted me.
____________ J. Other speakers didn’t give me the chance to talk.
____________ К. I felt nervous or shy.
____________ L. Nobody paid attention to what I said.
____________ М. I couldn’t understand the other speakers.
____________ N. I think I talked too much.
____________ 0. Other problems.
5. Overall, how do you think your group did?