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В начале урока я провела речевую зарядку Warming up: Dear friends, answer my questions

a)     How many continents are there in the world?

b)    What country do you live?

c)     What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

d)    What is the official language of Kazakhstan?

e)     Let’s play the game «Do you know the flags of other countries»

Затем я провела мозговой штурм на втором этапе урока.

.     a) Brain storming: Now look, please at the map & answer the questions

T: What country is it?

    What is the full name of it?

    Name me the main holidays of Kazakhstan?

That’s right. Thank you. The theme of our lesson “Kazakhstan”

b) Phonetic and Speech Drill: extend, flat, plain, desert, border, strong, sudden, cover, corn, millet, eagle, cotton

c) Kazakhstan nowadays Работа по слайду 

    Slide 1 – the map of the world

    Slide 2 – the President, his residence

    Slide 3 – the parliament

    Slide 4 – Kazakhstan & the UK

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Просмотр содержимого документа

10- сынып The theme: «Kazakhstan»


The aims: to present a new theme, to develop students’ skills in reading, speaking, to be able to speak about our motherland, to develop pupils’ logic thinking, memory, to bring them up to love our country and to be an individual citizen of our country.


Resources used: slides, active board, a map, posters.

Literature: English textbook for the 10th class, internet materials.


The plan of the lesson


I.     Org. moment

II.    Warming up

III.   a) Brain storm

b) Phonetic & speech Drill

c) Kazakhstan nowadays

IV.  a) reading – Text: «Kazakhstan»

b) Post – reading work

V.   a) Reflexion

b) The ending of the lesson (marks, home task)


The procedure of the lesson:

1.     Org. moment

Greeting each other

T: Hello, boys & girls! How are you?

Cl: We are fine. And you?

T: I’m fine too. Thank you. Sit down, please.

2.     Warming up: Dear friends, answer my questions

a)     How many continents are there in the world?

b)    What country do you live?

c)     What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

d)    What is the official language of Kazakhstan?

e)     Let’s play the game «Do you know the flags of other countries»

3.     a) Brain storming: Now look, please at the map & answer the questions

T: What country is it?

    What is the full name of it?

    Name me the main holidays of Kazakhstan?

That’s right. Thank you. The theme of our lesson “Kazakhstan”

b) Phonetic and Speech Drill: extend, flat, plain, desert, border, strong, sudden, cover, corn, millet, eagle, cotton

c) Kazakhstan nowadays

    Slide #1 – the map of the world

    Slide #2 – the President, his residence

    Slide #3 – the parliament

    Slide #4 – Kazakhstan & the UK

4.     a) Reading

   The class is divided into 3 groups, after reading, the groups will make the schemes on a piece of paper, the leaders of the groups will draw them on the interactive board & retell their texts

Group I

The geographical position, population, language.


Group II

The flag, traditions


Group III

Climate, weather, natural recourses


b) Post – reading tasks (true or false statements):

     1. The Republic of Kazakhstan is situated in the South Asia.

     2. The area of Kazakhstan is 28753000 square kilometers.

     3. Kazakh is the official language of the country.

     4. The four rivers are the main resources of water in the country.

     5. The flora & fauna of the country are different.

     6. The climate is not continental.

     7. There aren’t any environmental problems in the country.

     8. The people of the country grow wheat, millet, corn, cotton.

     9. Kazakhstan is a sovereign state.

     10 The national flag consists of a light blue field.

c) Test

5.     Reflexion

T: What can you tell about today’s lesson?

     Was it sensible, useful…?

6.     Marks

7.     Home task: Write a topic about Kazakhstan


T: You have worked well today. I’m grateful to all of you for today’s lesson. See you next week. G

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс


Автор: Эсагас Жанар

Дата: 16.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 253687

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    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
    ["subcategory_seo"] => string(5) "uroki"
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    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
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