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Kazakh beliefs

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Это конспект урока с презентацией где идет повторение по теме "Суеверии британцев" а также новый урок с подробными описаниями каждой суеверии казахов по теме "Kazakh beliefs". Также представлены граматический материал по теме модальные глаголы с дополнительными упражнениями.

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«Kazakh beliefs »

The theme of the lesson: Kazakh beliefs

The theme of the lesson: Kazakh beliefs

An umbrella
  • An umbrella
An umbrella
  • An umbrella
A child
  • A child
A salt
  • A salt
A sigarette
  • A sigarette
A pair of shoes
  • A pair of shoes
A journey
  • A journey
Just married
  • Just married
A black cat
  • A black cat
Thank you for your answers. You are very active! Now let’s try to answer at these questions in English. 1.  Do you believe in beliefs? 2.  Do you know Kazakh beliefs? 3.  What beliefs of other people do you know?   Today we will take a new theme our native Kazakh beliefs. All of these beliefs you know from your childhood but today we’ll discuss about them in English. As you know that a large number of Kazakh beliefs and superstitions can hardly be applied to modern life. Some of them came from ancient times, even naturally becomes a part of today’s life. At first I want to introduce you with new vocabulary at page 136. Listen and repeat the English words. Let’s try to pronounce correctly. Now we‘ll take a new text about Kazakh beliefs. At first I’ll read the passage and you’ll try to translate it. I think it will be not difficult for you.

Thank you for your answers. You are very active!

Now let’s try to answer at these questions in English.

1. Do you believe in beliefs?

2. Do you know Kazakh beliefs?

3. What beliefs of other people do you know?

Today we will take a new theme our native Kazakh beliefs. All of these beliefs you know from your childhood but today we’ll discuss about them in English. As you know that a large number of Kazakh beliefs and superstitions can hardly be applied to modern life. Some of them came from ancient times, even naturally becomes a part of today’s life.

At first I want to introduce you with new vocabulary at page 136. Listen and repeat the English words. Let’s try to pronounce correctly.

Now we‘ll take a new text about Kazakh beliefs. At first I’ll read the passage and you’ll try to translate it. I think it will be not difficult for you.

Kazakhs are always careful with salt. Food would be tasteless without salt. Kazakh’s believe that ‘the essence of food is in its salt”. Lives of those who have been careless with salt will become salty and bitter until the salt spilt by them dries out.
  • Kazakhs are always careful with salt. Food would be tasteless without salt. Kazakh’s believe that ‘the essence of food is in its salt”. Lives of those who have been careless with salt will become salty and bitter until the salt spilt by them dries out.
A cauldron | kazan cannot be left facing the entrance door. It is bad luck if a cauldron slips and falls. It means your destiny is escaping, your very well-being is lost, and food becomes scanty .
  • A cauldron | kazan cannot be left facing the entrance door. It is bad luck if a cauldron slips and falls. It means your destiny is escaping, your very well-being is lost, and food becomes scanty .
One should take care when putting a kettle
  • One should take care when putting a kettle on the fire so as not to let the boiling water escape on to the fire. Because the water salts will be burnt in the fire. And burnt salt is a bad omen for daughters of the household. Salt is the decoration of food as a daughter is the decoration of the household. Do not disturb salt and your daughter will not be disturbed.
Usually, horse mains
  • Usually, horse mains and tails are not trimmed, to make sure the horse’s owner enjoy good health. When a horse owner dies, people will trim the mane and the tail of his horse to make it look mournful. Therefore, the Kazakh associate the trimmed mane and tails f their horses with mourning and death.
If a dog follows a horseman leaving his village, people would not try to force it back. The dog is devoted to its owner, and if wants to go with him it means he will have a happy trip.
  • If a dog follows a horseman leaving his village, people would not try to force it back. The dog is devoted to its owner, and if wants to go with him it means he will have a happy trip.
A pregnant woman cannot have a haircut because it may hurt her motherhood, and the happiness of the child she is having.
  • A pregnant woman cannot have a haircut because it may hurt her motherhood, and the happiness of the child she is having.
If you have a visitor during your breakfast, he or she must have some of your food. There is saying: “One cannot ignore the morning meal” and “If you don’t have breakfast, the community will refuse you”. Therefore, a morning guest can leave your home after he or she has tried some of your food. “One can be senior in age but nobody is senior of food’’. “Food is men’s support” .  Breakfast is the beginning of a day. Kazakhs believe that a good and well prepared breakfast eaten in a good humoured atmosphere can be a good beginning for a successful and fruitful day.
  • If you have a visitor during your breakfast, he or she must have some of your food. There is saying: “One cannot ignore the morning meal” and “If you don’t have breakfast, the community will refuse you”. Therefore, a morning guest can leave your home after he or she has tried some of your food. “One can be senior in age but nobody is senior of food’’. “Food is men’s support” . Breakfast is the beginning of a day. Kazakhs believe that a good and well prepared breakfast eaten in a good humoured atmosphere can be a good beginning for a successful and fruitful day.
What do you think about the following proverbs? 1. One can be senior in age but nobody is senior of food. 2. Food is men’s support You may give Kazakh or Russian equivalents.

What do you think about the following proverbs?

  • 1. One can be senior in age but nobody is senior of food.
  • 2. Food is men’s support

You may give Kazakh or Russian equivalents.

We’ve finished discussing Kazakh beliefs and now we must do the exercise b  at page 138. At first I’ll explain you the meaning of these suffixes: -less, full. The suffix –less if we add to noun this suffix we’ll get adjective -less жұрнағы зат есімге жалғануы арқылы сын есім жасалады, бірақ мағынасы болымсыз, –full жұрнағы жалғанған сын есімге қарама-қарсы мағына беріп, яғни антоним болып табылады. Мысалы: taste(n)-дәм  Taste+ less ==tasteless. Taste+full=tastefull Дәм-дәмсіз дәм-дәмді  Care (n) күтім Careless-careful күтімсіз-күтімді Success (n) Success -successful  Fruit (n) жеміс Fruitless-fruitful жеміссіз-жемісті Дәптерлерінізді ашып тез жазып алыныздар. Now you must find given the words with these suffixes from the text at page 137 and read the sentences.

We’ve finished discussing Kazakh beliefs and now we must do the exercise b at page 138. At first I’ll explain you the meaning of these suffixes: -less, full.

The suffix –less if we add to noun this suffix we’ll get adjective

-less жұрнағы зат есімге жалғануы арқылы сын есім жасалады, бірақ мағынасы болымсыз, –full жұрнағы жалғанған сын есімге қарама-қарсы мағына беріп, яғни антоним болып табылады.

Мысалы: taste(n)-дәм

Taste+ less ==tasteless. Taste+full=tastefull

Дәм-дәмсіз дәм-дәмді

Care (n) күтім Careless-careful күтімсіз-күтімді

Success (n) Success -successful

Fruit (n) жеміс Fruitless-fruitful жеміссіз-жемісті

Дәптерлерінізді ашып тез жазып алыныздар.

Now you must find given the words with these suffixes from the text at page 137 and read the sentences.

It’s time to review our grammar rules “The modal verbs”. Слайдты қосып модалды етістіктерді мысалдарымен бірге қайталап шығамыз.

Modal verbs (can, could, must, should, ought to, had better, may, might, will, would, shall) are auxiliary verbs that express ability, necessity, request, permission, advice, desire, probability, etc. Modal verbs express the speaker's attitude to the action indicated by the main verb.




They can control their own budgets.



We can’t fix it.

Ability / Possibility

Could I borrow your dictionary?



Could you say it again more slowly?

May I have another cup of coffee?

Істей білу/алу,

Can I smoke here?

Inability / Impossibility


Asking for permission.


Can you help me?

China may become a major economic power.

We could try to fix it ourselves.


Asking for permission

We'd better phone tomorrow, they might be eating their dinner now.

Asking for permission

Істей білу/алу,

I think we could have another Gulf War.


қабілеттілік, мүмкіндік, рұқсат,

They might give us a 10% discount.


Future possibility

Рұқсат, not-тыйым


Present possibility

  сыпайы түрдегі өтініш


Future possibility

He gave up his old job so he could work for us.

Future possibility

қабілеттілік, мүмкіндік, рұқсат,


Күмәнді болжам, жорамал


Ability in the past

сыпайы түрдегі өтініш




They can control their own budgets.



We can’t fix it.

Could I borrow your dictionary?



Ability / Possibility

May I have another cup of coffee?

Істей білу/алу,

Inability / Impossibility

Can I smoke here?

Could you say it again more slowly?


Asking for permission.

China may become a major economic power.

Can you help me?


We could try to fix it ourselves.

Asking for permission


We'd better phone tomorrow, they might be eating their dinner now.

Істей білу/алу,

Asking for permission

I think we could have another Gulf War.


They might give us a 10% discount.

қабілеттілік, мүмкіндік, рұқсат,

Future possibility

Рұқсат, not-тыйым


Present possibility




Future possibility


Future possibility

қабілеттілік, мүмкіндік, рұқсат,

He gave up his old job so he could work for us.

сыпайы түрдегі өтініш


Күмәнді болжам, жорамал

Ability in the past

сыпайы түрдегі өтініш

The modal verbs are:- CAN / COULD / MAY / MIGHT / MUST / SHALL / SHOULD / OUGHT TO / WILL / WOULD

Must Ought to We must say good-bye now. We ought to employ a professional writer. They mustn’t disrupt the work more than necessary. Shall Necessity / Obligation Shall I help you with your luggage? Міндет,борыш, Prohibition Saying what’s right or correct Shall we say 2.30 then? Міндетті болу Моральдық/адамгершілік міндет/борыш, табанды кенес/ақыл,бұйырылған ұсыныс Offer Ниет Shall I do that or will you? Suggestion Тиісті болу Ой Asking what to do Аса қажеттілік, аса керектілік   Болжам    жорамал Should We should sort out this problem at once. Saying what’s right or correct I think we should check everything again. Міндет, Recommending action Profits should increase next year. Uncertain prediction  Борыш     Нұсқау, ақыл, ұсыну кінә, сөгіс, Ұя ұялту, бетіне басу, өкініш, өкіну


Ought to

We must say good-bye now.

We ought to employ a professional writer.

They mustn’t disrupt the work more than necessary.


Necessity / Obligation

Shall I help you with your luggage?



Saying what’s right or correct

Shall we say 2.30 then?

Міндетті болу

Моральдық/адамгершілік міндет/борыш, табанды кенес/ақыл,бұйырылған ұсыныс



Shall I do that or will you?


Тиісті болу


Asking what to do

Аса қажеттілік, аса керектілік





We should sort out this problem at once.

Saying what’s right or correct

I think we should check everything again.


Recommending action

Profits should increase next year.

Uncertain prediction




Нұсқау, ақыл, ұсыну

кінә, сөгіс,

Ұя ұялту, бетіне басу, өкініш, өкіну

Will I can’t see any taxis so I’ll walk. Would I’ll do that for you if you like. Instant decisions Would you mind if I brought a colleague with me? Need I’ll get back to you first thing on Monday. Offer   Dare Asking for permission Would you pass the salt please? Need he work so late?   Profits will increase next year. Promise Have to Would you mind waiting a moment?   How dare you speak to me? Request Тілек,  Certain prediction Request ықылас (like) етістігімен   I have to do it. Қажеттіліктің жоқтығы, міндетті еместілік “ Would three o`clock suit you?” – “That’d be fine.” Батылы бару, қақысы болу, батылы жету, батылдану, өжеттену   Making arrangements   Would you like to play golf this Friday? Сыпайы тілек/ Invitation Амалсыздық, шарасыздық “ Would you prefer tea or coffee?” – “I’d like tea please.”   Preferences өтініш   бұрынғы әдет-дағды


I can’t see any taxis so I’ll walk.


I’ll do that for you if you like.

Instant decisions

Would you mind if I brought a colleague with me?


I’ll get back to you first thing on Monday.




Asking for permission

Would you pass the salt please?

Need he work so late?


Profits will increase next year.


Have to

Would you mind waiting a moment?


How dare you speak to me?



Certain prediction


ықылас (like) етістігімен


I have to do it.

Қажеттіліктің жоқтығы, міндетті еместілік

“ Would three o`clock suit you?” – “That’d be fine.”

Батылы бару, қақысы болу, батылы жету, батылдану, өжеттену


Making arrangements


Would you like to play golf this Friday?

Сыпайы тілек/


Амалсыздық, шарасыздық

“ Would you prefer tea or coffee?” – “I’d like tea please.”





бұрынғы әдет-дағды

«Work with cards» Студенттер интерактивтік тақтаға шығып орындайды.  Fill in with modal verbs: can, may or must. 1.What ... we see on this map? 2. ... you speak Spanish? — No, unfortunately I... 3. At what time ... you come to school? 4. ... I come in? 5. You ... not smoke here. 6. ... take your book? — I am afraid not: I need it.  7. He ... not speak English yet. 8. I have very little time: I ... go.  9. They ... not go to the park today because they are busy. 10. You ... read this text: it is easy enough.

«Work with cards» Студенттер интерактивтік тақтаға шығып орындайды.

Fill in with modal verbs: can, may or must.

1.What ... we see on this map?

2. ... you speak Spanish? — No, unfortunately I...

3. At what time ... you come to school?

4. ... I come in?

5. You ... not smoke here.

6. ... take your book? — I am afraid not: I need it.

7. He ... not speak English yet.

8. I have very little time: I ... go.

9. They ... not go to the park today because they are busy.

10. You ... read this text: it is easy enough.

2) Make up the dialogues using these verbs on the board.-тақтадағы етістіктерді қолданып диалог құрастырыныз Borrow take off erase Turn on ask rend Turn off sit open Write put on close leave Thanks for your dialogues.

2) Make up the dialogues using these verbs on the board.-тақтадағы етістіктерді қолданып диалог құрастырыныз

Borrow take off erase

Turn on ask rend

Turn off sit open

Write put on close


Thanks for your dialogues.

Now another part of our lesson I want to check your knowledge about our new theme and that’s why I prepared some tasks for you.  Task 1.Unscramble the words (әріптердің орнын ауыстырып сөз құрап, қазақшаға аударыныз  thandlreom zakahk lfebie sohre zakna tsafbekra tals

Now another part of our lesson I want to check your knowledge about our new theme and that’s why I prepared some tasks for you. Task 1.Unscramble the words (әріптердің орнын ауыстырып сөз құрап, қазақшаға аударыныз thandlreom







Task 2. Put the missing words and translate into Russian, Kazakh languages. 1. Kazakh’s believe that “the essence of food is in its ……” 2. Usually ………and tails are not trimmed, to make sure the horse’s owner enjoy good health. 3. A …… …… cannot have a haircut because it may hurt her motherhood, and the happiness of the child she is having. 4. One can be senior in age but nobody is senior of ……. 5. Peaceful and generous, the land of the Kazakhs has always been famous for its ……..

Task 2. Put the missing words and translate into Russian, Kazakh languages.

1. Kazakh’s believe that “the essence of food is in its ……”

2. Usually ………and tails are not trimmed, to make sure the horse’s owner enjoy good health.

3. A …… …… cannot have a haircut because it may hurt her motherhood, and the happiness of the child she is having.

4. One can be senior in age but nobody is senior of …….

5. Peaceful and generous, the land of the Kazakhs has always been famous for its ……..

4. Conclusion: Your home task is to learn new vocabulary and to find unknown Kazakh beliefs.   Teacher: Thank you. You are very active, attentive and bright. I enjoyed your work at the lesson today.  Your marks for the lesson are: …

4. Conclusion: Your home task is to learn new vocabulary and to find unknown Kazakh beliefs.

Teacher: Thank you. You are very active, attentive and bright. I enjoyed your work at the lesson today. Your marks for the lesson are: …

Thank you for your attentions!

Thank you for your attentions!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Kazakh beliefs

Автор: Баймукашева Жулдыз Нурхожакызы

Дата: 24.06.2015

Номер свидетельства: 221213

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