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I'm a polyglot

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Цели урока:

практическая: активизировать ранее изученную лексику по теме, развивать умение в чтении и аудировании, и смысловой переработке информации на основе заданий, требующих личной оценки, рассуждения;

образовательная: расширение знаний о  Британии, расширить знания пословиц и поговорок ;

развивающая: развитие языковой догадки, логического мышления ;


воспитательная: развивать положительную мотивацию к дальнейшему изучению английского языка; воспитать уважение к культуре другой страны.

Содержание урока соответствует поставленным целям и задачам. Цели урока достигнуты.

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«I'm a polyglot »

I’ m a polyglot

Шығыс Қазақстан облысы № 4 Күршім орта
мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі
Мухамжаорова Ж.Т

Title: I’ m a polyglot
Aims: to check the speaking drills of the students, to check their knowledge of proverbs in English, Russian and Kazakh, to develop the quick thinking ability, to gain the pupils’ interests in foreign language learning
Aids: an interactive board, pictures, diagrams, crosswords, video about language
Procedure of the lesson: 
1. Organization moment
2. Warming – up activity

The word “ language ”. Pupils should write for each letter of this word names of languages

s k

p e o

a n r

L a n g u a g e

A r i e k l l a

T a s r r b i n

I b h m a a s

N i a I n h

c n n i

3. Brainstorming. Answer the questions

a) How many languages are spoken in the world?

b) What language can you speak?

c) What’ s the official language in Kazakhstan?

d) What is the international language?

4. Discussion. See the video about the role of Russian language in Kazakhstan and answer the question and discuss.

5. Game. Answer the questions from given letters (five or six pupils have one letter and they should answer the questions beginning with this letter)

a) What’s your dog’s name?

b) How old is he/ she?

c) The country you’d like to visit

d) What did you eat for breakfast?

e) What will you do if find million dollar?

f) The colour of rose

g) The thing that you afraid most of all

6. Finish the beginning of proverbs

7. Match the proverbs with pictures

8. Riddle ( translate the answer into Kazakh, Russian, English)

a) A big German and a little German were walking down the road:

the little German was the big German’s son, but the big German wasn’t the little German’s father. Who was the big German?

( mother- мама – ана)

b) A person looked at a photo and said: “ Sisters and brothers I’ve none but the man in the photo is my father’s son”. Who is he?

( I – я- мен)

c) If Dick’s father is Tom’s son, what relation is Dick to Tom?

( grandfather- дедушка – ата)

d) Two people are walking along the street. One says: “ This is my father’s house, but I’m not his son” Who is the speaker?

( daughter – дочь, қызы)

9. Answer the question. What’s the role of English language in Kazakhstan?

( look at the pictures of products and try to translate)

10. All the answers must from letter “Ss”

a) Name the language ( Spanish)

b) An animal who eats nut ( squirrel)

c) In order to be healthy we go in for …( sport)

d) Synonym of the word “begin” (start)

e) We put it on tea ( sugar)

f) A hot season ( summer)

g) Pupils in University ( student)

h) A day in a week ( Sunday, Saturday)

11. Conclusion.

12. Giving marks.

13. Homework.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

I'm a polyglot

Автор: Мухамжарова Жайнагуль Тлеубаевна

Дата: 03.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 166519

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