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Not standart lesson Polyglot

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The theme: Who is the fastest?

Form: 5

The aim: To develop children’s knowledge;

                To  teach them to speak and write correctly;

               To  teach to think faster?

The aids: interactiveboard, computer, pictures, cards,   tablets, slides;

Intersubject connection: Kazakh, history, geography;

The method:  Polyglot   

The procedure of the lesson:

  1. Organization moment (Introducing of pupils)
  2. 1-tour: Zhorga
  3. 2-tour: Baiga
  4. 3-tour:Polyglot
  5. 4-tour:Finding letters
  6.  Conclusion

1.Introduction: Children introduces themselves

2.”Zhorga” – answer the questions( children answers for questions)

3. “Baiga”

Please look at the board and find the names of pictures

4. Polyglot: guess the riddles and say it in 3 languages

5. Find the letters

  1. Conclusion :  Giving marks
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«Not standart lesson Polyglot»

The school by name after B.Zhumaliev

Not standard lesson


«Who is fastest?»

Done by:Teachers of English

Shynzhyrbekova P.



Data: December, 3

The theme: Who is the fastest?

Form: 5

The aim: To develop children’s knowledge;

To teach them to speak and write correctly;

To teach to think faster?

The aids: interactiveboard, computer, pictures, cards, tablets, slides;

Intersubject connection: Kazakh, history, geography;

The method: Polyglot

The procedure of the lesson:

  1. Organization moment (Introducing of pupils)

  2. 1-tour: Zhorga

  3. 2-tour: Baiga

  4. 3-tour:Polyglot

  5. 4-tour:Finding letters

  6. Conclusion

1.Introduction: Children introduces themselves

2.”Zhorga” – answer the questions( children answers for questions)

3. “Baiga”

Please look at the board and find the names of pictures

4. Polyglot: guess the riddles and say it in 3 languages

5. Find the letters

  1. Conclusion : Giving marks

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Not standart lesson Polyglot

Автор: Cуйрбаева Айнагул Турганбаевна

Дата: 03.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 302006

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