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How do you get to…?

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Date: 11.02.2015

The theme of the lesson: How do you get to…?


      -   Educational: to teach to give the clear explanation how to get somewhere by giving example situations;

  • Developing: to develop pupils’ speaking skills and habits in writing and listening by working with a dialogue, analyzing and doing exercises;
  • Bringing-up: to bring up pupils to spend their free time with fun and usefully;

Type: consolidation of pupils’ knowledge on the theme.

Methods: interactive – board, group work, games.

Technology: game technology        

Inter subject connection: Kazakh, Russian, Music, Art, and life

Visual aids: an inter – active board, slides, pictures, cards.

Expected results: pupils will be able to use topical vocabulary in their speech;

they also will be able to analyze and compare the information about

transport and communicate their opinions through various activities.

Book: English-6  Author: Ayapova G, pictures, slide show on the interactive board

Stages. Кезе?

Procedure of the lesson

Саба?ты? барысы:



І.Organization moment.

Кіріспе б?лім


М??алімні? іс-?рекеті


О?ушыны? іс-?рекеті

Greeting, talking to a pupil on duty

1. Good-afternoon, boys and girls!                          

     How are you?                                                         

     Who is on duty today?                                       

      Who is absent today?       

      What date is it today?                                         

      What day is it today? 

Answer the question

- Good-afternoon, teacher

-report of the pupil on duty.

ІІ.Group work


Let’s divide into two groups

Come to the table and take a piece of paper. If the paper Public transport picture you are in the first group. If the paper Private transport you are in the second group

Pupils come to the table and take a piece of paper and divide into two groups.

Public: a tram, a train, a ship, a plane, a boat.

Private: a car, a motorbike, a taxi, a bus, a bicycle

Pictures, stickers

IІІ.Evocation. Warming-up

Сергіту с?ті

Pupils look at the inter-active board and sing a song “The school bus”

They read the words and sing a song

Video on interactive board

The Golden Rules

  • Be active
  • Be attentive
  • Be emotional
  • Don’t interrupt each other
  • Don’t say “I don’t”
  • First think, then speak

Pupils come to the table and write their rules


IV. New words

Жа?а с?здер

- Water transport (водный): Ship,   Boat

- Air transport (воздушный): Plane, Helicopter

- Urban transport (городской): Car,   tram, motorbike,  Bus, Train

New words:

By car  - машинамен

By plane - ?ша?пен

By train – пойызбен

By motorbike-мотоциклмен

By tram-трамваймен

By helicopter - тік?ша?пен

By bus  - автобуспен

By ship - кемемен

By boat - ?айы?пен

Walk  - жаяу ж?ру(бару)

By taxi -таксимен

 Pupils must be find the meaning of the translation with the transcription. And repeat.


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«How do you get to…? »


48 Ә.Қоңыратбаев атындағы орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі

Date: 11.02.2015

The theme of the lesson: How do you get to…?


- Educational: to teach to give the clear explanation how to get somewhere by giving example situations;

  • Developing: to develop pupils’ speaking skills and habits in writing and listening by working with a dialogue, analyzing and doing exercises;

  • Bringing-up: to bring up pupils to spend their free time with fun and usefully;

Type: consolidation of pupils’ knowledge on the theme.

Methods: interactive – board, group work, games.

Technology: game technology

Inter subject connection: Kazakh, Russian, Music, Art, and life

Visual aids: an inter – active board, slides, pictures, cards.

Expected results: pupils will be able to use topical vocabulary in their speech;

they also will be able to analyze and compare the information about

transport and communicate their opinions through various activities.

Book: English-6 Author: Ayapova G, pictures, slide show on the interactive board

Stages. Кезең

Procedure of the lesson

Сабақтың барысы:



І.Organization moment.

Кіріспе бөлім


Мұғалімнің іс-әрекеті


Оқушының іс-әрекеті

Greeting, talking to a pupil on duty

1. Good-afternoon, boys and girls!

How are you?

Who is on duty today?

Who is absent today?

What date is it today?

What day is it today?

Answer the question

- Good-afternoon, teacher

-report of the pupil on duty.

ІІ.Group work


Let’s divide into two groups

Come to the table and take a piece of paper. If the paper Public transport picture you are in the first group. If the paper Private transport you are in the second group

Pupils come to the table and take a piece of paper and divide into two groups.

Public: a tram, a train, a ship, a plane, a boat.

Private: a car, a motorbike, a taxi, a bus, a bicycle

Pictures, stickers

IІІ.Evocation. Warming-up

Сергіту сәті

Pupils look at the inter-active board and sing a song “The school bus”

They read the words and sing a song

Video on interactive board

The Golden Rules

  • Be active

  • Be attentive

  • Be emotional

  • Don’t interrupt each other

  • Don’t say “I don’t”

  • First think, then speak

Pupils come to the table and write their rules


IV. New words

Жаңа сөздер

- Water transport (водный): Ship, Boat

- Air transport (воздушный): Plane, Helicopter

- Urban transport (городской): Car, tram, motorbike, Bus, Train

New words:

By car - машинамен

By plane - ұшақпен

By train – пойызбен

By motorbike-мотоциклмен

By tram-трамваймен

By helicopter - тікұшақпен

By bus - автобуспен

By ship - кемемен

By boat - қайықпен

Walk - жаяу жүру(бару)

By taxi -таксимен

Pupils must be find the meaning of the translation with the transcription. And repeat.


V. Work with the dialogue

Public transport group:

-Where is your school?

-It’s not very far.

-How do you get there?

-Never by car:

-We sometimes walk.

-And we sometimes run.

-And we sometimes catch bus 21

-And sometimes in summer time,

-we roller skate.

-That’s really fine!

Private transport group:

  • Come to my house after school

  • I can’t. I’ve got to study

  • You can study at my house

  • Where do you live?

  • We live at 20 Adams.

  • How do I get there from school?

  • Go straight on Main Street. Turn left on Washington. Our house on the right

Pupils must be work in pairs and translate it into your native language


VI. New text

Жаңа текст

My name is Alice. I live in Paris. I usually get to school by bicycle in summer and by bus in winter and sometimes I get to school by car. My best friend and I often walk to her house. My granny doesn’t live in Paris and we get to her house by car or by train. I love the big shops in the center of Paris and always get there by bus. It’s easier.

Pupils read and discuss the text in their groups


VII.True or False

Бұл мәлімет шындық па әлде жалған ба?

True or false

1.She gets to school by bicycle in summer.

2.Her granny lives in Paris.

3.She walks to her granny’s house.

4.She gets to the shop by bus

Pupils must say that these sentences true or false

Inter active board

VIII. Question-answer


I’ll show two papers you must choice one of them. Please come here. There two letters. The letter A,B. that’s why you must answer my question by this letter. For every correct word 10 points

Letter A:

  1. The name of the fruit (apple)

  2. The capital of Kazakhstan. (Astana)

  3. Who is Jackie Chan? (actor)

  4. We don’t live without it. (air)

  5. One of the seasons. (autumn)

Letter B:

  1. The name of the fruit. (banana)

  2. The capital of Germany. (Berlin)

  3. It is the symbol of Astana. (Baiterek)

  4. What is the English for «кітап»

  5. What color of the sky? (Blue)

Pupils must choice one of the paper then answer the question

Sticker, paper

IX. Do the next task

Private transport group: match a word in A with a word in B to make a new noun


Railway light

Traffic station

Bus shop

Car stop

Ticket garage

Public transport group:


Verbs and nouns that go together.

Match a line A with a line B.


Watch dinner

Cook tennis

Drive television

Play a car

Read a magazine

In written form pupils must be match the answer


X. Test yourself

Test yourself

1.What is Marat going to do?

a) Marat reads a book

b) Marat is going to play tennis

c) Marat is playing the dombyra.

2.When I’m 25…

a) I’ll go to Spain

b) I’m a doctor

c) I’m in class.

3. «Бұқалар соғысы» сөзінің баламасын табыңыз.

a) lucky

b) bullfight

c) children

4. «Джейн теледидар көргелі жатыр» ағылшын баламасын табыңыз.

a) Jane is going to read a book

b) Jane is going to cook a meal

c) Jane is going to watch TV.

5. «Мен Лондонға автобуспен барамын» ағылшын баламасын табыңыз

a) I’ll go to London by car

b) I’ll go to London by bus

c) I’ll go to London by train

Pupils do the test yourself

Ой қозғау

XI. Comment the mark


Екі топтың стикерлерін санап, жеңімпаз топты анықтап, марапаттайды

XII. Giving the home task

Үйге тапсырма

Мұғалім үй тапсырмасын түсіндіреді Ех8

Оқушылар күнделікке жазып алады.


Мұғалім стикер таратады

Оқушылар сабақтан алған өз әсерлерін жазады.

Қызылорда облысы,Шиелі ауданы

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

How do you get to…?

Автор: Саутбаева Мейрамкуль

Дата: 25.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 178474

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