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Данный урок разработан по учебнику издательства Cambridge University Press для казахстанских школ.  В начале урока учащиеся составляют ассоциативную карту по теме, вспоминают активный словарь. Работа по тексту: прослушивание, выполнение задании к тексту, найти соответствие к картинкам, контроль понимания текста. Работая в паре обсуждают проблемы здоровья, предлагают советы.

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The theme:

№ 1.Health.

The aim of the lesson:

1.Educational: speaking and talking about health and healthy way of life.

2.Developing: To develop the students’ abilities in oral speech, reading and writing. Improve learners’ grammar habits: Determiners

3.Bringing – up: To teach them keep fit and do sport.

The type of the lesson:

a lesson of teaching vocabulary and teaching Grammar.

The form of the lesson:

group work

The methods of working:

warm – up, conversation, work in groups, writing, listening.

Inter subject connection:

Kazakh, Russian, Sport, Biology .

The visual aids:

Student’s book, Workbook, different cards, slides, CD-s, video


at the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to:

• talk about health and healthy way of life.

• use thematically vocabulary in oral speech.

• develop their speaking and listening skills.

• use Defining relative clauses in their speech.


Actions of teacher

Actions of students

I. Organizational moment

T—Class Greetings:

Good morning, dear students! I am very glad to see you.

They greet the teacher.

II. Warm-up:

Revision of the vocabulary of the previous lessons drawing a diagram on the blackboard. Students have to complete it. They can give as many words as possible connected with the topic Health.

Students complete the cluster.

III. The central part.

1)Reading and listening: Exercise 1(a) p.82 SB. A. match each picture with a paragraph below. Write 1-4 in the boxes.

1.Toothache. 2. Backache. 3. Baldness. 4. Scrofula. Answers: A-4; B-1; C-2; D-3.

2) True, false or N (not enough information). Exercise 1 (b)p.82 SB.

Answers: 1-N; 2- F; 3-T; 4-N; 5-N; 6-T; 7-N.

They match each picture with a paragraph.

Students write True, false or N (not enough information).

IV. Work in two groups.

Exercise 1 (c)p.82 SB.

Imagine you were alive 200 years ago. What do you think happened to you if you had: * toothache? * a headache? * backache? * problems with your eyesight?

Students discuss the problems.

V. Explaining the grammar rules.

Determiners (everyone, no one, someone etc); must\mustn’t vs. don’t have to.

Exercise 2 (a)p. 69. SB. Look at the examples. Find other examples of determiners in the text on page 68 and underline them.

Answers: no one, everything, everyone, something, something, anyone, someone, everywhere.

Exercise 2 (b)p. 69. SB. Complete the words in the chart. Use the text on page 68 to help you.






No one




All of them

Some of them

None of them

Exercise 2 (c) p. 69. SB. Write the correct words in the spaces. Choose from the words in the box.

Answers: 2-no one; 3-everyne; 4-none of them; 5-everythine; 6-everywhere; 7-all of them.

Students read through the example sentences and underline them.

They complete the rule.

They circle the correct word.

VI. Vocabulary and listening.

a) Exercise 3 (a)p. 83. SB. Match the parts of the sentences to complete the definitions.

Answers: 2-a; 3-g; 4-e; 5-h; 6-d; 7-b; 8-f.

b) Exercise 2 (b)p. 83. SB. CD 2 T22. Match the pictures with the sentences. Write the letters in the boxes. Then listen, check and repeat.

Answers: 1-D; 2-F; 3-A; 4-B; 5-E; 6-H; 7-C; 8-G.

c) Exercise 2 (c)p. 83. SB. Listen to four patients at the doctor’s. What problems does each person have?

Answers: 1. His ankle hurts. 2. She’s got a sore throat. 3. He’s got stomach ache. 4. She’s got a cold.

They match the parts of the sentences to complete the definitions.

They match the pictures with the sentences.

They name person's problems.

VII. Homework:

Ex.2p.54 WB Vocabulary bank p 115

They write in their diaries.

VIII. Reflection:

I understood …

It was boring ….

It was interesting ….

They express their opinions about the lesson

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс


Автор: Tlepova Aigul Adietovna

Дата: 19.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 279020

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