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He’s from Africa

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Form: 4«а»
Theme: He’s from Africa.

The aims of the lesson:  to talk about where people are from.
Educational: to teach to write new words on the theme, to teach to read correctly,
                     to teach to use new words while doing exercises, to teach to learn by 
                     heard new words;    
Developing: to develop pupils skills and habits in reading, listening and speaking, 
                      to develop memory, to develop pupils thinking abilities;
Up-bringing: to bring up pupils love and interest to the subject.
The types of the lesson: combined
Visual aids: Class CD; Lesson 1 flashcards.

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«He’s from Africa»

The plan of the lesson


Form: 4«а»

Theme: He’s from Africa.

The aims of the lesson: to talk about where people are from.

Educational: to teach to write new words on the theme, to teach to read correctly,

to teach to use new words while doing exercises, to teach to learn by

heard new words;

Developing: to develop pupils skills and habits in reading, listening and speaking,

to develop memory, to develop pupils thinking abilities;

Up-bringing: to bring up pupils love and interest to the subject.

The types of the lesson: combined

Visual aids: Class CD; Lesson 1 flashcards.


I. Organization moment.

II. Warm up.

III. Checking up the h/t.

IV. New theme.

V. Exercises.

VI. Comment on the mark.

VII. Giving h/t.

VIII.Conclusion of the lesson.

Procedure of the lesson

I. Organization moment.

Teacher activity.

Pupils` activity.

-Hello, pupils`

-How are you?

-I`m fine. Thank you!

-Take your seats.

-Who is on duty today?

-Who is absent?

-What date is it today?

-Thank you! Take your seat.

-Hello, teacher.

-We are fine thanks and you?

-I`m on duty today.

-All are present.

-Today is the 08th of September.

II. Warm up.

  • T. divides the class into two groups to sing the song from the previous lesson. They sing one verse each and together they sing the last three lines. While one group sings, the other group acts out or dances to the song.

III.Checking up the h/t.



-What was your homework?

-Ok, are you ready?

-Yes please!

-Very good. Thanks.

-Now let`s begin our lesson.

-Open your copy books and books.

- The home task is_______

-May I read homework.

IV.New theme.

Let`s begin our lesson. Open your copybooks write down the date and the theme. Our new theme is “He`s from Africa!” Work with new words.

  • T. says Open your books at page 6.

  • T. presents the new vocabulary with the lesson’s flashcards. T. sees Introduction, p.v for guidance on presenting new vocabulary.

  • T. practices several times the different sounds in Africa (A) [æ], airport (ai) /ea/ and aunt (au) /a:/.

Grammar: I am/’m, You/We/They are/’re, He/she/It is/’s

He’s from Africa!

  • Pre-reading: T. asks the children to look at the story. T. asks ( in L1where necessary) Where are Sally,Trumpet and Karla?Where is Ziggy?

  • T. follows the steps for presenting stories – T. can use Introduction, p. v.

  • T. asks some questions in L1 to check understanding and engage the children. T. asks (avoiding L1 if possible) Who is Ziggy with? Is Ziggy on holiday? Are the animals happy?


Let`s do exercises.

PB: page 6, 1. Circle.

  • T. does the example with the class; T. allocates the parts of picture 1 of the story to three volunteers. T. asks them to read the dialogue aloud.

  • T. asks Is it a nice day? T. elicits Yes, it is. T. asks What’s that noise? T. elicits It’s a mobile phone. T. asks the children to read the example question and answer.

  • T. asks the children to circle the correct answers. T. monitors and helps where necessary.

  • T. checks the answers.

PB: page 7, Learn with Tag

  • T. says I am a teacher. I’m a teacher. T. points to a boy, looks at him and says You are a boy. You’re a boy. T. points to the boy again, looks at the class and says He is a boy. He’s a boy. T. asks the children to repeat. T. does the same with girl and table to demonstrate She is/She’s and It is/it’s.

  • T. asks a child to come to the front, stands next to him/her and says We are happy. We’re happy. T. points to the class and says You are happy. You’re happy. T. looks at the child next to him/her, points to the class and says They are happy. They’re happy. T. asks the children to repeat each time.

  • T. writes on the board: I am. Then rubs out the a and replace it with an apostrophe. T. repeats with other short forms.

  • T. asks the children to read tag’s speech bubble and the grammar box out loud.

Optional activity

  • T. chooses children, gives them a word (am, is or are) and asks them to make a sentence. Each time, T. asks for the complete and the short form.

PB page 7, 2. Listen and stick.

  • T. asks the children to find the stickers for Lesson 1.

  • T. plays the CD. T. says Listen and stick. T. stops after each sentence. T. allows enough time for children to stick their stickers.

  • T. checks the answers.

PB page 7, 3. Circle and write.

  • T. does the example with the class: T. asks the children to read the example sentence and calls out the missing word (white).

  • T. asks the children to circle and write. T. monitors and helps where necessary.

  • T. checks the answers.

PB page 7, 4. What about you? Write.

  • T. asks the children to write about themselves. T. monitors and helps where necessary.

  • T. asks as many children as possible to read out what they have written.

PB page 7, 5. Sing along with The Fly High band!

  • T. plays the CD. T. can see the introduction, p.vi for guidance on teaching songs.

VI. Comment on the mark.

I`ll put the mark who was active today.

VII. Giving h/t.

  • T. asks the children to complete pp.4-5 in their Activity Book.

VIII. Conclusion of the lesson.

Did you understand today`s lesson? Have you any question?

Stand up children. The lesson is over. Good bye!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс

He’s from Africa

Автор: Батыргалиева Жанат Маратовна

Дата: 18.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 278406

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