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Food for thought

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Бекітемін: Ізбасарова __________

Date: 17.11.2015

Grade: 10

Theme:  Food for thought

Aims: I. Educational.

To introduce pupils with new  theme and to learn new words with their pronunciations. To enrich pupil’s knowledge about their health


 To develop pupils skills and habits. To develop pupils writing, reading and speaking.

III. Bringing – up.

To teach pupils to do good things each of other.

Visual aids: cards, pictures.

                                             Procedure of the lesson

I.      Org. moment

T: Good morning, pupils!

P: Good morning, teacher!

T: How are you?

P: We are fine, and you?

T: I`m all right, thanks. Who`s on duty today?

P: I`m on duty today.

T: Who`s absent?

P: All are present.

T: what date is it today?

P: The ______________.

T: What day is it today?

P: Today is __________.

T: Well, take you sit please.


II..   Checking up the home task.

-       What was your home work for today?

-       It was

-       Are you ready?   Who is ready?

-       Up your hands, please.

New theme: Today is our new theme is food for thought open your copybook write down today’s date and day and our new theme

New words
Urchin – [?: t∫?n] – те?із кірпісі
Locust – [l?uk?st] – шегіртке
Snail – [sneil] – ?лу
Tarantulas – [t?'ræntjul?s] – б?йі
Seaweed – [si: wi: d] – балдыр
Snake – [sneik] – жылан
Squid – [skwid] – ?са? балы?
Octopus – [?kt?p?s] - сегізая?
Eel – [i: l] – жыланбалы?

6. Reading of the text.
* Group ‘Seaweed’ * Group ‘ Sea urchins’

7. Complete the table. Ex: 8.
Country --- Food
____________.. Locust
France ---___________
Central America._________
____________.. Snake

8. Group work
Write the capitals of the following countries
Country ------ Capital


V. Giving homework.

Ex: 14 p: 67

VI.    Marking

5 – Excellent

4 – Good

3 – Sat

2 – Bad

                                         The lesson is over.

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«Food for thought»

Бекітемін: Ізбасарова __________

Date: 17.11.2015

Grade: 10

Theme: Food for thought

Aims: I. Educational.

To introduce pupils with new theme and to learn new words with their pronunciations. To enrich pupil’s knowledge about their health


To develop pupils skills and habits. To develop pupils writing, reading and speaking.

III. Bringing – up.

To teach pupils to do good things each of other.

Visual aids: cards, pictures.

Procedure of the lesson

I. Org. moment

T: Good morning, pupils!

P: Good morning, teacher!

T: How are you?

P: We are fine, and you?

T: I`m all right, thanks. Who`s on duty today?

P: I`m on duty today.

T: Who`s absent?

P: All are present.

T: what date is it today?

P: The ______________.

T: What day is it today?

P: Today is __________.

T: Well, take you sit please.

II. . Checking up the home task.

- What was your home work for today?

- It was

- Are you ready? Who is ready?

- Up your hands, please.

New theme: Today is our new theme is food for thought open your copybook write down today’s date and day and our new theme

New words
Urchin – [ә: t∫әn] – теңіз кірпісі
Locust – [lәukәst] – шегіртке
Snail – [sneil] – ұлу
Tarantulas – [tә'ræntjulәs] – бүйі
Seaweed – [si: wi: d] – балдыр
Snake – [sneik] – жылан
Squid – [skwid] – ұсақ балық
Octopus – [כּktәpәs] - сегізаяқ
Eel – [i: l] – жыланбалық

6. Reading of the text.
* Group ‘Seaweed’ * Group ‘ Sea urchins’

7. Complete the table. Ex: 8.
Country --------------- Food
China ................___________
____________......... Locust
France -----------___________
Central America ...._________
____________........ Snake
Japan .................___________
Europe ..............._________
____________ ...........Eel

8. Group work
Write the capitals of the following countries
Country -------------------------------- Capital

V. Giving homework.

Ex: 14 p: 67

VI. Marking

5 – Excellent

4 – Good

3 – Sat

2 – Bad

The lesson is over.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Food for thought

Автор: А?зам?ызы М?дина

Дата: 06.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 272866

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