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Sacred places of my native land

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Творческая работа на тему “Sacred places of my native land”

Ткаченко Владислав,

ученик 8 «Б» класса МБОУ «СОШ г. Бирюча»

The grace of sacred places in my native land will be never exhausted!

Those church bells,

How many a tale their music tells!

      Have you ever tried to ring the church bells? And as for me, I had a happy chance to do it once. It happened in the village of Kalinovo, situated in Krasnogvardeisky district, during Easter celebrations. My relatives and I took part in the church service that day. By chance, I heard that children were allowed to ring the church bells. I hadn’t expected that it was so exciting. When I stood on the bell tower and rang the bells, my heart was filled with bliss and happiness.

That event made me think about the attitude of people to their local churches and inspired me to collect some information about the foundation of the sacred places in my native land.

There are churches and temples in many villages of my district, but are they really that important place where people are eager to go to?

To answer this question I decided to make a virtual excursion to some of the sacred places in the district. First of all, I have found out that there are as many churches- as many stories of their foundation. Let me introduce the most interesting ones.

The Temple of Kazan Icon of God’s Mother

This temple in the village Soldatka was built according to the project of the architect Karl Ivanovich Blanca. It has a form of the extended ship with a bell tower over an entrance. Parishioners of the Kazan temple in all years of the Soviet power didn't allow to close the church. And even in the months of the German occupation of the village of Soldatka Church services took place. In 1987 restoration works were performed, the unique list and the altar were restored. The temple external walls were updated.

The Temple of Gracious Saviour

 Streletsky stone church was constructed in 1876 instead of the burned-down wooden temple built in 1641. In October 1932 under pressure of the activists of the local collective farm the descent of peasants made the decision on bell tower demolition, temple closing. It was also decided to demolish the temple dome. However, in the day of execution of this decision people began to protest, many participants were arrested, and the church was turned into a grain store.                                                                                                                                                                                          

 In May 1945 at the request of parishioners Church service in the temple was resumed. In 2003 some restoration works in the temple were carried out.

The Temple of St. Sergius Radonezh

   The inhabitants of the village Malobykovo say that their temple is one of a kind. Not without reason, there is a proverb: “Every bird likes its own nest”. The temple attracts tourists’ attention because of its unusual glass domes. The list of the Temple of St. Sergius Radonezh was executed in 2011 by the group of artists of icon painters of Palekh under the leadership of the artist-icon painter Ivan Lebedev.

The Temple Chapel in honor of the Prelate Ioasaf

  This temple chapel in the village Ezdotsky is small in its size, though the whole spiritual complex has been created here. People like to say about their church: “A little body often harbours a great soul”.

God's Temple Arkhistratiga of Mikhail

  The first church in the village Valuichik appeared in 1796. Many times the building burned and built up anew. In 1960 the church burned down to the basis. And only in 2013 here again the parishioners heard a voice of the church bell. “Better late than never” – this is how the inhabitants of this village speak about their long-expected church.  

The Temple of the Protection of Our Most Holy Lady

Nothing's so good but it might've been better – these words belong most of all to the main temple in Biryuch. It was put in 1832 and only six years later it had been constructed by a feast of the Protecting Veil of the Mother of God. The beauty of internal furniture of the temple was noted by many well-known people in our country. It was visited by the composer Bortnyansky and the writer Danilevsky. The artist Kramskoy created an image of future picture "Christ in the Desert" on lists of the temple. After the revolution the temple underwent the real defeat, in 1922 withdrew all values, the clergy was also dispersed. In 1961 the majestic temple was turned into regional Recreation centre. And only in September, 2004 reconstruction of the building began and in 2006 the updated temple accepted its first parishioners.

    To learn people’s opinion about this temple, some of my classmates and relatives were asked 3 questions: 1. Do you go to the temple? 2. How often do you go there? 3. What are your feelings and thoughts after visiting it?

    So, I have discovered that a lot of people, elderly and young, go to the temple, but more often they visit it on the main religious holidays: Christmas and Easter. They express their feelings about the temple differently but the meaning of their words is the same:

? When I walk about Sobornaya Square, my eyes steadily direct up, in the sky, and I see two suns - one of them is real, and another - a gold cross of the Temple. And at once I feel some awe in my soul, inexplicable pleasure and grace.

? Let the doors of the Temple be opened for all people going to Belief, Love and Truth. I wish our Temple long years of prosperity.

? I beg the Temple’s pardon for that it had to endure. I believe that a club or a movie theatre will be never more arranged in its halls and the altar will be never profaned.

    For the conclusion of my work I have chosen the following words of the former  Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Alexy II: “People can't live without Temple – it is also necessary for their soul as the house and food for their corporal existence”. People in my native land also need temples; they aspire there to fill their soul with kindness, to become spiritually purer and better. I am sure that the grace of the sacred places in Krasnogvardeisky district will be never exhausted.



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«Sacred places of my native land »

Творческая работа на тему “Sacred places of my native land”

Ткаченко Владислав,

ученик 8 «Б» класса МБОУ «СОШ г. Бирюча»

The grace of sacred places in my native land will be never exhausted!

Those church bells,

How many a tale their music tells!

Have you ever tried to ring the church bells? And as for me, I had a happy chance to do it once. It happened in the village of Kalinovo, situated in Krasnogvardeisky district, during Easter celebrations. My relatives and I took part in the church service that day. By chance, I heard that children were allowed to ring the church bells. I hadn’t expected that it was so exciting. When I stood on the bell tower and rang the bells, my heart was filled with bliss and happiness.

That event made me think about the attitude of people to their local churches and inspired me to collect some information about the foundation of the sacred places in my native land.

There are churches and temples in many villages of my district, but are they really that important place where people are eager to go to?

To answer this question I decided to make a virtual excursion to some of the sacred places in the district. First of all, I have found out that there are as many churches- as many stories of their foundation. Let me introduce the most interesting ones.

The Temple of Kazan Icon of God’s Mother

This temple in the village Soldatka was built according to the project of the architect Karl Ivanovich Blanca. It has a form of the extended ship with a bell tower over an entrance. Parishioners of the Kazan temple in all years of the Soviet power didn't allow to close the church. And even in the months of the German occupation of the village of Soldatka Church services took place. In 1987 restoration works were performed, the unique list and the altar were restored. The temple external walls were updated.

The Temple of Gracious Saviour

Streletsky stone church was constructed in 1876 instead of the burned-down wooden temple built in 1641. In October 1932 under pressure of the activists of the local collective farm the descent of peasants made the decision on bell tower demolition, temple closing. It was also decided to demolish the temple dome. However, in the day of execution of this decision people began to protest, many participants were arrested, and the church was turned into a grain store. In May 1945 at the request of parishioners Church service in the temple was resumed. In 2003 some restoration works in the temple were carried out.

The Temple of St. Sergius Radonezh

The inhabitants of the village Malobykovo say that their temple is one of a kind. Not without reason, there is a proverb: “Every bird likes its own nest”. The temple attracts tourists’ attention because of its unusual glass domes. The list of the Temple of St. Sergius Radonezh was executed in 2011 by the group of artists of icon painters of Palekh under the leadership of the artist-icon painter Ivan Lebedev.

The Temple Chapel in honor of the Prelate Ioasaf

This temple chapel in the village Ezdotsky is small in its size, though the whole spiritual complex has been created here. People like to say about their church: “A little body often harbours a great soul”.

God's Temple Arkhistratiga of Mikhail

The first church in the village Valuichik appeared in 1796. Many times the building burned and built up anew. In 1960 the church burned down to the basis. And only in 2013 here again the parishioners heard a voice of the church bell. “Better late than never” – this is how the inhabitants of this village speak about their long-expected church.

The Temple of the Protection of Our Most Holy Lady

Nothing's so good but it might've been better – these words belong most of all to the main temple in Biryuch. It was put in 1832 and only six years later it had been constructed by a feast of the Protecting Veil of the Mother of God. The beauty of internal furniture of the temple was noted by many well-known people in our country. It was visited by the composer Bortnyansky and the writer Danilevsky. The artist Kramskoy created an image of future picture "Christ in the Desert" on lists of the temple. After the revolution the temple underwent the real defeat, in 1922 withdrew all values, the clergy was also dispersed. In 1961 the majestic temple was turned into regional Recreation centre. And only in September, 2004 reconstruction of the building began and in 2006 the updated temple accepted its first parishioners.

To learn people’s opinion about this temple, some of my classmates and relatives were asked 3 questions: 1. Do you go to the temple? 2. How often do you go there? 3. What are your feelings and thoughts after visiting it?

So, I have discovered that a lot of people, elderly and young, go to the temple, but more often they visit it on the main religious holidays: Christmas and Easter. They express their feelings about the temple differently but the meaning of their words is the same:

 When I walk about Sobornaya Square, my eyes steadily direct up, in the sky, and I see two suns - one of them is real, and another - a gold cross of the Temple. And at once I feel some awe in my soul, inexplicable pleasure and grace.

 Let the doors of the Temple be opened for all people going to Belief, Love and Truth. I wish our Temple long years of prosperity.

 I beg the Temple’s pardon for that it had to endure. I believe that a club or a movie theatre will be never more arranged in its halls and the altar will be never profaned.

For the conclusion of my work I have chosen the following words of the former Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Alexy II: “People can't live without Temple – it is also necessary for their soul as the house and food for their corporal existence”. People in my native land also need temples; they aspire there to fill their soul with kindness, to become spiritually purer and better. I am sure that the grace of the sacred places in Krasnogvardeisky district will be never exhausted.

Да не иссякнет благодать святынь родного края!

Колокольный звон,

Как много дум наводит он!

Приходилось ли вам когда-нибудь звонить в церковные колокола? А вот мне посчастливилось это однажды сделать. Произошло это в селе Калиново Красногвардейского района, расположенном в Белгородской области, во время празднования Пасхи. В тот день мы с родственниками принимали участие в церковной службе. Случайно я услышал, что детям разрешалось звонить в церковные колокола. Я не ожидал, что это так волнующе. Когда я стоял на колокольне и звонил в колокола, мое сердце наполнилось блаженством и счастьем. Тот случай заставил меня задуматься об отношении людей к местным церквям и вдохновил собрать информацию о возникновении священных мест в моем родном крае.

Во многих деревнях моего района есть церкви и храмы, но являются ли они действительно тем важным местом, куда так стремятся люди?

Чтобы ответить на этот вопрос, я решил совершить виртуальную экскурсию по некоторым святым местам в районе. Во-первых, я узнал: сколько существует церквей, столько и историй их создания. Позвольте мне представить наиболее интересные из них.

Храм Казанской иконы Божьей Матери

Этот храм в селе Солдатка был построен по проекту архитектора Карла Ивановича Бланки. Он имеет форму удлиненного корабля с колокольней над входом. Прихожане Казанского Храма во все годы советской власти не позволяли закрывать свою церковь. И даже в месяцы немецкой оккупации села там продолжались Богослужения. В 1987 году были произведены реставрационные работы, восстановлены уникальная роспись и алтарь. В храме обновлены наружные стены.

Храм Всемилостивого Спаса

Стрелецкая каменная церковь была сооружена в 1876 году вместо сгоревшего деревянного храма, построенного в 1641 году. В октябре 1932 года под давлением активистов местного колхоза сход крестьян принял решение о сносе колокольни, закрытии храма. Однако в день исполнения этого решения в селе начались протесты. Многие его участники были арестованы, а церковь превратили в зерносклад. В мае 1945 года по просьбе прихожан в храме было возобновлено Богослужение. В 2003 году были проведены ремонтно-реставрационные работы.

Храм Преподобного Сергия Радонежского

Жители села Малобыково говорят, что их храм – единственный в своем роде. Недаром существует пословица: «Всяк кулик свое болото хвалит». Храм привлекает внимание туристов своими необычными стеклянными куполами. Роспись храма выполнена в 2011 году группой художников-иконописцев из Палеха под руководством художника-иконописца Ивана Лебедева.

Храм-часовня в честь Святителя Иоасафа

Этот храм-часовня в селе Ездоцкое маленький по своему размеру, хотя там создан целый духовный комплекс. Люди любят говорить о своей церкви: «Мал золотник, да дорог».

Храм Архистратига Божия Михаила

Первая церковь в селе Валуйчик появилась в 1796 году. Много раз здание сгорало и строилось заново. В 1960 году церковь сгорела дотла. И только в 2013 году прихожане снова услышали голос церковного колокола. «Лучше поздно, чем никогда» - так говорят жители этого села о своей долгожданной церкви.

Собор Покрова Богородицы

«На хорошее всегда найдется лучшее» - эти слова больше всего относятся к главному храму в Бирюче. Его заложили в 1832 году, и только спустя 6 лет к празднику Покрова Богородицы храм был построен. Красоту внутреннего убранства храма отмечали многие известные в стране люди. Здесь побывали композитор Бортнянский и писатель Данилевский. Художник Крамской по росписям собора создавал образ будущей картины «Христос в пустыне». После революции храм подвергся настоящему разгрому, в 1922 году изъяли все ценности, а клир был разогнан. В 1961 году величественный храм превращён в районный Дом Культуры. И только в сентябре 2004 года началась реконструкция здания, а в 2006 году обновлённый храм принял своих прихожан.

Чтобы узнать мнение людей об этом храме, нескольким моим одноклассникам и родственникам было задано 3 вопроса: Ходите ли вы в храм? Как часто вы туда ходите? Какие чувства и мысли возникают у вас после его посещения?

В итоге, я узнал, что многие люди, пожилые и молодые, ходят в храм, но чаще всего они посещают его в главные религиозные праздники: Рождество и Пасху. Они выражают свои чувства о храме по-разному, но значение их слов одинаковое:

 Когда я иду по Соборной площади, мои глаза неизменно устремляются ввысь, в небо, и я вижу два солнца - одно из них настоящее, а другое - золотой крест Храма. И сразу какой-то трепет в душе, неизъяснимая радость и благодать.

 Пусть двери Храма распахнутся для всех людей, идущих к Вере, Любви, Истине. Желаю нашему Храму долгих лет процветания.

 Я прошу у Храма прощения за то, что ему пришлось пережить. Я верю, что никогда больше не устроят в его залах ни клуб, ни кинотеатр, никогда не осквернят алтарь.

Для заключительной части своей работы я выбрал слова бывшего Патриарха Московского и всея Руси Алексия II: «Люди не могут жить без Храма – он также необходим для их души, как дом и пища для их телесного существования». Люди в моем родном крае тоже нуждаются в храмах; они устремляются туда, чтобы наполнить свою душу добротой, стать духовно чище и лучше. Я уверен, что благодать святынь в Красногвардейском районе никогда не иссякнет.

Источники информации


  1. http://zavolu.info/vassilio/belgorod/hramy-belgorodskoy-i-starooskolskoy-eparhii.pdf

  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krasnogvardeysky_District,_Belgorod_Oblast

  3. http://birkult.ru/question-answer

  4. http://sobory.ru/locat/?distr=1314

  5. http://www.translationdirectory.com/dictionaries/dictionary020.htm


  1. Фурсин Б. В. «Город Бирюч – частица России», г. Белгород, 2010 год

  2. Веретенников В. И. «Бирюч – изумрудный уголок России»: литературно – краеведческая хроника. – Белгород: КОНСТАНТА, 2010. – 300с.: ил.

  3. Взыскуя града Господня. Храмы Бирюченского благочиния, Белгород, 2008г. – С. 44;

  4. Бирюч 300 лет / Текст, сост. канд. ист. наук В.И.Веретенников. Белгород : Белгород. обл. тип., 2005. – 283 с.

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Sacred places of my native land

Автор: Веретенникова Валентина Нестеровна

Дата: 22.12.2014

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