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Do you help in the house ?

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Lesson Theme: Do you help in the house?

The aims of the lesson

Educational: to enrich vocabulary, to pay attention to pronunciation and use subject and Possessive pronouns.

Developing: to develop reading, speaking critical thinking skills memory and creative working.

Brining up: to bring up students to respect and love their parents and always help them at home.

Type:  mixed.

Methods: explaining, questions, answers, matching.

Form: individual, pair work, work with class.  

Materials: a book. pictures.cards

Technical means: Interactive board, personal computer

                      Stages of the lesson:



III. Checking the home work;

IV. Presentation-P1;

V. Practice-P2;

VI. Production-P3;

VII. Conclusion.

VIII Home task

IX Assessment

    Procedure of the lesson

  1. Introduction:
  2.  Good morning!
  3.  I’m very glad to see you.
  4. Who is on duty to day?
  5. Who is away?
  6. What date is it to day?
  7. What day is it to day?
  8. What season is it now?
  9. What month is it now?


II. Warm-up.

Six, silly, sisters, sell, silk, sickly, senior, citizens

III. Checking the home work. Ex 5, p. 92 

  • There are twenty chairs in our classroom.
  • There are ten desks in our classroom.
  • There are three pictures in our classroom.
  • There are two  windows in our classroom.
  • There are eleven plants in our classroom.
  • There are seventeen bags in our classroom.


IV. Presentation-P1

  • always - әрқашан
  • sometimes-кейде
  • usually-әдетте
  • often-жиі
  • seldom-сирек
  • never-ешқашан
  • once/twice a week-аптасына бір/екі рет
  • four times-төрт рет


Word box

  • to make one’s bed-төсек салу немесе төсек жинау
  • to tidy one’s room-үй жинау
  • to take the rubbish out-қоқыс шығару
  • to do the washing up-ыдыс жуу
  • to lay the table-дастарқан жасау
  • to do washing-кір жуу
  • ever-әйтеуір бір, бір кездерде


IV a) Grammar in focus


  • One’s-my, his, her, our, your, their
  • I make my  bed.
  • She/he makes her/his bed.
  • We make our beds.
  • You make your beds.
  • They make their beds.


I  my                                      We  our

He  his                                       You  your

She  her                                       They  their

It  its

V Practice-P2

Read page 94 exercise 1.

  • Colin: I often help my mother in the house. I usually make my bed, sometimes tidy my room. I always take the rubbish out. I seldom do the washing up and never lay the table.
  • Colin: Do you ever help your Mum in the house, Omar?
  • Omar: Yes, I do. I often help my Mum.
  • Colin: How often do you make your bed?
  • Omar: I always make my bed.
  • Colin: And how do you tidy your room?
  • Omar: Once a week. Usually on Saturday afternoon.
  • Colin: Who lay the table in your family?
  • Omar: My Mum does.
  • Colin: So does my Mum.

V a)

Page 95 Exercise 4

Right (v) or wrong (x)

  • Colin seldom helps his mother.
  • Colin sometimes tidies his room.
  • Colin always does the washing up.
  • Colin usually makes his bed.
  • Colin never lays the table.
  • Colin seldom takes the rubbish out.



Page 95 Exercise 4

                                                                               T               F

  • 1) Colin seldom helps his mother.                                 +
  • 2) Colin sometimes tidies his room.              +
  • 3) Colin always does the washing up.                            +
  • 4) Colin usually makes his bed.                     +
  • 5) Colin never lays the table.                          +
  • 6) Colin seldom takes the rubbish out.                            +

VI Production P3 c) Page 95 Exercise 5

  • Answer the questions. Use the words in the box.      seldom


  • Example: Does Colin ever help his mother?              sometimes

                    Yes, he often helps his mother.                   usually

  • - Does Colin ever make his bed?                                never
  • - Does Colin ever tidy his room?                                often
  • - Does Colin ever take the rubbish out?
  • - Does Colin ever do the washing up?
  •  Does Colin ever lay the table?  

VI a) Page 95 Exercise 6

          Example: Do you ever help your mother?

                          Yes, I often (always) help my mother.

  • - Do you ever make your bed?
  • - Do you ever tidy your room?
  • - Do you ever take the rubbish out?
  • - Do you ever do the washing up?
  •  Do you ever lay the table?

VII. Conclusion Ex 1 p. 57 W/b

Write about Carol using the information in her questionnaire.








Do you ever

1) help your mother ?

2) make your bed ?

3) tidy your room ?

4) lay the table ?

5) watch TV ?

6) take the rubbish out?

7) do the washing up?

VIII. Home task

  • Page 96 Exercise 13
  • Write about the jobs you do and don’t do in the house.

IX. Assessment

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«Do you help in the house ?»

Lesson Theme: Do you help in the house?

The aims of the lesson

Educational: to enrich vocabulary, to pay attention to pronunciation and use subject and Possessive pronouns.

Developing: to develop reading, speaking critical thinking skills memory and creative working.

Brining up: to bring up students to respect and love their parents and always help them at home.

Type: mixed.

Methods: explaining, questions, answers, matching.

Form: individual, pair work, work with class.

Materials: a book. pictures.cards

Technical means: Interactive board, personal computer

Stages of the lesson:



III. Checking the home work;

IV. Presentation-P1;

V. Practice-P2;

VI. Production-P3;

VII. Conclusion.

VIII Home task

IX Assessment

Procedure of the lesson

  1. Introduction:

  2. Good morning!

  3. I’m very glad to see you.

  4. Who is on duty to day?

  5. Who is away?

  6. What date is it to day?

  7. What day is it to day?

  8. What season is it now?

  9. What month is it now?

II. Warm-up.

Six, silly, sisters, sell, silk, sickly, senior, citizens

III. Checking the home work. Ex 5, p. 92

  • There are twenty chairs in our classroom.

  • There are ten desks in our classroom.

  • There are three pictures in our classroom.

  • There are two windows in our classroom.

  • There are eleven plants in our classroom.

  • There are seventeen bags in our classroom.

IV. Presentation-P1

  • always - әрқашан

  • sometimes-кейде

  • usually-әдетте

  • often-жиі

  • seldom-сирек

  • never-ешқашан

  • once/twice a week-аптасына бір/екі рет

  • four times-төрт рет

Word box

  • to make one’s bed-төсек салу немесе төсек жинау

  • to tidy one’s room-үй жинау

  • to take the rubbish out-қоқыс шығару

  • to do the washing up-ыдыс жуу

  • to lay the table-дастарқан жасау

  • to do washing-кір жуу

  • ever-әйтеуір бір, бір кездерде

IV a) Grammar in focus

  • One’s-my, his, her, our, your, their

  • I make my bed.

  • She/he makes her/his bed.

  • We make our beds.

  • You make your beds.

  • They make their beds.

I my We our

He his You your

She her They their

It its

V Practice-P2

Read page 94 exercise 1.

  • Colin: I often help my mother in the house. I usually make my bed, sometimes tidy my room. I always take the rubbish out. I seldom do the washing up and never lay the table.

  • Colin: Do you ever help your Mum in the house, Omar?

  • Omar: Yes, I do. I often help my Mum.

  • Colin: How often do you make your bed?

  • Omar: I always make my bed.

  • Colin: And how do you tidy your room?

  • Omar: Once a week. Usually on Saturday afternoon.

  • Colin: Who lay the table in your family?

  • Omar: My Mum does.

  • Colin: So does my Mum.

V a)

Page 95 Exercise 4

Right (v) or wrong (x)

  • Colin seldom helps his mother.

  • Colin sometimes tidies his room.

  • Colin always does the washing up.

  • Colin usually makes his bed.

  • Colin never lays the table.

  • Colin seldom takes the rubbish out.


Page 95 Exercise 4


  • 1) Colin seldom helps his mother. +

  • 2) Colin sometimes tidies his room. +

  • 3) Colin always does the washing up. +

  • 4) Colin usually makes his bed. +

  • 5) Colin never lays the table. +

  • 6) Colin seldom takes the rubbish out. +

VI Production P3 c) Page 95 Exercise 5

  • Answer the questions. Use the words in the box. seldom


  • Example: Does Colin ever help his mother? sometimes

Yes, he often helps his mother. usually

  • - Does Colin ever make his bed? never

  • - Does Colin ever tidy his room? often

  • - Does Colin ever take the rubbish out?

  • - Does Colin ever do the washing up?

  • Does Colin ever lay the table?

VI a) Page 95 Exercise 6

Example: Do you ever help your mother?

Yes, I often (always) help my mother.

  • - Do you ever make your bed?

  • - Do you ever tidy your room?

  • - Do you ever take the rubbish out?

  • - Do you ever do the washing up?

  • Do you ever lay the table?

VII. Conclusion Ex 1 p. 57 W/b

Write about Carol using the information in her questionnaire.








Do you ever

1) help your mother ?

2) make your bed ?

3) tidy your room ?

4) lay the table ?

5) watch TV ?

6) take the rubbish out?

7) do the washing up?

VIII. Home task

  • Page 96 Exercise 13

  • Write about the jobs you do and don’t do in the house.

IX. Assessment

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Do you help in the house ?

Автор: Бейсенова Акжаркын Турсынкуловна

Дата: 23.01.2017

Номер свидетельства: 382598

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