I. Вводная часть 1.1. Приветствие 1.2. Организационный момент. 1.3. Целеполагание. 1.4. Фонетическая зарядка. 1.5. Повторение счета 1.6. Речевая разминка. II. Основная часть. 2.1. Введение новой лексики. 2.2. Первичная отработка лексики. 2.3. Физическая минутка. 2.5. Аудирование. А) до прослушивания Б) прослушивание В) после прослушивания III. Заключительная часть. 3.2. Комментирование домашнего задания. 3.3. Рефлексия. | - Good morning, children! - I’m glad to see you too. Sit down, please. I am a teacher of English today. My name is Emiliya Railevna. - Today we’ll speak about school and your favourite subjects. - First, let’s start the lesson with the song. - Let’s sing an alphabet chant. And repeat after me line by line. A, B, C, D, E, F, G Look at her, at him, at me! H, I, J, K, L, M, N Look at them and say it again! O, P, Q, R, S, T, U We like fun and what about you? V and W, X, Y, Z That’s the alphabet, that’s what I said. - Thank you, let’s sing. - Thank you. - А сейчас, чтобы хорошо знать английский язык надо хорошо знать правила чтения. Look at the board, please. You see a rhyme. Обратите внимание на это буквосочетание. Назовите, какие буквы вы видите. Буква a и буква r читается [a:]. All together. [a:]. Card, farm, star, stars, Art. Now, read. - Let’s remember numerals. (примеры) - Do you like school? What do you do at school? Do you draw, read, write. Do you like English? - Now, look at the board, please. You see different words. Repeat after me: Art (ИЗО), English, Maths, Music, PE, Nature Study (природоведение), Crafts (урок ручного труда). - Open your dictionaries and write down these words. - Maths, Music, English, PE, Art. They are all subjects. Maths is a subject. Music is a subject. English is a subject. Can you guess what “subjects” means in Russian? - Subject. Repeat after me. - Write down in your dictionaries. - What is your favourite subject? What is Natasha’s favourite subject? - Thank you. Good for you. - Stand up and repeat after me. Two little feet go tap, tap, tap. Two little hands go clap, clap, clap. Two little feet go jump, jump, jump. Two little hands go thump, thump, thump. Hands on the head Hands on the hips Hands on the table Hands like this. Hands on the shoulders Hands up and down Hands behind the head And sit down. - Open your books at p. 6, ex. 2. Look at the pictures. This is an English school. Your task is to name the lessons, for example, look at picture A. What subject have pupils got? - Picture B - Picture C - Picture D - Picture E - Picture F - Picture G - Listen to the tape and say what dialogue 1 is about. - And one more time. В разных странах по-разному обращаются к учителям. Как обращаются к учителям в России? А в Англии к учителям обращаются как господин или госпожа и добавляют фамилию. For example, Mr Smith, Mrs Smith, Miss Smith. - Look at the chart and say the name of the teacher of the subject. Start “I think…” For example, I think Miss Fun is an English teacher. Work in pairs and match. You have two minutes. - Let’s check. Mr Draw is an Art teacher Mr Five – a Maths teacher Mr Run – a PE teacher Miss Paper – a Crafts teacher Miss Song – a Music teacher Miss Butterfly – a Nature Study - Take your day-books and write down your homework: AB p. , Ex. . You worked well. Now marks … - Ok, on your tables you have two cards. If you like our lesson you take the red card, if you don’t like our lesson you take the blue card. Ok, show me your cards. - Children, stand up! Raise your head! Jump up high! Wave your hand! And say “Good bye”! - The lesson is over. The bell has gone. Good bye! See you soon. | - Good morning, good morning, good morning to you, good morning, dear teacher, we are glad to see you! Повторяют за учителем Card, farm, star, stars, Art Art, English, Maths, Music, PE, Nature Study, Crafts. предметы Subject Two little feet go tap, tap, tap. Two little hands go clap, clap, clap. Two little feet go jump, jump, jump. Two little hands go thump, thump, thump. Hands on the head Hands on the hips Hands on the table Hands like this. Hands on the shoulders Hands up and down Hands behind the head And sit down. Maths Nature Study Crafts Art Music English PE Maths, Music, English, PE Отвечают на вопрос Работа в парах. | Раздаточный материал на карточках. Tape На доске – I can draw a card with a farm and stars in Art. Показываю карточки с цифрами по порядку и в разброс. На доске карточки с названиями предметов и картинки напротив каждого слова На доске слово “subject” На доске опора “My favourite subject is …” Работа с книгой Tape Работа с книгой На доске “I think…” В дневник записывают д/з Использование сигнальных карточек. | 1’ 3’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 4’ 1’ 3’ 2’ 4’ 4’ 2’ 2’ 2’ |