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Christmas Lesson

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Методическая разработка по мультфильму на английском языке "Kid helps Old Lady enjoy Christmas".

Многие ребята в канун Рождества пишут письма Санте с просьбой исполнить их мечту. Но иногда эти мечты не сбываются. Почему? Может, вы просто неправильно отправили письмо Санте? Посмотрите мультик и узнайте, как же правильно отправляитьпослания Санте.

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«Christmas Lesson»

Kid helps old lady enjoy Christmas


Christmas is coming!

What do you usually do before Christmas? Is it important to be with your family at Christmas?

( decorate X-mas tree with tinsel, baubles, decorate your house with candles, wreaths, lights; buy presents for family and friends)

Do you write letters to Santa Clause? How do you send them?

We are going to watch a cartoon about sending letters to Santa Clause.

Task 1. What are they in Russian?

regular mail chimney tinsel

baubles perplexed

pesky gloomy

delighted Christmas Eve

Task 2. Read the phrases and explain them in English or give their Russian equivalents –

  • gloomy house in the neighborhood –

  • Christmas cheer –

  • implement a plan –

  • deafening hullabaloo –

  • dusty old envelope –

  • he doesn’t exist -

Now watch the film Kid helps old lady enjoy Christmas!

Task 3. Order the events in the film –

A. There was a sad lady in the house. -

B. The bird found an old letter in the chimney.

C. The boy saw a gloomy house.

D. She wrote a letter to Santa but her wish didn’t come true.

E. The boy decorated the woman’s house, but the lady told him to leave her alone.

F. On Christmas Day their dreams came true!

G. The woman told the boy her story – when she was a girl, she wanted to have a friend very much.

H. The boy wrote a letter to Santa Clause.

I. The boy decided not to send his letter to Santa Clause.

J. The boy decorated his house.

K. The old lady sent both letters to Santa.

L. The boy implemented plan B and came into her house through a chimney!


  1. There was a sad lady in the house. - 4

  2. The bird found an old letter in the chimney. - 10

  3. The boy saw a gloomy house. -3

  4. She wrote a letter to Santa but her wish didn’t come true. - 8

  5. The boy decorated the woman’s house, but the lady told him to leave her alone. - 5

  6. On Christmas Day their dreams came true!- 12

  7. The woman told the boy her story – when she was a girl, she wanted to have a friend very much. - 7

  8. The boy wrote a letter to Santa Clause. - 1

  9. The boy decided not to send his letter to Santa Clause. - 9

  10. The boy decorated his house. - 2

  11. The old lady sent both letters to Santa. - 11

  12. The boy implemented plan B and came into her house through a chimney! - 6

The key:

  1. The boy wrote a letter to Santa Clause.

  2. The boy decorated his house.

  3. The boy saw a gloomy house.

  4. There was a sad lady in the house.

  5. The boy decorated the woman’s house, but the lady told him to leave her alone.

  6. The boy implemented plan B and came into her house through a chimney!

  7. The woman told the boy her story – when she was a girl, she wanted to have a friend very much.

  8. She wrote a letter to Santa but her wish didn’t come true.

  9. The boy decided not to send his letter to Santa Clause.

  10. The bird found an old letter in the chimney.

  11. The old lady sent both letters to Santa.

  12. On Christmas Day their dreams came true!

So now you know how to send letters to Santa Clause – burn them in the fireplace!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Christmas Lesson

Автор: Пшедромирская Елена Геннадьевна

Дата: 30.08.2024

Номер свидетельства: 655611

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