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Celebrating holidays around the world

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Саба?ты? та?ырыбы:Celebrating holidays

Саба?ты? ма?саты: О?ушылармен осы та?ырыпты ашатын, с?здерді? ма?ынасы мен ойларымен б?лісу.

а) Білімділік: о?ушыларды? білімін ж?йелеу, м?тінді толы? т?сіндіру, жа?а с?здерді толы? ме?герту, саба? барысында ?олдану?а ?йрету

?) Дамытушылы?: о?ушыларды? с?йлеу ?рекеттерін дамыту, тілге деген ?ызы?ушылы?ын арттыру, м?нерлі о?у?а да?дыландыру, с?здік ?орын дамыту.

б) Т?рбиелік: ?зге тілді ?йрене отырып, ?з тілдерін ??рметтей білуге т?рбиелеу.

I. Organization moment

-         Good afternoon, pupils!

-         Good afternoon, teacher!

-         Thank you, take your sit.

-         Who is on duty today?

-         What date is it today?

-         What day is it?

-         Today is ………

-         Who is absent?

II. Phonetic drill

- Now, pupils, look at the blackboard. It is our phonetic drill for our lesson. Exercise 1.How many English words can you find in the word whitewash. Make as many words as possible. Do not use names


eat, white, wash, she, he, tea, wet, has, hat, saw

III. Checking up the homework

- What was your home task?

- Who is ready?

- And to learn by heard new words

- Open your copybooks I’ll check your home task

IV. New theme

Look at the blackboard. Our new theme is “Celebrating holidays” Open you copybooks and write down today is date and day and our new theme.

V. New words

         - Look at the blackboard it is our new words for our lesson. Open your vocabulary write down these new words

decorate [‘dek∂reit]  - с?ндеу, безендіру

chimney [‘t∫imni] - м?ржа

celebrate [‘seli’breit] - тойлау

neighbor [‘neib∂] - к?рші

costume [‘k∂stju:m] – костюм, киім

guest [gest]  - ?она?

knock [nok] – ?а?у, тарсылдату

trick [trik] – айла, т?сіл

threat [Θret] - ?ауіп

roast [r∂ust] - ?уырыл?ан

turkey [t∂:ki]  к?ркетауы?

pie [pai] - б?ліш

sock [sok] - ш?лы?

stocking [stokiη] – ш?лы?

  • Have you written?
  • Be quick!
  • Listen to me then repeat after me all together

VII.  Doing exercises

Exercise 2.Read. Match the holidays and with the information




















Exercise 2.C. Find the following words in the text and write out the sentences

  1. Knock          b) Play trick             c) Dress      d) Cover faces  e) Come down
  • Children dressed in costumes knock their neighbours’ doors and ask: “Would you like “trick” or “treat?”.

Exercise 3. A. Write. Add these words to the word map


VIII. Consolidation


Exercise 3. E. Read the text again complete the sentences

  • Children dressed in costumes knock on the neighbours doors …
  • If you don’t give them sweets or money they play a trick _____ you
  • They dress up in costumes and cover their faces with masks
  • They hope that Santa Claus will come ____ the chimney during the night
  • They gather together ____ a home ____ a traditional dinner

IX. Home task

Open your record books write down your home task exercise 4. Talk to your partner

 * What holiday do you like? Why?

*  I like ______ because ________

X. Marking

- You worked active today I’ll give you your marks …

XI. Conclusion

- The lesson is over. You are free. Good bye

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«Celebrating holidays around the world »

Сабақтың тақырыбы:Celebrating holidays

Сабақтың мақсаты: Оқушылармен осы тақырыпты ашатын, сөздердің мағынасы мен ойларымен бөлісу.

а) Білімділік: оқушылардың білімін жүйелеу, мәтінді толық түсіндіру, жаңа сөздерді толық меңгерту, сабақ барысында қолдануға үйрету

ә) Дамытушылық: оқушылардың сөйлеу әрекеттерін дамыту, тілге деген қызығушылығын арттыру, мәнерлі оқуға дағдыландыру, сөздік қорын дамыту.

б) Тәрбиелік: өзге тілді үйрене отырып, өз тілдерін құрметтей білуге тәрбиелеу.

I. Organization moment

  • Good afternoon, pupils!

  • Good afternoon, teacher!

  • Thank you, take your sit.

  • Who is on duty today?

  • What date is it today?

  • What day is it?

  • Today is ………

  • Who is absent?

II. Phonetic drill

- Now, pupils, look at the blackboard. It is our phonetic drill for our lesson. Exercise 1.How many English words can you find in the word whitewash. Make as many words as possible. Do not use names


eat, white, wash, she, he, tea, wet, has, hat, saw

III. Checking up the homework

- What was your home task?

- Who is ready?

- And to learn by heard new words

- Open your copybooks I’ll check your home task

IV. New theme

Look at the blackboard. Our new theme is “Celebrating holidays” Open you copybooks and write down today is date and day and our new theme.

V. New words

- Look at the blackboard it is our new words for our lesson. Open your vocabulary write down these new words

decorate [‘dek∂reit] - сәндеу, безендіру

chimney [‘t∫imni] - мұржа

celebrate [‘seli’breit] - тойлау

neighbor [‘neib∂] - көрші

costume [‘k∂stju:m] – костюм, киім

guest [gest] - қонақ

knock [nok] – қағу, тарсылдату

trick [trik] – айла, тәсіл

threat [Θret] - қауіп

roast [r∂ust] - қуырылған

turkey [t∂:ki] күркетауық

pie [pai] - бәліш

sock [sok] - шұлық

stocking [stokiη] – шұлық

  • Have you written?

  • Be quick!

  • Listen to me then repeat after me all together

VII. Doing exercises

Exercise 2.Read. Match the holidays and with the information

e. People celebrate this holiday in March in Kazakhstan. People have “kozhe”, “bauyrsak”, drink “kymyz”and “shubat.”

  1. People on Britain celebrate this holiday in January. Sometimes they have parties where guests dress up in costumes and cover their faces with masks

  1. January 1 – New Year holiday

  2. October 31 – Halloween

  3. November – Thanksgiving

  4. December 25 – Christmas Day

  5. March 22 - Nauryz holiday

d. People in many countries decorate Christmas trees give each other presents.

b. It’s a holiday for children in Britain. Children dressed in costumes knock their neighbours’ doors and ask: “Would you like “trick” or “treat?”

c. On this day families in the USA gather together, usually in a home for a traditional dinner. They have a roast turkey, sweet, potatoes and pumpkin pie. All give thanks together for the good things that they have

Exercise 2.C. Find the following words in the text and write out the sentences

  1. Knock b) Play trick c) Dress d) Cover faces e) Come down

  • Children dressed in costumes knock their neighbours’ doors and ask: “Would you like “trick” or “treat?”.

Exercise 3. A. Write. Add these words to the word map

Things we give and receive




Special occasion activities

Special food

VIII. Consolidation

Exercise 3. E. Read the text again complete the sentences

  • Children dressed in costumes knock on the neighbours doors …

  • If you don’t give them sweets or money they play a trick _____ you

  • They dress up in costumes and cover their faces with masks

  • They hope that Santa Claus will come ____ the chimney during the night

  • They gather together ____ a home ____ a traditional dinner

IX. Home task

Open your record books write down your home task exercise 4. Talk to your partner

* What holiday do you like? Why?

* I like ______ because ________

X. Marking

- You worked active today I’ll give you your marks …

XI. Conclusion

- The lesson is over. You are free. Good bye

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Celebrating holidays around the world

Автор: Чайканова Г?лбану Жексенбай?ызы

Дата: 22.10.2015

Номер свидетельства: 242818

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