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Animals in Kazakhstan.

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ма?саты:To teach about animals and to train in speaking, reading; to enrich the students’ vocabulary, to apprehend the problems of ecology and to think of ways how we should help; to bring up love to the nature, love to our country.

к?тілетін н?тиже:?орша?ан орта, жануарлар та?ырыбы бойынша жа?а с?здерді ме?гереді, с?ра? ?ойып, жауап беруге да?дыланады, топты?, ж?пты? ж?мыстарда белсенділіктері артады

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«Animals in Kazakhstan.»

Алматы облысы Раймбек ауданы Тасашы ауылы

«Тасашы орта мектебі МДШО және Сарыкол бастауыш мектебімен» КММ

Ағылшын пәні мұғалімі: Нурхожаева Аида Нурманқызы


Animals in Kazakhstan.


To teach about animals and to train in speaking, reading; to enrich the students’ vocabulary, to apprehend the problems of ecology and to think of ways how we should help; to bring up love to the nature, love to our country.

Күтілетін нәтиже

Қоршаған орта, жануарлар тақырыбы бойынша жаңа сөздерді меңгереді, сұрақ қойып, жауап беруге дағдыланады, топтық, жұптық жұмыстарда белсенділіктері артады

Түйінді идеялар (кілтті сөздер)

Vocabulary: camel, leopard, bear, fox, wolf, eagle.

Сабақ кезеңдері:

Сабақ барысы




1.Organization moment.

Divide into two groups.Checking the home task.

Аяпова Т.М. т.б. Ағылшын тілі, 6 сынып, Алматы, Атамұра 2011. Интерактивті тақта, флипчарт, маркер, түрлі түсті бояу, бағалау парақтары.



«Ағылшын тілі мектепте» журналы, «Мектептегі шет тілі» журналы.

Интернет көздері



-Do you like animals?

-What is your favorite animals?

-Have you got any pets?

-What do you know about wild animals? Name some of them.

-What kind of domestic animals do you know?

-What’s your dog’s name?

-Does it like meat or bones?

-Can you describe your cat or dog?

-What color is your dog?

-Do you go for a walk with your dog?

-Is it clever?

«Үш шапалақ» арқылы бағалау

Негізгі бөлім

Snow leopard

In Kazakhstan, people always respected this leopard as the strongest and proudest animal. The beautiful wild cat is a perfect rock climber and its favourite habitat is on mountain peaks of the Tien Shan. The snow leopard (Panthera uncia syn. Uncia uncia) is a large cat native to the mountain ranges of Central and South Asia. It is listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species because as of 2003, the size of the global population was estimated at 4,080-6,590 adults, of which fewer than 2,500 individuals may reproduce in the wild.
Snow leopards are carnivores and actively hunt their prey. Like many cats, they are also opportunistic feeders, eating whatever meat they can find, including carrion and domestic livestock. They can kill animals more than three to four times their own weight, such as the bharal, Himalayan tahr, markhor and argali, but will readily take much smaller prey, such as hares and birds.

Falcon - Baloban

Since ancient times Kazakhs have used falcon – balobans as hunting birds. Bcrkutchi - professional hunters – took balobans chickens out of their nests and trained them for hunting. This tradition still exist. Perhaps the best place to see falcons in the wild is in the Altai of the northeast Kazakhstan.
Adult falcons have thin tapered wings, which enable them to fly at high speed and to change direction rapidly. Fledgling falcons, in their first year of flying, have longer flight feathers, which makes their configuration more like that of a general-purpose bird such as a broad wing. This makes it easier to fly while learning the exceptional skills required to be effective hunters as adults. Falcon, an avivore, is a bird of prey that can be trained to hunt other birds and animals. These falcons eat small birds, raw meat, and live animals such as mice and rodents. Young falcons are trained in order to hunt and they start by going after dragonflies and other large bugs.


Strong and light-footed, these Asiatic wild asses have always surprised people with their grace and beauty. Hunting brought these animals close to extinction.
Like many other large grazing animals, the onager's range has contracted greatly under the pressures of poaching and habitat loss. Of the five subspecies, one is extinct and at least two are endangered (their status in China is not well known). Onagers are a little larger than donkeys at about 290 kilograms (640 lb) and 2.1 metres (6.9 ft) (head-body length), and are a little more horse-like. They are short-legged compared to horses, and their coloring varies depending on the season. They are generally reddish-brown in color during the summer, becoming yellowish-brown in the winter months. They have a black stripe bordered in white that extends down the middle of the back.

    1. Look at this text. Read and translate it, please.

Where do animals live?

Our planet is home for many animals. They live everywhere. (қасқыр), (аю), (түлкі), (тиін) and (қоян) live in the forest. And (піл), (маймыл) and (жолбарыс) live in the jungle. (бақа) lives in the lake. (жылқы) lives in the field. And (тышқан) lives in the dark places.

    1. Presentation new words.

Read the sentences and draw an animal.

It lives in Altai mountains. It looks like a cat. It’s tail is not long. It’s ears are small, the legs are strong. ( a tiger) 
What kind of animals live in the tropical forest?( monkeys, tree snakes, some birds) 

Meat-eating animals.( dogs, wolves. foxes, tigers, lions) 

It’s quick, it’s colour red-orange, it habitats in the forest. It’s small, likes nuts.(a squirrel) 
5. And now we shall try to pronounce this patter:

A black cat sat on a mat

And ate a fat rat.

6. Assosiation. Group 1-Wild animals

Group 2- Domestic animals.

Бармақ арқылы бағалау


7.Make a Poster. “Animals in Kazakhstan”.

8.Grammar revision. There is\there are.

«Бағдаршам»арқылы бағалау

Қосымша оқу

Үйге тапсырма

Write an essay.


Two stars, one wish.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Animals in Kazakhstan.

Автор: А?ылшын п?ні м??алімі: Нурхожаева Аида Нурман?ызы

Дата: 28.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 311235

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