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Alexander the Great

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Lesson plan

Topic of the lesson :Alexander the Great

Grade: 5 a

Date: 01.02.16

The aims of the lesson: The development of comprehensive skills

to the theme " Alexander the Great "

The tasks:

  Pupils will be able to:

  • to comprehend the text;
  • to comprehend new words;
  • to do the after listening task;

The methods of teaching: speaking, listening, reading, translate.

The equipment of the lesson: board, books, record.

The procedure of the lesson

  1. Organization moment:
  1. Greeting

Good morning!

Good morning!

Good morning to you!

Good morning!

Good morning!

I`m glad to see you!

  1. A talk about the weather

What date is it today?

What day is it today?

What is the temperature today?

What is the weather like today?

What season is it now?

  1. Checking up the homework


I'm going to be a star!


Baby, I'm going to be a big, big star

I'm going to sing and dance

I'm going to take my chance

Baby, I'm going to drive a fast, fast car

Baby, I'm going to touch the sky

Be happy and free

See my face on TV

I'm going to spread my wings and ___

I'm going to play the game

I'm going to play great basketball

I'm going to catch every___

Everyone's going to know my ___

Baby, I'm going to a big, big star

I'm going to the Moon

I'm going to sing the best tune

I'm going to go really, really___

  1. Presentation of new material
    • Do you know how translate word king?

What about tie, knot, difficult, undo, easy, world, tall, thin, clever, strange man, once upon a time ?

Open page 52 exercise A,  let's try to answer for this questions for a start.

1. Where was Alexander the Great born?

2. Who was his mother?

3. Do you know Alexander’s father?

4. What was his horse’s name?

And now let's listen to record and check our answers.


  • Exercise D,  let's listen to record for a start. What about this text?

Is this text about Alexander the Great?

Then I will show a picture with the image of these words.

How do you think what is it?

Let's listen to record once again. And now let's read this text.

If you don't know the translation of the word tell about it to me.


  1. Once upon a time, there was a king - his name was Gordius. He was tall, thin and he was very clever. But he was a strange man. One day.   I'm going to tie a big knot here. It's going to be a difficult knot. Nobody can undo this knot.


  1. Alexander arrives in Phrygia on his horse.    
  2. Who are you and where are you going?
  3. My name's Alexander. I'm going to be king of the world.
  4. First, you must undo this big knot. Only I can do it.
  5. Ha! Easy!
  6. Can you undo it?
  7. Of course I can.
  8. Then you, young man, are going to be the King of Asia.


  1. Alexander is clever and strong but the knot is very difficult. He pulls it, he pushes it, he sits on it, he kicks it. Impossible. I must ask the gods for help; he says.


  1. Alexander: I was very good at school, but I can't undo this knot. What can I do?  What's this? A secret message! It's in a foreign language.


  1. Alexander: There. You see. That wasn't difficult!

Gordius: Well done. Alexander.

Alexander: I was lucky. The gods were good to me.


  4. Conclusion

Answer my questions. Students should answer the questions on the text.

Who was Gordius? Was he tall, thin and clever? Was he a strange man?

Where does Alexander arrive? Who is going to be a king of the world? Must Alexander undo the knot? Can Gordius undo the knot? What does Alexander do to undo the knot? ( pulls, pushes, kicks) Was A. good at school? Is the secret message in foreign language? Was it difficult to undo the knot?

  1. Putting marks.
  2. Giving home task

Read and prepare this text.



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«Alexander the Great»

Lesson plan

Lesson: 4

Topic of the lesson :Alexander the Great

Grade: 5 a

Date: 01.02.16

The aims of the lesson: The development of comprehensive skills

to the theme " Alexander the Great "

The tasks:

Pupils will be able to:

  • to comprehend the text;

  • to comprehend new words;

  • to do the after listening task;

The methods of teaching: speaking, listening, reading, translate.

The equipment of the lesson: board, books, record.

The procedure of the lesson

  1. Organization moment:

  1. Greeting

Good morning!

Good morning!

Good morning to you!

Good morning!

Good morning!

I`m glad to see you!

  1. A talk about the weather

What date is it today?

What day is it today?

What is the temperature today?

What is the weather like today?

What season is it now?

  1. Checking up the homework

I'm going to be a star!

Baby, I'm going to be a big, big star

I'm going to sing and dance

I'm going to take my chance

Baby, I'm going to drive a fast, fast car

Baby, I'm going to touch the sky

Be happy and free

See my face on TV

I'm going to spread my wings and ___

I'm going to play the game

I'm going to play great basketball

I'm going to catch every___

Everyone's going to know my ___

Baby, I'm going to a big, big star

I'm going to the Moon

I'm going to sing the best tune

I'm going to go really, really___

  1. Presentation of new material

  • Do you know how translate word king?

What about tie, knot, difficult, undo, easy, world, tall, thin, clever, strange man, once upon a time ?

Open page 52 exercise A, let's try to answer for this questions for a start.

1. Where was Alexander the Great born?

2. Who was his mother?

3. Do you know Alexander’s father?

4. What was his horse’s name?

And now let's listen to record and check our answers.

  • Exercise D, let's listen to record for a start. What about this text?

Is this text about Alexander the Great?

Then I will show a picture with the image of these words.

How do you think what is it?

Let's listen to record once again. And now let's read this text.

If you don't know the translation of the word tell about it to me.

  1. Once upon a time, there was a king - his name was Gordius. He was tall, thin and he was very clever. But he was a strange man. One day.... I'm going to tie a big knot here. It's going to be a difficult knot. Nobody can undo this knot.

  1. Alexander arrives in Phrygia on his horse.

Gordius: Who are you and where are you going?

Alexander: My name's Alexander. I'm going to be king of the world.

Gordius: First, you must undo this big knot. Only I can do it.

Alexander: Ha! Easy!

Gordius: Can you undo it?

Alexander: Of course I can.

Gordius: Then you, young man, are going to be the King of Asia.

  1. Alexander is clever and strong but the knot is very difficult. He pulls it, he pushes it, he sits on it, he kicks it. Impossible. I must ask the gods for help; he says.

  1. Alexander: I was very good at school, but I can't undo this knot. What can I do? What's this? A secret message! It's in a foreign language.

  1. Alexander: There. You see. That wasn't difficult!

Gordius: Well done. Alexander.

Alexander: I was lucky. The gods were good to me.

  1. Conclusion

Answer my questions. Students should answer the questions on the text.

Who was Gordius? Was he tall, thin and clever? Was he a strange man?

Where does Alexander arrive? Who is going to be a king of the world? Must Alexander undo the knot? Can Gordius undo the knot? What does Alexander do to undo the knot? ( pulls, pushes, kicks) Was A. good at school? Is the secret message in foreign language? Was it difficult to undo the knot?

  1. Putting marks.

  1. Giving home task

Read and prepare this text.

Teacher: Begalina A.B._______________

Methodist: Kassimova R.E.____________

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Alexander the Great

Автор: Байжанов Нуржан Маратулы

Дата: 28.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 311439

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