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A star's career

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Мені? б?л саба? жоспарымда ж?лдыздарды? ?мірі жайлы ?ызы?ты фактілер бар. Оларды? жеке ?мірі ?арапайым халы??а ?ызы?ты болары с?зсіз. Б?л саба?та оларды? ?мірінен о?ушылар?а керекті м?ліметтерді беріп, таныстыру. Ж?не де о?ушыларды? ?нерге деген с?йіспеншілігін, ?ызы?ушылы?ын арттыру. Осы саба? ар?ылы ой-?рісін дамыту, ойлау ?абілеттерін арттыру, а?ылшын тілінде с?йлеу да?дыларын дамыту. А?ылшын тілінде ?з ойларын еркін жеткізе алуларына м?мкіндік жасау. с?здік ?орларын байыту. сыныпта а?ылшын тілді ортаны ?алыптастыру. Б?л жоспар негізінен жо?ары сынып о?ушыларына арнал?ан саба? жоспары. Жо?ары сынып о?ушылары ж?лдыздар ?мірін білуге ?ызы?ушылы? танытады ?детте. сонды?тан да б?л саба? жоспары ?ажет болады деп ойлаймын бас?а м??алімдерге де.

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«A star's career »

The form: 6

The theme: «A star`s career»

The type of lesson: open lesson

The kind of the lesson: work with group

The objectives : 1. To revise previous materials.

2. To teach pupil how use new words in theirs speaking.

2. to develop pupils’ skills and habits in speaking and their activeness at the lesson.

3. to educate the feeling of love towards English.

Visual aids: Active board, presentation, papers, felt- tapes, stickers.

The procedure of the lesson:

I.Organisation moment: Greeting

Good morning dear teachers, pupils and friends. You are welcome to our English lesson. Today we have new lesson.

Dialogue with the student duty.

You must divide into three groups, for this you must choose these sweets. So, we have three groups. And three groups you must choose yours Leader of the group.

I`ll give to the leaders of the group “A score card”, with this criterion. Counts from 5

Home task

Exciting interest


Practice: work with exercises

Speaking with group

Let`s start our lesson. Now I`ll check you home task. Look at the active board and you must choose one of these pictures.

II.Homework monitoring:

CDs- When did shops start to sell CDs? (In 1982)

World Cup: Where did the first World Cup Final take place? (In Uruguay)

Spiderman: How did Spiderman get his special powers? (A radioactive spider bit him)

The Beatles: Who were the Beatles? (A pop group)

Hollywood: Why did the first film directors go to Hollywood? (Because they liked the weather and )

Television: What did John Logie Baird invent in 1925? (The Television)

The first computer: Translate these questions and make a sentences in the Past form: What? When? Where? How?

III. Presentation: Exciting interest: Work with group, you must complete these clusters and speak about your tasks.

1. Career: future job, to choose best profession, people develop throughout a lifetime, your future

2. Stars: singers, actors, successful people, lucky people, scene`s people

3. Film industry: media production, directors, photographer , assistants, the computer animations, film studio, money.

Key vocabulary: Jobs. Do you know jobs?

Exercise 5 a,b. p.39. Match the words with the pictures and give the definitions.

builder [ˈbɪldə], waitress [ˈweɪtrɪs], farmer .

Exercise 1,p.38 Did you meet the stars?

What can you say about the photos? At first you must close you book and listen to the interview with Clare Burgess. What does she want to be?

Read the interview and put the questions in the right place.

Answers: 1c, 2 d, 3f, 4b, 5a, 6e.

Key grammar: Past Simple: questions and short answers:

Was it interesting? Yes, it was.

Were they famous? Yes, they were.

Did you help the manager? Yes, I did./ No, I didn`t.

Now stand up all of you, we have warm up. Let`s start together.

IV. Practice

Exercise 3 a, b. Complete these questions and write the answers from the dialogue.

Did Clare go to university?

Did she like her first job?

Was she happy in New Zealand?

Did she watch the filming?

Did the stars of the film talk to her?

Answers: 2 Yes, she did; 3 Yes, she was; 4 Yes, she did; 5 No they didn`t.

V. Student`s Activity

So, boys and girls today we have new lesson about Star`s career, about job. Now I`ll give you a task. You must choose this “Asik” and you have a theme yours groups work. Who want to be an Interviewer?

1- asik: Film stars “Zhau zhurek, min bala”

2-asik: Football team “Real Madrid”

3-asik: Pop singers “Beatles”

You must imagine you as these stars. I wish you good luck start your works.

VI. Evaluation: Today we have new theme, have you any questions about this lesson.

Let`s check Leader`s mark which they took for the group pupils.

VII. Home task :WB p 16

VIII. Conclusion: Today I start new theme: “A star`s career”. We are know about Star`s career, jobs. Our lesson is over. Thank you for your attention. Good bye!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

A star's career

Автор: Алмаганбетова Маржан Ба?ыт?ызы

Дата: 08.10.2015

Номер свидетельства: 237275

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