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Тесты по грамматике для студентов 1 курса

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«Тесты по грамматике для студентов 1 курса»

I Find the right order to make questions.

1 you/do/what/are/this/weekend/going/to

2 watch/of/do/what/kind/films/you

II Complete with the present simple of the verbs in brackets

3 My friend ______ every morning. (do yoga)

4 What time ______ lunch? (Pasha/have)

5 Asya ______ meat. (not eat)

III Complete with who, which, where and a suitable verb

6 a bank is a place ____ you __ your money

7 scissors are things ____ you use to ____ paper with

8 a teacher is a person ___ _____ students

IV Complete with the past simple of the verbs in brackets

9 When _____ this _____ ? (happen)

10 We _____ at a hotel near the station. (stay)

11 Katya _____ a holiday in Liverpool two years ago. (have)

V Use the past simple and past continuous

12 They ____ golf when it ____ to rain. (play/start)

13 Vadim’s mobile ____ when he ____ . (ring/drive)

VI Make questions using the present simple or past simple

14 When/ Nazarbayev/ become president of Kazakhstan ?

15 Where/live/lions ?

16 Who/marry/ Tom Cruise in 1990 ?

17 Who/write/Romeo and Juliet ?

18 Who/invent/the electric light bulb?

VII Use so, because, but, although

19 The tourists wanted to visit the museum …they couldn’t find it on the map.

20 I took off my jacket … it was very hot inside.

VIII Write the sentences in the present perfect

21 you/ever fly/ in a helicopter ?

22 she/never eat/octopus .

23 we/never see/ a Tarantino film

IX Write the questions with the superlative form of the adjective (use you have ever V3/ed)

24 What/difficult/language you/ learn

25 Who/generous/ person you/meet

26 What/good/ restaurant you/ be to

X Correct the wrong sentences

27 My last job was the worse job I’ve ever had.

28 February is shorter month of the year.

29 The service in this restaurant is the bettering the city

XI Complete the sentences with the infinitive or verb+ -ing

30 I can’t promise (be) on time.

31 (swim) is better exercise than running.

32 Would you like (come) to my party?

33 Do you mind (not talk) so loudly.

34 It was very interesting (see) my old school again.

35 He worked at weekends (earn) more money.

XII Complete the sentences with have to, mustn’t, don’t have to

36 I …. go to work tomorrow. It’s a holiday.

37 No Parking! – You … leave your car here.

XIII Complete the sentences with a preposition of movement

(out of/over/along/up/down/across/throu

38 The police helicopter flew … the houses.gh/into/under/towards/round)

39 They danced ….. the fire.

XIV First Conditional

40 If I … to you now, I … the bus. (talk,miss)

41 If I … the bus, I … late for work. (miss,be)

XV Second Conditional

42 If I / have more money, /I /buy that dress

43 I /not do that if I /be you

XVI For or Since

44 We’ve lived here … 2001.

45 They have known each other … ages.

XVII Present Perfect or Past Simple ?

46 Is your sister married?

Yes, she …(be) married for ages. About ten years.

She … (get) married when she was only 18.

XVIII Make sentences with *Used to V* (use the most suitable verb)

47 He ………… meat.

48 She ……….. a motorbike.

XIX Complete the sentences with present or past passive

49 It’s a very old film. It ……. in 1942. (made)

50 Nowadays all bags … at airports. (check)

XX Complete the dialogue with somewhere, nowhere, somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything ,anywhere, anything, nothing

51 Did you buy … this afternoon ?

No, … . I didn’t see … I liked.

52 … told me that their new album is very good.

Really? I don’t know … who likes it.

XXI Choose the correct word or word phrase. Cross out the wrong form.

53 There’s too many/too much pollution in this city.

54 He buys too many/too much books. He’ll never read them all.

XXII Complete the sentences in the Present Continuous with phrasal verbs

Fill Go Look Write Try Look Put Turn Take Pick

off down in up back for on away

55 She is ……. an application. (заполняет)

56 He is …. … his new suit. (примеряет)

XXIII Complete the dialogue with so do I /neither do I

57 I don’t like our new boss much

……… I . She’s very unfriendly.

58. I passed the test!

……….. I! I got “5”

XXIV Past simple or Past Perfect

59 The waiter ….. (run) after her because she….. (not pay) the bill.

60 When they …. (get) to the station the train … (already leave)

XXV Change the direct speech to reported speech

61 She said to me: “ Why are you angry?”

62 He said: “They lost the match.”

XXVI May or Might ?

63 She …. at home. Her car isn’t there. a)may not be b)may not to be c)might to be

64 We aren’t sure but we … go away this weekend. a)might to b)will c)might d)may be

XXVII Find the necessary adjective

65 A person who talks a lot- 66 A person who likes giving presents-

XXVIII What part(s) of the body do we use to …?

67) See- 68) hear- 99) smell- 70) kiss-

XXIX Give the opposite adjective:

71 boring- 72 crowded- 73 dangerous- 74 far- 75 modern-

XXX Give the opposite verb:

76 to buy- 77 to win (a match)- 78 to lend-

XXXI Translate (phrases with GO):

79 поехать за границу

80 пойти осматривать достопримечательности


I Find the right order to make questions.

1 a/holiday/year/are/you/ this/to/going/have

2 breakfast /have/did/what/you/for

II Complete with the present simple of the verbs in brackets

3 Petya _____ her very often. (not see)

4 Why _____ at 6.00 ? (Anton/get up)

5 Aigul ____ television every morning. (watch)

III Complete with who, which, where and a suitable verb

6 a builder is a person ____ ____ houses

7 a library is a place ____ you ___ books

8 a hairdresser is somebody ___ ____ your hair

IV Complete with the past simple of the verbs in brackets

9 When he _____ out of the sea my bag ____ there. (come/not be)

10 Somebody ____ my bag when I ____ in the sea! (take/be)

11 Saniya _____ at the beach at 9 o’clock and she ___ for a swim at about ten.(arrive/go)

V Use the past simple and past continuous

12 We ____ the news when we ____ in Shalkar. (hear/sunbathe)

13 Zhasmin ____ at the tower when someone ____ his bag. (look/take)

VI Make questions using the present simple or past simple

14 Which machine/ invent/Marconi/in 1895 ?

15 Where/ live/crocodiles?

16 When/walk on the moon/ the first man ?

17 When / end/ the World War II ?

18 Who/ direct/ the Titanic

VII Use so, because, but, although

19 They didn’t have much money… they didn’t buy any souvenirs.

20 He’s an intelligent student …he’s very lazy.

VIII Write the sentences in the present perfect

21 she/write/ more than ten mystery novels

22 I / not read/ Oliver Twist

23 you/ever work/in a clothes shop

IX Write the questions with the superlative form of the adjective

24 What/cheap/ hotel you/ stay in

25 What/cold/ place you/ visit

26 What/ long/ journey you / make

X Correct the wrong sentences

27 He was the funnier actor in the play

28 We hired the expensivest car on our holiday

29 She was the more patient person I have ever met.

XI Complete the sentences with the infinitive or verb+ -ing

30 She likes (relax) and (not do) anything on Sundays.

31 Is it difficult (learn) Japanese?

32 Are you good at (remember) people’s names?

33 I decided (go) camping because I didn’t have much money.

34 I’m very happy (be) here again.

35 We’re thinking of (go) abroad for our holiday next year.

XII Complete the sentences with have to, mustn’t, don’t have to

36 Wet paint! – You …. touch this door.

37 Children free. – Children … pay.

XIII Complete the sentences with a preposition of movement

(out of/over/along/up/down/across/through/into/under/towards/round)

38 The motorway goes … that village.

39 He jumped … the swimming pool.

XIV First Conditional

40 If I … late for work, my boss … angry with me. (be, be)

41 If my boss … angry with me, I …. my job. (be, lose)

XV Second Conditional

42 If I / can remember her name, /I /talk to her

43 You /feel better/ if you /do more exercise

XVI For or Since

44 She hasn’t eaten … three o’clock.

45 They have been married … 1972.

XVII Present Perfect or Past Simple ?

Where do your parents live?

They … (live) in Uralsk since last year. But before that they … (live) in Almaty.

XVIII Make sentences with *Used to V* (use the most suitable verb)

47 He ………… jeans.

48 She ……….. tennis.

XIX Complete the sentences with present or past passive

49 A man … by a shark yesterday. (bite)

50 This door … at night. It’s the emergency exit. (not lock)

XX Complete the dialogue with somewhere, nowhere, somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything ,anywhere, anything, nothing

51 Where did you go last night?

I didn’t go … . I was too tired. I stayed in.

52 I’m hungry, I need … to eat.

XXI Choose the correct word or word phrase. Cross out the wrong form.

53 We stopped driving because it was too/enough foggy.

54 It isn’t safe enough/ enough safe to walk here at night

XXII Complete the sentences in the Present Continuous with phrasal verbs

Fill Go Look Write Try Look Put Turn Take Pick

off down in up back for on away

55 She is ……. her glasses . (ищет)

56 He is …. … his boots . (снимает)

XXIII Complete the dialogue with so do I /neither do I

57 I ‘d like a drink.

……… I . I’m really thirsty .

58. I can’t swim

……….. I! Perhaps we should learn.

XXIV Past simple or Past Perfect

59 She … (pay) again because she … (lose) her ticket.

60 They …. (can) speak French because they … (study) it at school.

XXV Change the direct speech to reported speech

61 She said to me: “ When will you be home?”

62 He said: “I have found the key.”

XXVI May or Might ?

63 She …. at home. Her car isn’t there. a)may not be b)may not to be c)might to be

64 We aren’t sure but we … go away this weekend. a)might to b)will c)might d)may be

XXVII Find the necessary adjective

65 A person who never does any work- 66 A person who makes people laugh-

XXVIII What part(s) of the body do we use to …?

67 bite- 68 touch- 69 think- 70 feel-

XXIX Give the opposite adjective:

71 noisy- 72 polite- 73 polluted- 74 comfortable- 75 healthy-

XXX Give the opposite verb:

76 to push 77 to pass (an exam)- 78 to forget-

XXXI Translate (phrases with GO):

79 уехать на выходные 80 пойти на прогулку

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Тесты по грамматике для студентов 1 курса

Автор: Алтаева Умит Азирбаевна

Дата: 05.06.2016

Номер свидетельства: 332668

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