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Тест 7 класс (2 четверть)

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Тест для 7 класса 2 четверть с ключами и баллами для оценивания в рамках УМК М.З.Биболетова "Enjoy English 7".

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«Тест 7 класс (2 четверть)»

Тест 7 класс 2 четверть


  1. Complete the sentences using the Passive Voice:

  1. Your report……………………………….next week.( discuss)

  2. This book………………………………....a week ago.(buy)

  3. The window………………………….…...yesterday.(break)

  4. The old car is in excellent condition. It……………………………...after well.(look)

  5. She is going into hospital tomorrow. She……………………….……..good care of.(take)

  6. He is a sensible man. His advice…………………….…..….carefully.(listen to)

  7. When….....the telegram……….…? (send) – It …………………….two days ago.(send)

  8. The verbs «know, want, like, hate»…….…not….…….…….in Continuous tenses.(use)

  9. The actor……always…………………….to sing at the concerts.(ask)

  10. New Year…………...........................…..all over the world tomorrow on the 31st of December.(celebrate)

  1. Make up questions in the Passive Voice Tense:

  1. A great deal of tea is drunk in England.


  1. This house was built in 1840.


  1. These letters will be mailed tomorrow.


  1. English and German are taught in lots of schools.


  1. Our rooms are cleaned every morning.

How often…………………………………………………………………………..?

  1. Translate from Russian into English:

  1. Её не простили.(forgive)


  1. Меня не спрашивали.(ask)


  1. Я прощен?(forgive)


  1. Этот вопрос могут задать.(ask)


  1. Ей пообещали хорошую работу. (promise)


  1. Transform the sentences:

Example: I can speak neither French nor German. (English/ language) – English is the only foreign language I can speak.

  1. Neither Helen nor Bill can do it. (David/person)


  1. You should eat neither chocolate nor cakes. (Honey/ sweet food)


Example:– Have you got a sister or a brother?

  • Unfortunately I have neither sister nor brother.

  1. - Do you speak English or Russian?


4. – Have you been to France or Italy?


5) Put in the if needed:

Last summer I was in (1)……..China. It is a beautiful country in (2)…………..Asia. This is (3).…….ancient and modern country. It was founded several thousand years ago and is still one of the most developed countries. China is the third largest country in (4)………… world, next to (5)……Canada and (6)………….Russian Federation. It occupies the eastern part of (7)………Asia and 6,536 islands , the largest of which is Taiwan. (8)………capital of China is (9)……….Beijing.

Max 32 points



1.will be discussed

2.was bought

3.was broken

4.is looked

5.will be taken

6.is listened to

7.was sent; was sent

8.are not used

9.is asked

10.will be celebrated


1. Where is a great deal of tea drunk?

2.When was this house built?

3.When will these letters be mailed?

4.Where are English and German taught in?

5.How often are our rooms cleaned?


1.She wasn`t forgiven.

2.I wasn`t asked.

3.This question can be asked.

4.She was promised a good job.


1.David is the only person who can do it.

2.Honey is the only sweet which you can/ should eat.

3.I speak neither English nor Russian.

4.I have been neither to France nor to Italy.











Итого: за каждый ответ 1 балл

Max-32 points

28-32 балла «5»

21-27 баллов «4»

16-20 баллов «3»

15 и меньше «2»

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Тест 7 класс (2 четверть)

Автор: Чернигова Наталья Сергеевна

Дата: 25.02.2017

Номер свидетельства: 395588

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