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Тест по страноведению "Great Britain"

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Тема: "Great Britain"

Учебник: Афанасьева, Михеева 6 класс

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Тест состоит из двух вариантов, каждый из которых содержит по 30 вопросов. Помимо материала из учебника в тест включена дополнительная информация по страноведению. Данную работу можно использовать как на уроках английского языка, так и для самостоятельной работы учащихся дома, с целью закркпления знаний по предмету.

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«тест по страноведению "Great Britain" »




1. How many parts does the UK consist of?

A 2 B 3 C 4 D 5

2. Who wrote “My heart’s in the Highlands”?

A W. Shakespeare B Walter Scott C R. Burns D B. Shaw

3. What is the biggest industrial city in Scotland?

A Cardiff B London C Glasgow D Edinburgh

4. England is divided into … regions.

A 4 B 3 C 6 D 5

5. What region is known as the heart of England?

A the Southwest B the Southeast C East Anglia D the Midlands E the North of England

6. What is the Garden of England?

A Dover B the County of Kent C Brighton D Stonehenge E Cambridge

7. Where is the famous Stonehenge situated?

A England B Scotland C Wales D Northern Ireland

8. What is the capital of Wales?

A Edinburgh B London C Cardiff D Belfast

9. Where is Lake District situated?

A the Southeast B the Midlands C the North of England D the Southwest

10. What is the official residence of Queen Elizabeth II?

A The Houses of Parliament B the Mall C Holyrood Palace D Buckingham Palace

11. What is the famous festival in Edinburgh that is held every August and September?

A carnival B military tattoo C Edinburgh festival D military holiday

12. What monument is situated in Princes Street in Edinburgh?

A W. Scott’s monument B a monument to Bobby C W. Shakespeare’s monument

13. What is the main street in the Old Town of Edinburgh?

A Princes Street B the Mall C the Royal Mile D Holyrood

14. What is the symbol of England?

A thistle B rose C daffodil D shamrock

15. What is the highest mountain in Great Britain?

A Snowdon B Ben Nevis C the Pennines D the Grampians

16. What is the longest river in England?

A the Thames B the Trent C the Clyde D the Severn

17. What is the symbol of Wales?

A thistle B rose C daffodil D shamrock

18. How many children did W. Shakespeare have?

A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4

19. What king had 6 wives?

A William the Conqueror B Henry VIII C Prince Albert D Richard I the Lion Heart

20. What river does London stand on?

A the Thames B the Trent C the Clyde D the Severn

21. What monument is in front of Royal Albert Hall?

A Queen Victoria B Prince Albert C Queen Elizabeth II D Queen Elizabeth I

22. What languages do people speak in Wales?

A English & German B English & French C English & Welsh D Welsh & Scottish

23. The queen who never married is …

A Queen Victoria B Elizabeth I C Elizabeth II

24. Under this monarch Britain became independent of the Roman Catholic Church.

A Henry VII B Henry VIII C Elizabeth I D Victoria

25. What language is Welsh?

A Roman B Celtic C Arabic

26. Where is the famous Heathrow Airport situated?

A Cardiff B Belfast C London D Edinburgh

27. What is the saint patron of England?

A St. David B St. Andrew C St. George

28. What is Eisteddfod?

A a festival of songs and poetry B a sports tournament C a culinary competition

29. What monarch defeated the Spanish Armada?

A Henry VIII B Elizabeth I C Queen Victoria D Julius Caesar

30. What is the national instrument in Scotland?

A harp B guitar C bagpipe D violin




1. How many parts does Great Britain consist of?

A 2 B 3 C 4 D 5

2. Who was born in Stratford-upon-Avon?

A W. Shakespeare B Elizabeth I C R. Burns D W. Scott

3. What is the name of the Queen’s residence in Scotland?

A Buckingham Palace B Holyrood House C Windsor D Albert Hall

4. Who was the youngest daughter of Henry VIII?

A Elizabeth I B Victoria C Mary I (Bloody Mary) D Elizabeth II

5. What monarch encouraged the development of culture and art?

A Elizabeth II B Victoria C Henry VIII D Elizabeth I E Mary I Tudor

6. The national Scottish food is …

A Fish & Chips B Haggis C Pasta D Roast beef

7. The national instrument of Wales.

A harp B guitar C bagpipe D violin

8. What is the capital of Scotland?

A London B Belfast C Cardiff D Edinburgh

9. What does ‘Mac’ mean?

A ‘the clan of’ B ‘the son of’ C ‘the family of’ D ‘the daughter of’

10. What monument is in front of Buckingham Palace?

A the Queen Elizabeth II B the Queen Victoria C the King Henry VIII D the Queen Elizabeth I

11. What parts is Scotland divided into?

A Highlands & Midlands B Midlands & Lowlands C Highlands & Lowlands

12. What city is known as Athens of the North?

A Glasgow B Liverpool C Edinburgh D Cardiff

13. What is the main street in the New Town of Edinburgh?

A Holyrood B the Mall C the Royal Mile D Princes Street

14. What is the capital of England?

A Belfast B London C Cardiff D Edinburgh

15. What is Great Britain separated from the continent by?

A Bristol Channel B Pacific Ocean C English Channel D Irish Sea

16. What is the main river in England?

A the Clyde B the Severn C the Thames D the Trent

17. What is the symbol of Scotland?

A thistle B rose C daffodil D shamrock

18. What theatre did W. Shakespeare write for?

A Albert Hall B World Theatre C Globe Theatre

19. During her reign Britain became a rich industrial country with a developed trade, an empire with a lot of colonies.

A Elizabeth II B Victoria C Mary, Queen of Scotts D Elizabeth I

20. Who ruled for the longest period in the English History?

A Elizabeth I B Elizabeth II C Victoria D Henry VIII

21. The Queen … but doesn’t … .

A reigns, rule B rules, reign

22. Where is London Zoo?

A Greenwich Park B St. James’s Park C Regent’s Park D Hyde Park

23. What is the highest mountain in Wales?

A Ben Nevis B the Pennines C Snowdon D Welsh

24. What is an industrial city in Wales?

A Newport B Cardiff C Bristol D Swansea

25. What is the patron saint of Scotland?

A St. David B St. Andrew C St. George

26. Where is the famous Hadrian’s Wall situated?

A England B Cardiff C Edinburgh D Belfast

27. Who is the author of “King Lear”:

A R. Burns B W. Shakespeare C W. Scott D M. Twain

28. Where are Oxford and Cambridge situated?

A England B Scotland C Wales D Northern Ireland

29. When is Halloween celebrated?

A the 30th of October B the 31st of November C the 31st of October D the 30th of November

30. How do Welsh call themselves?

A the British B Cymry C the Scotts D the Welsh

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

тест по страноведению "Great Britain"

Автор: Пасечник Нина Ивановна

Дата: 28.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 206693

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