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Тест на закрепление будущего простого времени.

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Ex. I Give ideas for these situations. Use the verbs: wash, help, phone, read, stay at home, go to bed.

Model: It’s my friend’s birthday today. – Let’s celebrate.  

  1. This book about dinosaurs is very interesting._______________________________________
  2. It is raining. ________________________________________________________________
  3. A little girl is lost. ____________________________________________________________
  4. Tomorrow we must get up at 5 p.m. ______________________________________________
  5. Your granny from Kiev wants to talk to you. ________________________________________
  6. There is an interesting sleepover at the British Museum. ________________________________

Ex. II What will you do in these situations?

Model: The floor in your room is dirty. (wash) – I’ll wash it.

  1. Your best friend is not well. (phone)
  2. Your guest from England doesn’t understand Russian. (translate)
  3.  Your mother is very tired. (help)
  4. It’s your friend’s birthday tomorrow. (give a present)
  5. Your dog is lost. (find)
  6. The weather is bad. (stay at home)

Ex. III Ask questions to the underlined words.

  1. Granny will come next week.
  2. It’ll snow today.
  3. Kate and Mary will be in Moscow tomorrow.
  4. I will have lunch with Jack in two hours.
  5. We will get many presents in December.
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«Тест на закрепление будущего простого времени.»

Ex. I Give ideas for these situations. Use the verbs: wash, help, phone, read, stay at home, go to bed.

Model: It’s my friend’s birthday today. – Let’s celebrate.

  1. This book about dinosaurs is very interesting._______________________________________

  2. It is raining. ________________________________________________________________

  3. A little girl is lost. ____________________________________________________________

  4. Tomorrow we must get up at 5 p.m. ______________________________________________

  5. Your granny from Kiev wants to talk to you. ________________________________________

  6. There is an interesting sleepover at the British Museum. ________________________________

Ex. II What will you do in these situations?

Model: The floor in your room is dirty. (wash) – I’ll wash it.

  1. Your best friend is not well. (phone)

  2. Your guest from England doesn’t understand Russian. (translate)

  3. Your mother is very tired. (help)

  4. It’s your friend’s birthday tomorrow. (give a present)

  5. Your dog is lost. (find)

  6. The weather is bad. (stay at home)

Ex. III Ask questions to the underlined words.

  1. Granny will come next week.

  2. It’ll snow today.

  3. Kate and Mary will be in Moscow tomorrow.

  4. I will have lunch with Jack in two hours.

  5. We will get many presents in December.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Тест на закрепление будущего простого времени.

Автор: Марсагишвили Жанна Сергеевна

Дата: 13.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 275920

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