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Тестирование по английскому языку для учащихся 9 класса

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Тестирование по английскому языку для учащихся 9 класса

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«Тестирование по английскому языку для учащихся 9 класса»


  1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, выбрав единственно правильный вариант ответа.


A pleasant Sunday day off almost turned to tragedy for two families at Ladram beach last week-end.

The children in party had asked their parents to let them explore a bay situated at a distance. The parents hesitated but the children promised to be back within an hour. Soon they were climbing up the rocks and shortly afterwards were out of sight. They failed to notice the time passing, until the tide1 was coming in quickly. Already the water was too deep for them to pass. The eldest of them was a good swimmer. Hi left the children sitting on the rock and swam back to raise the alarm. He struggled bravely in water and rushed to his parents at high speed.

The waves were already round the children’s feet when the parents saved them. Fortunately the alarm came in time.

  1. Where was the bay situated?

  1. very close

  2. rather far

  3. near the place, where the party was

  1. When did the children promise to return?

  1. in an hour

  2. very soon

  3. less then in an hour

  1. Did the parents want the children to go there?

  1. yes, they were eager

  2. no, they were against it

  3. no, they were not sure

  1. When did they notice they were late?

  1. when the sun began to set

  2. when the children became hungry

  3. when the sea became stormy

  1. What did the elder brother do?

  1. he swam back with his brothers

  2. he sat on high rock until his parents came

  3. he swam back to raise the alarm

  1. Выбрать правильный ответ

1.Tom is away ... the moment.

a) at b) in c) on

2. I’m looking for ... job.

a) a b) an c) the

3. The tourists ... many hours in the mountains.

a) past b) passed c) passed by d)passed out

  1. ... you aren’t ready for the lesson.

a) As usual b) Usually c) Usual

5. I can give you ... phone number.

a) my b) mine c) myself

6. I haven’t been here ... .

a) late b) lately c) so lately

7. Both of the men came ... the same time.

a) at b)in c) on d) with

8. ... bag is yours?

a) Whose b) Which c)Whom

9.The girl ... her doll in the sun.

a) sat b) sat down c) set

10. Jane has lots of friends ... her room-mates.

a) besides b) beside c) between

  1. Выбрать правильную форму слова.

1. This is ... answer of all.

a)good b)better c)the best d)as good

2. When the boy came the pupils already ... their dictations.

a)finished b)were wishing c)had finished d)would finish

3. If I ... late I will not find him at home.

a)came early b)is coming c)come d)has come

4. I ... to a party yesterday.

a)am invited b)had been invited c)was invited d)would be invited

5. She told me ... near the water.

a)not go b)don’t go c)not to go d)didn’t go

6. After she ... at the hospital for two years, she decided to give up the job.

a)worked b)had worked c)had been working d)was working

7. I’ll wait until he ... his next novel.

a)is writing b)will write c)could write d)writes

8. Ann asked how much ... on foot last.

a)do you spend b)I spend c)I had spend d)I spent

9. You are ... woman in the world.

a)lovelier b)the loveliest c)more lovely d)the most lovely

10.Yhe sun ... in the east.

a)rose b)will rise c)rises d)is rising

4. Выполнить необходимые преобразования

а) Составить соответствующие вопросы

  1. My brother knew no one in the group.(General)

  2. She won’t find a new job.(Disjunctive)

  3. They will need some paper.(Special)

  4. This letter was for John.(Special)

  5. The tall girl is translating the article.(Alternative)

б) Перевести предложения из прямой в косвенную речь

  1. The farmer said to visitors, “Please, don’t leave the gate open.”

  2. I asked the boy, “Why don’t you wake him and ask him who he is?”

  3. I asked my brother, “Did you throw away the newspaper I brought yesterday?”

  4. Ann’s father said to her, “You will be punished for what you’ve done.”

  5. He asked me, “How do you spell the word “beginning”?”

5. Из данных слов составить предложения

  1. /his/name/remembered/after/a few/minutes/I/.

  2. /last/who/the/must/person/leaves/room/light/the/off/the/switch/.

  3. /going/to London/I’m/for/next week/a few days/.

  4. /hours/believe/order/that/in/healthy/we/be/to/still/of/must/us/many/a/sleep/night/ eight/have/of/.

  5. /Peter/neither/the/knows/nor/best/station/to/way/the/John/.

6. Перевести с русского на английский

  1. Он спросил, что он может для меня сделать.

  2. «Ты видела Мери сегодня?» ― «Нет, она больна.»

  3. «Можно включить телевизор?» ― «Нет, дети спят.»

  4. Я вчера болела. Теперь мне придется сдавать экзамен в следующем месяце.

  5. Мы не поедем за город, потому что идет сильный дождь.

7. Окончить предложения

  1. If you want to have your holiday now ...

  2. Maria is trying to improve her English because ...

  3. John couldn’t open the door as ...

  4. The radio was so loud that ...

  5. Reaching the top of mountain ...

8. Заполнить пропуски необходимой формой данных слов

Nick said he ... for me at the corner ... the street. I hurried to the place and soon reached it. The street ... and I thought that he ... somewhere in ... quiet corner. I looked ... but couldn’t see him ..., so I ... home, thinking ... something unexpected ... to him.

/to be waiting/of/to be crowded/a/to stand/around/to go/anywhere/that/to happen/.

1 Tide - прилив

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Тестирование по английскому языку для учащихся 9 класса

Автор: Элен Владимировна Пилюгина

Дата: 18.08.2024

Номер свидетельства: 655023

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