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Test for 8 grade

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test for 8th grade.this test consists of Lexis and grammar tasks

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«Test for 8 grade»

8 grade


Find the definition

1.Farming a)to make smth completely different

2.To transform b) to cause an interest of smb

3.To establish c)an activity of being a farmer

4.Experiment d) to start business or organization

5.To attract e)to make or grow smth in order to sell

6.Genius f) a scientific test or research

7.To produce g)someone who is much more intelligent that others

Use First or second Conditional

8. If you (not/eat ) now, you will be hungry later.

9. She will be sad if he (leave).

10. If you leave ice in the sun, it (melt).

11. If we go to the show, we (have) a lot of fun.

12. If she wasn’t so busy, she (come) to the party.

13. He (not/be) very good football player if he didn’t train hard.

14. If you (mix) black and white, you get grey.

Use the words below to write sentences with if.

15. it/rain tomorrow/we not/go to the park

16. I/be/you/I/send him a text message

17. I/have wings/I/fly all over the world

18. you/heat water/it/boil.

19. it/rain tomorrow/we not/go to the park

20. I/be/you/I/send him a text message


George Weekes George Weekes writes poems and books for all age groups, and sometimes reads his work on television. "My parents moved to Manchester from Jamaica just before I was born, but east London has been my home for many years now. Tourists never come here. This part of the city has problems, but there are also many good things about it. People of many nationalities live in this area, so there are shops with Jamaican bread, African vegetables, Chinese spices and lots of other interesting things. The shop my wife likes best is one that sells beautiful Indian dresses. The local bookshop is much more friendly than a big store and I'm always happy to talk to the customers about my books! I'm 36 now but I don't really like 36-year-olds! Once people become 30 they think about money too much and say that modern music is too noisy! Almost all my friends here are under 17.1 love their language and their music. They give me ideas for my writing. Sometimes I go for a run along the river. There are flowers and animals and even some cows there, so it's like being in the country. I live and work in a city but inside I am still a country person.

21. George Weekes writes poems and books for _____.

1)students 2) all ages 3) children

22. His parents moved to Manchester from _____.

1) Jamaica 2) China 3) Africa

23. George Weekes is _____.

1) a writer 2) an actor 3) a teacher

24. George was born in _____.

1) Jamaica 2) London 3) Manchester

25. What does George say about his part of London?

1) Tourists should go there 2) Life there isn't always easy 3) It's in the city centre

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Test for 8 grade

Автор: Шарапиденова Дана Дулатовна

Дата: 18.05.2017

Номер свидетельства: 416492

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