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Test yourself

Choose the correct form of the verb

  1. This time next week I ___________ in the Black Sea
  1. shall be swimming                     b) shall swim                            c) will swim
  1. She said she ____________ in the garden at 3 o’clock next Monday
  1. would work                                b) will work                           c) would be working
  1. She told me his name after he ________________
  1. left                             b) had left                     c) was leaving             d) was left
  1. I saw Ann yesterday. She   ___________________ a walkman.
  1. was                              b) wore                      c) wears             d) would wear
  1. He asked me where I _______________ when I came to London next time.
  1. will stay                b) would stay                         c) stayed               d) stay

Use the appropriate article where necessary

  1. an                     b) a                   c) the                     d) no article


  1. Ann is ________ interesting personality
  2. I have ________  cold
  3. She has ________ flu
  4. She is fond of __________ Tchaikovsky’s music
  5. Doctors say that walkman is especially dangerous

Make up sentences putting the words in the right order

  1. a) Columbus           b) America        c) discovered      d) was         e) by
  2. a) the    b) championships   c) begin         d) when         e) did   f) Wimbledon       g) ?

Fill in the prepositions where necessary

  1. Don’t judge ________ appearances
  2. The doctor prescribed  her a good medicine  ________ the flu
  3. What are the advantages  ________ going  ______ train?

Choose the correct word to fill in (say, tell)

  1. Do you know how to _______ «thank you» in French?
  2. Are you good at  __________ jokes?
  3. Can you __________ me something about Moscow?
  4. I asked her what her name was and she ________   met her name was Kitty.
  5. She ________ she lived in London
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Test yourself

Choose the correct form of the verb

  1. This time next week I ___________ in the Black Sea

  1. shall be swimming b) shall swim c) will swim

  1. She said she ____________ in the garden at 3 o’clock next Monday

  1. would work b) will work c) would be working

  1. She told me his name after he ________________

  1. left b) had left c) was leaving d) was left

  1. I saw Ann yesterday. She ___________________ a walkman.

  1. was b) wore c) wears d) would wear

  1. He asked me where I _______________ when I came to London next time.

  1. will stay b) would stay c) stayed d) stay

Use the appropriate article where necessary

  1. an b) a c) the d) no article

  1. Ann is ________ interesting personality

  2. I have ________ cold

  3. She has ________ flu

  4. She is fond of __________ Tchaikovsky’s music

  5. Doctors say that walkman is especially dangerous

Make up sentences putting the words in the right order

  1. a) Columbus b) America c) discovered d) was e) by

  2. a) the b) championships c) begin d) when e) did f) Wimbledon g) ?

Fill in the prepositions where necessary

  1. Don’t judge ________ appearances

  2. The doctor prescribed her a good medicine ________ the flu

  3. What are the advantages ________ going ______ train?

Choose the correct word to fill in (say, tell)

  1. Do you know how to _______ «thank you» in French?

  2. Are you good at __________ jokes?

  3. Can you __________ me something about Moscow?

  4. I asked her what her name was and she ________ met her name was Kitty.

  5. She ________ she lived in London

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС


Автор: Ерболатова Жулдыз Байсейтовна

Дата: 04.04.2016

Номер свидетельства: 314751

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    ["seo_title"] => string(24) "test-yourself-for-5-form"
    ["file_id"] => string(6) "314756"
    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
    ["subcategory_seo"] => string(5) "testi"
    ["date"] => string(10) "1459766252"
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object(ArrayObject)#864 (1) {
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