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Тексты для чтения 9 класс

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«Тексты для чтения 9 класс»

Granny Morgan

Andy and Kate were pleased. Today was Friday, and that was the day when Gran came to tea. Of all their relatives, they liked their grandmother the best. She was good fun.

Granny Morgan was sitting at the kitchen table when they came in. There was a big plate of banana sandwiches in front of her.

“Hello, Gran!” said Andy.

“Hello, you two. How was school today?”

“OK, thanks,” said Kate.

“And how was your trip to the National History Museum?” she asked.

“Oh, that was great,” said Kate. “We had a wonderful time.”

“We saw some fantastic dinosaurs but I liked the gorillas best,” he said. He took another sandwich.

“I remember when I was a young girl; I often went to museums and art galleries. One day I met Picasso in an art gallery in the south of France.”

“I don't believe you!” said Kate.

“Yes, I did. It's true. Picasso was a charming man. He asked me to tea."

Kate liked her grandmother's stories, but she wasn’t sure if they were true but they were always exciting!

Задания к тексту Granny Morgan.

Exercise 1. Correct the statements.

  1. Granny Morgan came to dinner.

  2. The children visited the National Gallery.

  3. The boy liked the elephants at the museum.

  4. Granny met Picasso in Paris.

  5. The children were sure that their grandmother’s stories were true.

Exercise 2. Аnswer the questions.

  1. Why were Kate and Andy pleased?

  2. When did their grandmother usually come to tea?

  3. Where was she sitting when they came in?

  4. What sort of sandwiches were there on the table?

  5. How many sandwiches did Andy take altogether?

  6. What did Andy like best at the Natural History Museum?

  7. What else did he see there?

  8. Who did Granny Morgan meet at an art gallery?

  9. What did Kate think of her grandmother’s stories?

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences according to the text «Granny Morgan».

  1. Andy and Kate were ___________ on Friday.

  2. Granny is good ___________

  3. We had a ________ at the museum.

  4. We saw some ______________ dinosaurs, but ____________

  5. One day I met Picasso in _____________ in the South of France.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Тексты для чтения 9 класс

Автор: Куманева Екатерина Николаевна.

Дата: 28.01.2024

Номер свидетельства: 644861

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