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Самостоятельная работа для 6 класса по теме "Animals in our life"

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6th form

TEST (Animals in our life, Unit 6, Biboletova M.Z.)

  1. Write down the plural of: (this-these, that-those)




This dog-

That bear-

This bird-

That monkey-

This woman-

That parrot-



  1. Read the text and fill in the missing words from the list given below:

My name is Ann. I have a dog, whose….. is Bubby. I like to…. with him and tickle him behind the ear in the evening and he loves to lie on my chest and lick my nose. He is …..and his head is black. He always jumps on me and wakes me up in the morning. When I …..home from school he lays on bed. This is the way he meet me. Onсe I gave him a very big …... He was delighted and ate it without chewing. I love my …… and I think he is very…...

Words for use:  name, white, bone, come, play, funny, pet.


  1. Fill in have or has:
  1. …. you ever been to London?.- Oh, no. I …. never been there.
  2. We ….not visited her since Christmas.
  3. He … recently read this interesting book.
  4. Kate and Tom …. had a long walk today.


  1. Ask questions. Begin your questions with the words in brackets.


  1. Jane has already been to London Zoo. (Where…)
  2. Kate has got many toys at home. (Who…)
  3. They have just fed their animals. (Whom…)




  1. Write down the plural of: (this-these, that-those)


Man- men


This dog- these dogs

That bear- those bears

This bird- these birds

That monkey-those monkeys

This woman- these women

That parrot-those parrots


  1. Read the text and fill in the missing words from the list given below:

My name is Ann. I have a dog, whose name is Bubby. I like to play with him and tickle him behind the ear in the evening and he loves to lie on my chest and lick my nose. He is white and his head is black. He always jumps on me and wakes me up in the morning. When I come home from school he lays on bed. This is the way he meet me. Onсe I gave him a very big bone. He was delighted and ate it without chewing. I love my pet and I think he is very funny.

  1. Fill in have or has:

a) Have you ever been to London?.- Oh, no. I …. never been there.

b) We have not visited her since Christmas.

c) He has recently read this interesting book.

d) Kate and Tom have had a long walk today.


  1. Ask questions. Begin your questions with the words in brackets.


  1. Where has Jane already been?
  2. Who has got many toys at home?
  3. Whom have they just fed?


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«Самостоятельная работа для 6 класса по теме "Animals in our life" »

6th form

TEST (Animals in our life, Unit 6, Biboletova M.Z.)

  1. Write down the plural of: (this-these, that-those)



This dog-

That bear-

This bird-

That monkey-

This woman-

That parrot-

  1. Read the text and fill in the missing words from the list given below:

My name is Ann. I have a dog, whose….. is Bubby. I like to…. with him and tickle him behind the ear in the evening and he loves to lie on my chest and lick my nose. He is …..and his head is black. He always jumps on me and wakes me up in the morning. When I …..home from school he lays on bed. This is the way he meet me. Onсe I gave him a very big …... He was delighted and ate it without chewing. I love my …… and I think he is very…...

Words for use: name, white, bone, come, play, funny, pet.

  1. Fill in have or has:

  1. …. you ever been to London?.- Oh, no. I …. never been there.

  2. We ….not visited her since Christmas.

  3. He … recently read this interesting book.

  4. Kate and Tom …. had a long walk today.

  1. Ask questions. Begin your questions with the words in brackets.

  1. Jane has already been to London Zoo. (Where…)

  2. Kate has got many toys at home. (Who…)

  3. They have just fed their animals. (Whom…)


  1. Write down the plural of: (this-these, that-those)

Man- men


This dog- these dogs

That bear- those bears

This bird- these birds

That monkey-those monkeys

This woman- these women

That parrot-those parrots

  1. Read the text and fill in the missing words from the list given below:

My name is Ann. I have a dog, whose name is Bubby. I like to play with him and tickle him behind the ear in the evening and he loves to lie on my chest and lick my nose. He is white and his head is black. He always jumps on me and wakes me up in the morning. When I come home from school he lays on bed. This is the way he meet me. Onсe I gave him a very big bone. He was delighted and ate it without chewing. I love my pet and I think he is very funny.

  1. Fill in have or has:

a) Have you ever been to London?.- Oh, no. I …. never been there.

b) We have not visited her since Christmas.

c) He has recently read this interesting book.

d) Kate and Tom have had a long walk today.

  1. Ask questions. Begin your questions with the words in brackets.

  1. Where has Jane already been?

  2. Who has got many toys at home?

  3. Whom have they just fed?

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Самостоятельная работа для 6 класса по теме "Animals in our life"

Автор: Конина Ксения Ивановна

Дата: 08.12.2014

Номер свидетельства: 140735

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