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Работа по теме: "Dependent prepositions"

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Самостоятельная работа для 7 класса "Dependent Prepositions", 2 варианта на соотнесение и заполнение пропусков

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«Работа по теме: "Dependent prepositions"»

Variant 1

1) Make up phrases:

listen of

look of

pay attention after

talk of

provide at

heard about

be proud for

think at

look of

depends to

laugh to

speak on

2) Use phrases in the sentences:

1) He tried to ________ his words.

2) I don't want to _____ it now. I'm not in the mood.

3) He was afraid that the other kids would ______ him.

4) They _____ thousands ____ gunshots.

5) A lot ______ the result of this match.

6) They raise money to ____ homes ____ the homeless.

7) Let me have a _____ that letter.

8) What do you ______ my painting?

9) Who will _____ the children while you go out to work?

10) I had never heard anyone _____ their parents in this way.

11) Be quiet. I want to ______ the news.

12) You should _______yourself.

Variant 2

1) Make up phrases:

Provide about

Listen of

pay to

talk for

laughed for

rich at

heard for

send in

look on

rely for

think at

look of

2) Use phrases in the sentences:

1) English people love to ______ the weather.

2) The area ____ very ______ minerals.

3) The children all ______ his jokes.

4) I've never _____ such a thing!

5) I could always _____ Gary for friendship and support.

6) Without work, how can I _______ my children?

7) The workers receive double ____ working on Sundays.

8) The house was too small so they decided to _______ something else.

9) What do you ______ your new school?

10) Step inside and _____ our menu.

11) If he comes tomorrow, ______ me.

12) I'll _______ the tape tomorrow.

Variant 1

1) Make up phrases:

listen of

look of

pay attention after

talk of

provide at

heard about

be proud for

think at

look of

depends to

laugh to

speak on

2) Use phrases in the sentences:

1) He tried to ________ his words.

2) I don't want to _____ it now. I'm not in the mood.

3) He was afraid that the other kids would ______ him.

4) They _____ thousands ____ gunshots.

5) A lot ______ the result of this match.

6) They raise money to ____ homes ____ the homeless.

7) Let me have a _____ that letter.

8) What do you ______ my painting?

9) Who will _____ the children while you go out to work?

10) I had never heard anyone _____ their parents in this way.

11) Be quiet. I want to ______ the news.

12) You should _______yourself.

Variant 2

1) Make up phrases:

Provide about

Listen of

pay to

talk for

laughed for

rich at

heard for

send in

look on

rely for

think at

look of

2) Use phrases in the sentences:

1) English people love to ______ the weather.

2) The area ____ very ______ minerals.

3) The children all ______ his jokes.

4) I've never _____ such a thing!

5) I could always _____ Gary for friendship and support.

6) Without work, how can I _______ my children?

7) The workers receive double ____ working on Sundays.

8) The house was too small so they decided to _______ something else.

9) What do you ______ your new school?

10) Step inside and _____ our menu.

11) If he comes tomorrow, ______ me.

12) I'll _______ the tape tomorrow.

1) He tried to pay attention to his words.

2) I don't want to talk about it now. I'm not in the mood.

3) He was afraid that the other kids would laugh at him.

4) They heard thousands of gunshots.

5) A lot depends on the result of this match.

6) They raise money to provide homes for the homeless.

7) Let me have a look at that letter.

8) What do you think of my painting?

9) Who will look after the children while you go out to work?

10) I had never heard anyone speak of their parents in this way.

11) Be quiet. I want to listen to the news.

12) You should be proud of yourself.

1) English people love to talk about the weather.

2) The area is very rich in minerals.

3) The children all laughed at his jokes.

4) I've never heard of such a thing!

5) I could always rely on Gary for friendship and support.

6) Without work, how can I provide for my children?

7) The workers receive double pay for working on Sundays.

8) The house was too small so they decided to look for something else.

9) What do you think of your new school?

10) Step inside and look at our menu.

11) If he comes tomorrow, send for me.

12) I'll listen to the tape tomorrow.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Работа по теме: "Dependent prepositions"

Автор: Мельникова Наталья Андреевна

Дата: 06.07.2023

Номер свидетельства: 634748

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object(ArrayObject)#851 (1) {
  ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(6) {
    ["title"] => string(9) "My House "
    ["seo_title"] => string(8) "my-house"
    ["file_id"] => string(6) "142992"
    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
    ["subcategory_seo"] => string(5) "uroki"
    ["date"] => string(10) "1418403245"

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