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Quiz "Scotland"

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«Quiz "Scotland"»

Quiz «Scotland»


- совершенствование навыков устной речи

- развитие познавательных способностей учащихся, расширение их кругозора, эрудиции и обогащение сведениями страноведческого характера

- воспитание уважения к культуре страны изучаемого языка

1. What is the ancient name of Scotland?


2. What is the national emblem of Scotland?

(a thistle)

3. What was the ancient capital of Scotland?


4. What is the capital of Scotland now?


5. What is the largest and the most beautiful of all the lochs in Scotland?

(Loch Lomond)

6. What is one of the highest mountains in Scotland?

(Ben Lomond)

7. What city in Scotland is called”The Granite City" and why?

(Aberdeen is called The Granite City because it is built of granite)

8. What is a Scottish national musical instrument?

(a bag-pipe)

9. What are national Scottish dishes?

(oatmeal porridge and oatcake)

10. What is a part of the traditional costume of a Scotsman worn by men in the Highlands?


11. What city is called Athens of the North?


12. What is the ancient residence of the Scottish kings?

(Holyrood Palace)

13. What is the most historic street in Edinburgh?

(the Royal Mile)

14. What is the name of the port of Edinburgh?


15. Where is Robert Burns buried?

(in Dumfries)

16. Which is the longest and the most important Scottish river?

(the Clyde)

17. What city is the greatest centre of shipbuilding in Scotland?


18. Where is the Scott Monument found?

(the Scott Monument stands in Princes Street in Edinburgh)

19. What can you say about Alloway?

(Robert Burns was born in Alloway)

20. What are the largest cities in Scotland?

(Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Dundee)

21. What is the village of Gretna Green famous for?

(Many young couples who cannot get married in England because they are under age go to Gretna Green. The practice started in the year 1774).

22. What is one of the greatest architectural treasures of Edinburgh?

(Heriot's College)

23. What is the centre of Scotland's fishing industry?


24. What does every citizen of Edinburgh check his watch by?

(by the One O'Clock Gun which is fired every day in Edinburgh Castle)

25. What name is the most popular in Scotland?


26. What familiar saying do the Scots say about Glasgow?

(“Glasgow made the Clyde and the Clyde made Glasgow”)

27. What language do the Scots speak?

(the Gaelic language)

28. What Highland games can you name?

( tossing the caber, throwing the hammer, sword dancing)

29. What city did Daniel Defoe call "the beautifullest little city" he had ever seen?


30. What is the name for New Year's Eve in Scotland?


31. Where are the "Honours of Scotland" ?

(in Edinburgh Castle)

32. What do the "Honours of Scotland" consist of?

("Honours of Scotland" consist of the sceptre, sword and crown)

33. What song do people in Scotland sing on New Year's Day?

(Auld Lang Syne)

34. What is held annually on the parade ground of Edinburgh Castle?

(the famous Military Tattoo is held there)

35. What is the first largest city in Scotland?


36. When are Highland Games held in Scotland?

( between May and September)

37. What is Scotland bounded by in the north, west and east?

( in the north and west by the Atlantic Ocean and in the east by the North Sea)

38. Part of what country was Scotland 500 years ago?

( Norway)

39. How many regions is Scotland broadly divided into? What are they?

( 3 regions: the Highlands, the Central Lowlands and the Southern Uplands including the Border Country)

40.What outstanding English poet who was the revolutionary romanticist spent his childhood in Scotland?

( George Gordon Byron)

41.Who has precedence over the Prime Minister?

( Moderator)

42.What is the Scottish law based on?

( on Roman law)

43. What is chief regional administrative unit in Scotland?

( region)

44. What is the Scottish national drink?

( whisky)

45. What does the Gaelic word "clan" mean?

( it means "family" or "descendants")

46. When were the clans officially recognized?

( in 1672)

47. How do English people call a man from Scotland?

( Jock)

48. When did the Edinburgh Festival start?

( in 1947)

49. When is the birthday of Robert Burns?

( on the 25th of January)

50. Whom was Edinburgh named after?

( after Edwin, a 7th century king of Northumbria)

51. Since what time is Edinburgh recognized as the capital of Scotland?

( since the 15th century)

52. What is the Queen's official residence in Scotland?

( Holyrood Palace)

53. Where is the Queen's official residence-Holyrood Palace-situated in Scotland?

( in Edinburgh, at the end of the Royal Mile)

54. Where does the Queen spend much of each summer?

( in Balmoral Castle, the Queen's private home in the Scottish Highlands)

55. Who is the Patron Saint of Scotland?

( St. Andrew)

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

Quiz "Scotland"

Автор: Гудкова Елена Николаевна

Дата: 18.05.2016

Номер свидетельства: 328349

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