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Проверка знаний за 7 класс

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Проверка знаний за 7класс Вариант №1. 1. “Wet” является антонимом слова: A) Dry B)Fast C)Old 2. Выберите существительное в единственном числе: A) Children B) Tables C) Foot 3. Укажите неисчисляемое существительное. A) table B)milk C)pencil 4. Укажите глагол в “Present Perfect” A) has begun B) has began C) have began 5. В каком времени стоит предложение President visited the British Museum. A) The Present Simple Tense B) The Present Continuous Tense C) The Past Simple Tense 6. Переведите пословицу “без труда не вытащить и рыбку из пруда” A) As white as a sheet B) No gain without pain C) War is the sport of kings 7. Укажите правильный вариант глагола There__________ eight shelves in that room A) Been B)are C)is 8. Закончите предложение There is________ milk left in the fridge. A) many B) nothing C) some 9. Укажите существительное во множественном числе A) teeth B) foot C)mouse 10. Найдите правильный ответ What is the capital of Great Britain? A) Canberra B)London C)Astana 11. Укажите сравнительную степень прилагательного “Big” A) Biggest B) the biggest C) bigger 12. Выберите правильно написанное слово A) Mondi B) Mondoy C) Monday 13. Поставьте предложение в Present Perfect We__________ a new computer. A) have buy B) have bought C) had bought 14. Укажите правильный модальный глагол He ________ go to the dentist because he has a toothache. A) mustn`t B) ought C) should 15. Дополните предложение существительным в притяжательном падеже: This is my … coat. A) wifes`s B)wifes’ C)wive`s 16. Поставьте глагол в предложении в Past Continuous Tense: A) were sleep B) was sleep C) were sleeping 17. Выберите правильный предлог. Astana is the capital … Kazakstan. A) By B)with C)of 18. Найдите правильный ответ. My mother … a doctor. A) Is B)am C)are 19. Найдите множественное число слова «mouse». А) mousse B) mouse?s C) mice 20. Выберите глагол в форме Present Continuous: A) Am drove. B) Am drive. C) Am driving. 21. Выберите порядковое числительное: A) Hundreds B) Oneth C) Ninth 22. Дополните пословицу: … speak louder than words. A) Magazines B) Newspapers C) Actions 23. Используйте вспомогательный глагол I _____ already seen this film A) did B) does C) have 24.. Выберите слово с III типом слога. A) Close B) Bark C) Base 25. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: Whose monument stands in the centre of Trafalgar Square? A) Abraham Lincoln B) Winston Churchill C) Admiral Nelson 7 класс Вариант №2. 1.Kate was very ill, and had to go-----. A)hospital B)medicine C)doctor 2.I can’t buy a drink.I haven’t got ----- money. A)some B)no C)any 3. Foxes have sharp ______ A) teeth B) tooth C)foot 4. I always rely _____ my friend A) on B) with C) at 5.I care ______ my friend A) to B) for C) with 6. I share my book ______ my friend A) with B) for C) on 7. I trust ____ my friend A) with B) for C) zero 8. I have got …….. flour. A) any B) some C) many 9. You haven?t got ….. eggs. A) any B) some C) much 10.There is …… water in the glass. A) a few B) many C) a lot of 11. How ……. money do you have? A) many B) much C) little 12. How …….. pens have you got? A) a few B) much C) many 13. My car is ……. than of my friend?s. A) fast B) faster C) the fasters 14. She is …….. person in our class. A) interesting B) more interesting C) the most interesting 15. He is good ….. English. A) at B) for C) on 16.I need to buy….. A) a bread B) a loaf of bread C) breads 17. He…. a book to his birthday. A) was given B) gave C) was gave 18.He doesn t look well. I think he … go to the doctor. A)has to B)must C)should 19.Найди исчисляемое существительное: A)water B)milk C)piano 20.Вставь верную степень сравнения прилагательного: I met my … friend yesterday. A)goodest B)better C)best 21.My brother works … school. A)at B)to C)in Определи время: A)Present Simple B)Present Perfect C)Present Continuous D)Past Simple E)Past Continuous 22.She has just cooked dinner. 23.The train was coming to the station. 24.Yesterday I received a letter from my father. 25..Определи предложение в Past Perfect: A)I have already read this book. B)We traveled by plane last summer. C)She had left her key at home. D)She was watching TV, when I came. E)We shall spend our holidays at the seaside.
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«проверка знаний за 7 класс »

Проверка знаний за 7класс

Вариант №1.

1. “Wet” является антонимом слова:

  1. Dry B)Fast C)Old

2. Выберите существительное в единственном числе:

  1. Children B) Tables C) Foot

3. Укажите неисчисляемое существительное.

A) table B)milk C)pencil

4. Укажите глагол в “Present Perfect”

A) has begun

B) has began

C) have began

5. В каком времени стоит предложение

President visited the British Museum.

  1. The Present Simple Tense

  2. The Present Continuous Tense

  3. The Past Simple Tense

6. Переведите пословицу “без труда не вытащить и рыбку из пруда”

A) As white as a sheet

B) No gain without pain

C) War is the sport of kings

7. Укажите правильный вариант глагола

There__________ eight shelves in that room

  1. Been B)are C)is

8. Закончите предложение

There is________ milk left in the fridge.

  1. many

  2. nothing

  3. some

9. Укажите существительное во множественном числе

A) teeth B) foot C)mouse

10. Найдите правильный ответ

What is the capital of Great Britain?

  1. Canberra B)London C)Astana

11. Укажите сравнительную степень прилагательного


  1. Biggest B) the biggest C) bigger

12. Выберите правильно написанное слово

A) Mondi B) Mondoy C) Monday

13. Поставьте предложение в Present Perfect

We__________ a new computer.

  1. have buy

  2. have bought

  3. had bought

14. Укажите правильный модальный глагол

He ________ go to the dentist because he has a toothache.

  1. mustn`t

  2. ought

  3. should

15. Дополните предложение существительным в притяжательном падеже:

This is my … coat.

  1. wifes`s B)wifes’ C)wive`s

16. Поставьте глагол в предложении в Past Continuous Tense:

  1. were sleep

  2. was sleep

  3. were sleeping

17. Выберите правильный предлог.

Astana is the capital … Kazakstan.

  1. By B)with C)of

18. Найдите правильный ответ.

My mother … a doctor.

  1. Is B)am C)are

19. Найдите множественное число слова «mouse».

А) mousse

B) mouse′s

C) mice

20. Выберите глагол в форме Present Continuous:

A) Am drove.

B) Am drive.

C) Am driving.

21. Выберите порядковое числительное:

A) Hundreds

B) Oneth

C) Ninth

22. Дополните пословицу:

… speak louder than words.

  1. Magazines

  2. Newspapers

  3. Actions

23. Используйте вспомогательный глагол

I _____ already seen this film

A) did

B) does

C) have

24.. Выберите слово с III типом слога.

A) Close

B) Bark

C) Base

25. Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

Whose monument stands in the centre of Trafalgar Square?

  1. Abraham Lincoln

  2. Winston Churchill

  3. Admiral Nelson

7 класс

Вариант №2.

1.Kate was very ill, and had to go-----.




2.I can’t buy a drink.I haven’t got ----- money.




3. Foxes have sharp ______

A) teeth

B) tooth


4. I always rely _____ my friend

A) on

B) with

C) at

5.I care ______ my friend

A) to

B) for

C) with

6. I share my book ______ my friend

A) with

B) for

C) on

7. I trust ____ my friend

A) with

B) for

C) zero

8. I have got …….. flour.

A) any

B) some

C) many

9. You haven′t got ….. eggs.

A) any

B) some

C) much

10.There is …… water in the glass.

A) a few

B) many

C) a lot of

11. How ……. money do you have?

A) many

B) much

C) little

12. How …….. pens have you got?

A) a few

B) much

C) many

13. My car is ……. than of my friend′s.

A) fast

B) faster

C) the fasters

14. She is …….. person in our class.

A) interesting

B) more interesting

C) the most interesting

15. He is good ….. English.

A) at

B) for

C) on

16.I need to buy…..

A) a bread

B) a loaf of bread

C) breads

17. He…. a book to his birthday.

A) was given

B) gave

C) was gave

18.He doesn t look well. I think he … go to the doctor.

A)has to



19.Найди исчисляемое существительное:




20.Вставь верную степень сравнения прилагательного:

I met my … friend yesterday.




21.My brother works … school.




Определи время:

A)Present Simple

B)Present Perfect

C)Present Continuous

D)Past Simple

E)Past Continuous

22.She has just cooked dinner.

23.The train was coming to the station.

24.Yesterday I received a letter from my father.

25..Определи предложение в Past Perfect:

A)I have already read this book.

B)We traveled by plane last summer.

C)She had left her key at home.

D)She was watching TV, when I came.

E)We shall spend our holidays at the seaside.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

проверка знаний за 7 класс

Автор: Исмагулова Гульжан Куздыбаевна

Дата: 30.11.2014

Номер свидетельства: 137528

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