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Проверочная работа по английскому языку по теме "Conditional sentences".

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Проверочная работа содержит задания по теме "Условные предложения 0, 1, 2, 3 и смешанного типа".

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«Проверочная работа по английскому языку по теме "Conditional sentences".»


I. State the type of conditional sentences.

1. If you don’t come in time, I won’t wait for you.

2. I wouldn’t be so sad if you hadn’t lost my book.

3. I wouldn’t talk to him even if you asked me.

4. When you heat ice it melts.

5. If people travelled by air instead of travelling by cars, it would be safer.

6. If you had warned me, I wouldn’t have got into troubles.

7. I’ll go for a picnic if the weather is fine tomorrow.

8. If you didn’t speak quietly, they would understand you.

9. You can open the door if you press this button.

10. If Tom had asked her yesterday, he wouldn’t have questions today.

II. Open the brackets, using the correct tense forms.

1. If the weather were fine, they (to go) for a walk.

2. If I had money, I (to go) to the seaside long ago.

3. If Mike (to know) English, he could understand them.

4. We (to win) the game if we play well.

5. If you call me again, I (to call) the police.

6. If I (to see) Helen, I would have talked to her.

7. If I (to be) you, I would act in a different way.

8. If you are from Australia, January (to be) in the middle of summer.

9. If he (to take) these pills yesterday, he would feel better today.

10. When we (to go out), we always (to take) our dogs with us.

11. If it (not to snow), they will go for a picnic.

12. If the weather hadn’t been rainy yesterday, we (to go) out.

13. If you (to stop talking) for a second, I'll explain you everything.

14. If she were playing today, she (to win).

15. We’ll go to another cinema house if there (to be) no tickets.

16. If we (to learn) Tom’s phone number before, we would have called him.

17. They (to let) you on the train unless you have a ticket.

18. If you (to go) by taxi, you would have been there earlier.

19. It will save our money if we (to book) the tickets in advance.

20. I (to buy) more in this shop if things were cheaper here.


I. State the type of conditional sentences.

1. If you don’t come in time, I won’t wait for you.

2. I wouldn’t be so sad if you hadn’t lost my book.

3. I wouldn’t talk to him even if you asked me.

4. When you heat ice it melts.

5. If people travelled by air instead of travelling by cars, it would be safer.

6. If you had warned me, I wouldn’t have got into troubles.

7. I’ll go for a picnic if the weather is fine tomorrow.

8. If you didn’t speak quietly, they would understand you.

9. You can open the door if you press this button.

10. If Tom had asked her yesterday, he wouldn’t have questions today.

II. Open the brackets, using the correct tense forms.

1. If the weather were fine, they (to go) for a walk.

2. If I had money, I (to go) to the seaside long ago.

3. If Mike (to know) English, he could understand them.

4. We (to win) the game if we play well.

5. If you call me again, I (to call) the police.

6. If I (to see) Helen, I would have talked to her.

7. If I (to be) you, I would act in a different way.

8. If you are from Australia, January (to be) in the middle of summer.

9. If he (to take) these pills yesterday, he would feel better today.

10. When we (to go out), we always (to take) our dogs with us.

11. If it (not to snow), they will go for a picnic.

12. If the weather hadn’t been rainy yesterday, we (to go) out.

13. If you (to stop talking) for a second, I'll explain you everything.

14. If she were playing today, she (to win).

15. We’ll go to another cinema house if there (to be) no tickets.

16. If we (to learn) Tom’s phone number before, we would have called him.

17. They (to let) you on the train unless you have a ticket.

18. If you (to go) by taxi, you would have been there earlier.

19. It will save our money if we (to book) the tickets in advance.

20. I (to buy) more in this shop if things were cheaper here.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

Проверочная работа по английскому языку по теме "Conditional sentences".

Автор: Апанасевич Юлия Викторовна

Дата: 22.11.2020

Номер свидетельства: 564045

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