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Контрольная работа по теме "Косвенная речь"

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Control Test    Indirect Speech                              Вариант 1

    1. Put said or told.
      1. Frank. he had two cats at home.
      2. Dan. me that Robert didn't like soup.
      3. Mother. her daughter to go to the dentist.
      4. My brother. he could skate well.
      5. She. them her knowledge of English was good.
    2. Report what has happened to them or what they will do. Don't forget about necessary changes.
      1. Nick: "I went to the zoo three days ago."
      2. The doctor: "I am going to take your blood pressure in a minute, Sam."
      3. Mother: "I have already washed up."
      4. Liz: "Helen, we shall see each other tomorrow."
      5. Paul: "Have you read this newspaper yet?"
      6. Victor: "What did you buy yesterday?"
      7. Sally: "Mom, turn the light on, please."
    3. Write         the same in English.
      1. Мама спросила нас, кто вчера разбил стакан.
      2. Доктор сказал мне принимать это лекарство регулярно.
      3. Она сказала, что сейчас ее брат читает.


Control Test    Indirect Speech                   Вариант 2

        1. Put said or told.
          1. Helen. she would go to the park.
          2. Billy. his sister to buy some bread.
          3. Polly. the doctor that she had a bad cough.
          4. The teacher. the pupils not to make mistakes.
          5. I. my dog could run and jump very well.
        2. Report what has happened to them or what they will do. Don't forget about necessary changes.
          1. Mr. White: "My little son fell ill last week."
          2. John: "Where did you go last night?"
          3. Kate: "Where has Tim gone?"
          4. The teacher: "Don't make mistakes, pupils."
          5. David: "I am busy now. I'm cleaning my room."
          6. Peter: "My parents will come in two hours."
          7. Granny: "I had a bad cough yesterday."
        3. Write       the same in English.
          1. Лена хотела узнать, смотрели ли мы этот фильм.

2)  Папа сказал, что поможет мне сделать домашнее задание.

          1. Учитель просил их не опаздывать.



Ключи к  контрольной работе

по английскому языку по теме « Косвенная речь»

Variant  1

  1. Frank said he had two cats at home.
  2. Dan told me that Robert didn't like soup.
  3. Mother told her daughter to go to the dentist.
  4. My brother said he could skate well.
  5. She told them her knowledge of English was good.
  1. Nick said he had gone to the zoo three days before.
  2. The doctor told Sam he was going to take his blood pressure a minute later.
  3. Mother said she had already washed up.
  4. Liz told Helen they would see each other the next day.
  5. Paul asked if I had read that newspaper yet.
  6. Victor asked what I had bought the day before.
  7. Sally asked her mother to turn the light on.
  1. 1) Mother asked us who had broken the glass the day before.

2) The doctor told me to take that medicine regularly.

3) She said her brother was reading then.

Ключи к  контрольной работе

по английскому языку  по теме « Косвенная речь»

Variant  2

  1. Helen said she would go to the park.
  2. Billy told his sister to buy some bread.
  3. Polly told the doctor that she had a bad cough.
  4. The teacher told the pupils not to make mistakes.
  5. I said my dog could run and jump very well.
  1. Mr. White said his little son had fallen ill the previous week.
  2. John asked where I had gone the day before.
  3. Kate asked where Tim had gone.
  4. The teacher told pupils not to make mistakes.
  5. David said he was busy then because he was cleaning his room.
  1. Helen wanted to know if we had seen that film.
  2. My father said he would help me to do my homework.
  3. The teacher asked them not to be late.





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«Контрольная работа по теме "Косвенная речь"»

Control Test Indirect Speech Вариант 1

    1. Put said or told.

      1. Frank ... he had two cats at home.

      2. Dan ... me that Robert didn't like soup.

      3. Mother ... her daughter to go to the dentist.

      4. My brother ... he could skate well.

      5. She ... them her knowledge of English was good.

    2. Report what has happened to them or what they will do. Don't forget about necessary changes.

      1. Nick: "I went to the zoo three days ago."

      2. The doctor: "I am going to take your blood pressure in a minute, Sam."

      3. Mother: "I have already washed up."

      4. Liz: "Helen, we shall see each other tomorrow."

      5. Paul: "Have you read this newspaper yet?"

      6. Victor: "What did you buy yesterday?"

      7. Sally: "Mom, turn the light on, please."

    3. Write the same in English.

      1. Мама спросила нас, кто вчера разбил стакан.

      2. Доктор сказал мне принимать это лекарство регулярно.

      3. Она сказала, что сейчас ее брат читает.


Control Test Indirect Speech Вариант 2

        1. Put said or told.

          1. Helen ... she would go to the park.

          2. Billy ... his sister to buy some bread.

          3. Polly ... the doctor that she had a bad cough.

          4. The teacher ... the pupils not to make mistakes.

          5. I... my dog could run and jump very well.

        1. Report what has happened to them or what they will do. Don't forget about necessary changes.

          1. Mr. White: "My little son fell ill last week."

          2. John: "Where did you go last night?"

          3. Kate: "Where has Tim gone?"

          4. The teacher: "Don't make mistakes, pupils."

          5. David: "I am busy now. I'm cleaning my room."

          6. Peter: "My parents will come in two hours."

          7. Granny: "I had a bad cough yesterday."

        2. Write the same in English.

          1. Лена хотела узнать, смотрели ли мы этот фильм.

2) Папа сказал, что поможет мне сделать домашнее задание.

          1. Учитель просил их не опаздывать.

Ключи к контрольной работе

по английскому языку по теме « Косвенная речь»

Variant 1

  1. Frank said he had two cats at home.

  2. Dan told me that Robert didn't like soup.

  3. Mother told her daughter to go to the dentist.

  4. My brother said he could skate well.

  5. She told them her knowledge of English was good.

  1. Nick said he had gone to the zoo three days before.

  2. The doctor told Sam he was going to take his blood pressure a minute later.

  3. Mother said she had already washed up.

  4. Liz told Helen they would see each other the next day.

  5. Paul asked if I had read that newspaper yet.

  6. Victor asked what I had bought the day before.

  7. Sally asked her mother to turn the light on.

  1. 1) Mother asked us who had broken the glass the day before.

2) The doctor told me to take that medicine regularly.

3) She said her brother was reading then.

Ключи к контрольной работе

по английскому языку по теме « Косвенная речь»

Variant 2

  1. Helen said she would go to the park.

  2. Billy told his sister to buy some bread.

  3. Polly told the doctor that she had a bad cough.

  4. The teacher told the pupils not to make mistakes.

  5. I said my dog could run and jump very well.

  1. Mr. White said his little son had fallen ill the previous week.

  2. John asked where I had gone the day before.

  3. Kate asked where Tim had gone.

  4. The teacher told pupils not to make mistakes.

  5. David said he was busy then because he was cleaning his room.

  1. Helen wanted to know if we had seen that film.

  2. My father said he would help me to do my homework.

  3. The teacher asked them not to be late.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Контрольная работа по теме "Косвенная речь"

Автор: Понетайкина Галина Васильевна

Дата: 24.06.2018

Номер свидетельства: 474214

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