Контрольная работа в двух вариантах на английском языке. Каждый вариант содержит два задания.
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«Контрольная работа по страноведению по теме "Канада"»
Variant I
I. Answer the questions
1. Where are Canadian indigenous people come from?
2. When did the first contact between indigenous people and Europeans occur?
3. Which is Canada’s highest point?
4. How do we call evergreen trees?
5. What is taiga? What grows there?
6. Why is the world concerned about harp seals?
7. Are Canadians mostly urban or rural dwellers?
8. Name 3 largest Canada’s cities.
II. True or False?
1. Permanent French and English settlement began in the early 1600s.
2. There were rich fishing grounds and great populations of beaver, fox and bear in Canada.
3. Forests cover a third of Canada’s area.
4. Canada borders the USA on four Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River.
Variant II
I. Answer the questions
1. How are Canadian original inhabitants usually called?
2. When did European exploration of Canada begin?
3. Which is Canada’s longest river?
4. How do we call plants which shed their leaves?
5. What is tundra? What grows there?
6. Why was the Canadian beaver in danger?
7. Which is the most ethnically varied city in Canada?
8. Which city is the chief Canada/s sea port?
II. True or False?
1. Canada has a strategic global location. It lies on great circle routes between the USA and Europe.
2. Freshwater lakes and rivers don’t freeze throughout winter.
3. Indigenous people arrived from Asia about 500 years ago.
4. Cabot, Cartier and Champlain found a new way to China.