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Контрольная работа по английскому языку для учащихся 7 класса по УМК Spotlight 7 Module 1

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«Контрольная работа по английскому языку для учащихся 7 класса по УМК Spotlight 7 Module 1»

1. Match the word combinations with the Russian equivalents.

1. High quality lifestyle

a. Тишина и спокойствие

2. Feel isolated

b. Чувствовать одиноко, изолированно

3. Beautiful landscapes

c. Отзывчивые люди

4. High rate of unemployment

d. Красивые пейзажи

5. Peace and quiet

e. Правильный образ жизни

6. Helpful people

f. Высокий уровень безработицы

2. Fill in the correct words.







1. Very few people __________ a healthy lifestyle in big cities.

2. Our house is next to the train station, which is very ____________.

3. Many young people have to deal with __________ when they finish their studies.

4. Thailand is a country with amazing ___________.

5. I can’t study when there’s _________ noise around me.

6. She lives in a (an) _________ area in Northern Norway.

1. Match the word combinations with the Russian equivalents.

1. High quality lifestyle

a. Тишина и спокойствие

2. Feel isolated

b. Чувствовать одиноко, изолированно

3. Beautiful landscapes

c. Отзывчивые люди

4. High rate of unemployment

d. Красивые пейзажи

5. Peace and quiet

e. Правильный образ жизни

6. Helpful people

f. Высокий уровень безработицы

2. Fill in the correct words.







1. Very few people __________ a healthy lifestyle in big cities.

2. Our house is next to the train station, which is very ____________.

3. Many young people have to deal with __________ when they finish their studies.

4. Thailand is a country with amazing ___________.

5. I can’t study when there’s _________ noise around me.

6. She lives in a (an) _________ area in Northern Norway.

1. Match the word combinations with the Russian equivalents.

1. High quality lifestyle

a. Тишина и спокойствие

2. Feel isolated

b. Чувствовать одиноко, изолированно

3. Beautiful landscapes

c. Отзывчивые люди

4. High rate of unemployment

d. Красивые пейзажи

5. Peace and quiet

e. Правильный образ жизни

6. Helpful people

f. Высокий уровень безработицы

2. Fill in the correct words.







1. Very few people __________ a healthy lifestyle in big cities.

2. Our house is next to the train station, which is very ____________.

3. Many young people have to deal with __________ when they finish their studies.

4. Thailand is a country with amazing ___________.

5. I can’t study when there’s _________ noise around me.

6. She lives in a (an) _________ area in Northern Norway.

1. Match the word combinations with the Russian equivalents.

1. High quality lifestyle

a. Тишина и спокойствие

2. Feel isolated

b. Чувствовать одиноко, изолированно

3. Beautiful landscapes

c. Отзывчивые люди

4. High rate of unemployment

d. Красивые пейзажи

5. Peace and quiet

e. Правильный образ жизни

6. Helpful people

f. Высокий уровень безработицы

2. Fill in the correct words.







1. Very few people __________ a healthy lifestyle in big cities.

2. Our house is next to the train station, which is very ____________.

3. Many young people have to deal with __________ when they finish their studies.

4. Thailand is a country with amazing ___________.

5. I can’t study when there’s _________ noise around me.

6. She lives in a (an) _________ area in Northern Norway.

1. Match the word combinations with the Russian equivalents.

1. High quality lifestyle

a. Тишина и спокойствие

2. Feel isolated

b. Чувствовать одиноко, изолированно

3. Beautiful landscapes

c. Отзывчивые люди

4. High rate of unemployment

d. Красивые пейзажи

5. Peace and quiet

e. Правильный образ жизни

6. Helpful people

f. Высокий уровень безработицы

2. Fill in the correct words.







1. Very few people __________ a healthy lifestyle in big cities.

2. Our house is next to the train station, which is very ____________.

3. Many young people have to deal with __________ when they finish their studies.

4. Thailand is a country with amazing ___________.

5. I can’t study when there’s _________ noise around me.

6. She lives in a (an) _________ area in Northern Norway.

1. Match the word combinations with the Russian equivalents.

1. High quality lifestyle

a. Тишина и спокойствие

2. Feel isolated

b. Чувствовать одиноко, изолированно

3. Beautiful landscapes

c. Отзывчивые люди

4. High rate of unemployment

d. Красивые пейзажи

5. Peace and quiet

e. Правильный образ жизни

6. Helpful people

f. Высокий уровень безработицы

2. Fill in the correct words.







1. Very few people __________ a healthy lifestyle in big cities.

2. Our house is next to the train station, which is very ____________.

3. Many young people have to deal with __________ when they finish their studies.

4. Thailand is a country with amazing ___________.

5. I can’t study when there’s _________ noise around me.

6. She lives in a (an) _________ area in Northern Norway.

1. Match the word combinations with the Russian equivalents.

1. High quality lifestyle

a. Тишина и спокойствие

2. Feel isolated

b. Чувствовать одиноко, изолированно

3. Beautiful landscapes

c. Отзывчивые люди

4. High rate of unemployment

d. Красивые пейзажи

5. Peace and quiet

e. Правильный образ жизни

6. Helpful people

f. Высокий уровень безработицы

2. Fill in the correct words.







1. Very few people __________ a healthy lifestyle in big cities.

2. Our house is next to the train station, which is very ____________.

3. Many young people have to deal with __________ when they finish their studies.

4. Thailand is a country with amazing ___________.

5. I can’t study when there’s _________ noise around me.

6. She lives in a (an) _________ area in Northern Norway.

1. Match the word combinations with the Russian equivalents.

1. High quality lifestyle

a. Тишина и спокойствие

2. Feel isolated

b. Чувствовать одиноко, изолированно

3. Beautiful landscapes

c. Отзывчивые люди

4. High rate of unemployment

d. Красивые пейзажи

5. Peace and quiet

e. Правильный образ жизни

6. Helpful people

f. Высокий уровень безработицы

2. Fill in the correct words.







1. Very few people __________ a healthy lifestyle in big cities.

2. Our house is next to the train station, which is very ____________.

3. Many young people have to deal with __________ when they finish their studies.

4. Thailand is a country with amazing ___________.

5. I can’t study when there’s _________ noise around me.

6. She lives in a (an) _________ area in Northern Norway.

1. Match the word combinations with the Russian equivalents.

1. High quality lifestyle

a. Тишина и спокойствие

2. Feel isolated

b. Чувствовать одиноко, изолированно

3. Beautiful landscapes

c. Отзывчивые люди

4. High rate of unemployment

d. Красивые пейзажи

5. Peace and quiet

e. Правильный образ жизни

6. Helpful people

f. Высокий уровень безработицы

2. Fill in the correct words.







1. Very few people __________ a healthy lifestyle in big cities.

2. Our house is next to the train station, which is very ____________.

3. Many young people have to deal with __________ when they finish their studies.

4. Thailand is a country with amazing ___________.

5. I can’t study when there’s _________ noise around me.

6. She lives in a (an) _________ area in Northern Norway.

On the blackboard.

Use Present Continuous or Present Simple to complete the sentences.

• Where’s Jane? – She ______________________ a shower. (have)

• My lessons ___________ at 9.00. (start)

• Tom never ___________ computer games before he ___________ his homework. (play, finish)

• Nick and Peter _______________ chess at the moment. (play)

• ____ you ______________ a cow these days? (milk) – Yes, I ____.

• What time _______ your train _________? (leave)

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для учащихся 7 класса по УМК Spotlight 7 Module 1

Автор: Дарья Сергеевна Богатова

Дата: 25.12.2022

Номер свидетельства: 621470

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