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Контрольная работа по английскому языку " A city mouse or a country mouse?"

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Контрольная работа по Модулю 1 учебник "Spotlight 7№"

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«Контрольная работа по английскому языку " A city mouse or a country mouse?"»

Module 1


Variant 1

  1. Fill in: hustle and bustle, peephole, facilities, huge, isolated

    1. Do you feel _____________ on the farm?

    2. She doesn’t miss the __________________ of London

    3. The shopping mall is really ________________!

    4. What sports _________________ does your school have?

    5. Always look through the _______________ before answering

  2. Complete the sentences with the correct word: cost, crowded, helpful, convenient, peace, heavy

    1. In a big city you will always find __________________ public transport

    2. My father hates driving in _____________ traffic

    3. We went for a walk in the country because we needed some ______________ and quiet.

    4. I love living in the city but I don’t like the high ___________ of living

    5. In the country you usually meet friendly and ______________ people

    6. She spent the day in London but found the streets very _______________

  3. Choose the correct word

    1. Teenagers like hanging on\out at the shopping centers at the weekend

    2. Don’t run for\after the burglar

    3. I am crazy about\of playing board games

    4. My mom goes shopping at\on Saturday

    5. This store has so many comics to choose from\about

  4. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

    1. Mrs Derek (drive) her kids to school every morning.

    2. Be quiet! Your little brother (sleep).

    3. I never (do) my homework at night.

    4. I (not go) to the theatre this evening.

    5. She (not know) where her house is.

    6. ( You, feed) the sheep every day?

    7. Leo (be) often late for our meetings.

    8. (Your parents, work) today?

  5. Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t:

    1. You________________ eat too much.

    2. You________________ tell your friends about your problems.

    3. You __________________ be late for your classes.

    4. You________________ inform your parents if you are getting late.

Module 1


Variant 2

  1. Fill in: block of flats, miss, close at hand, landscapes, install

    1. In the city, you have everything ______________

    2. I______________the people from my hometown

    3. Did you ____________ an alarm system yesterday?

    4. Most of my friends live in ______________

    5. You can enjoy beautiful ______________in this area.

  2. Complete the sentences with the correct word: cost, crowded, helpful, convenient, peace, heavy

    1. His uncle hates driving in _____________ traffic

    2. My friends went for a walk in the country because we needed some ______________ and quiet.

    3. I love living in the city but I don’t like the high ___________ of living

    4. In a big city you will always find __________________ public transport

    5. In the country you usually meet friendly and ______________ people

    6. We spent one day in London but found the streets very _______________

  3. Choose the correct word

    1. My sister went for a ride on/in the carousel.

    2. You can shop for/about surfing gear in Sydney.

    3. Did you run with\after the burglar last night?

    4. Are they going to/at the beach in the morning?

    5. My sister is crazy of\about cooking

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

    1. We never (do) our homework at night.

    2. I (not go) to the cinema this evening.

    3. She (not know) where her house is.

    4. ( You, feed) the cat every day?

    5. Mike (be) often late for our meetings.

    6. Mr Brown (drive) her kids to school every morning.

    7. Be quiet! Your little brother (sleep).

    8. (Your parents, work) today?

  2. Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t:

    1. You________________ eat too much.

    2. You________________ inform your parents if you are getting late.

    3. You________________ tell your friends about your problems.

    4. You __________________ be late for your classes.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Контрольная работа по английскому языку " A city mouse or a country mouse?"

Автор: Алена Юрьевна Савосто

Дата: 24.03.2022

Номер свидетельства: 603227

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    ["date"] => string(10) "1671968360"

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