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Контрольная работа "Настоящее и прошедшее время"

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Контрольная работа предназначена для проверки знаний учащихся по темам Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple.

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«Контрольная работа "Настоящее и прошедшее время"»

Test 2 (Spotlight 6)

V – I

I. Match the adjectives to their opposites.

1. clean

2. beautiful

3. busy

4. crowded

5. relaxed

a. ugly

b. quiet

c. stressed

d. polluted

e. deserted

II. Write the correct past form of the verbs.

1. hear

2. see

3. give

4. say

5. decide

6. jump

7. go

8. answer

9. make

10. be

III. Choose the right form of the verbs.

  1. I visit / am visiting my grandparents every Sunday.

  2. My sister cleans / is cleaning the kitchen now.

  3. Boys play / are playing football at the moment.

  4. Nick doesn’t go / don’t go to the sea every summer.

  5. Sometimes Maria cooks / is cooking lunch for herself.

IV. Choose: Present Simple, Present Continuous or Past Simple.

  1. I often _____________ tennis.

a) play b) plays c) am playing

  1. Mary _____________ a computer game now.

a) Did … play b) Does … play c) Is … playing

  1. My brother never _____________ our mother with the dishes.

a) help b) helps c) is helping

  1. Brad _____________ his grandmother last weekend.

a) Does … visit b) Did … visited c) Did … visit

  1. Mary _____________a film at the cinema yesterday.

a) didn’t see b) didn’t saw c) isn’t seeing

  1. Now I _____________ my homework.

a) do b) am doing c) is doing

  1. He _____________ up early yesterday.

a) wakes b) woke c) am waking

  1. My friend_____________fish and cheese.

a) don’t like b) doesn’t likes c) doesn’t like

V. Write the correct form of the verbs.

  1. She always (eat) vegetables for dinner.

  2. Children (play) chess last Monday.

  3. We (have) a family dinner now.

  4. I (meet) my friends at the weekend.

  5. It (be) a beautiful day yesterday.

  6. They often (travel) to Moscow.

Test 2 (Spotlight 6)

V – II

I. Match the adjectives to their opposites.

  1. relaxed

  2. crowded

  3. clean

  4. beautiful

  5. busy

  1. deserted

  2. stressed

  3. quiet

  4. polluted

  5. ugly

II. Write the correct past form of the verbs.

1. shout

2. give

3. open

4. say

5. have

6. turn

7. go

8. introduce

9. make

10. be

III. Choose the right form of the verbs.

  1. I often go / am going to the cinema.

  2. My grandfather usually works / is working in the garden.

  3. He does / is doing shopping twice a week.

  4. Listen! Mary plays / is playing the piano.

  5. Children don’t read / doesn’t read books in the evening.

IV. Choose: Present Simple, Present Continuous or Past Simple.

  1. We________________ a very good film last Sunday.

a) see b) saw c) are seeing

  1. they to Moscow last year.

a) Do … go b) Did … went c) Did … go

  1. My sister breakfast now.

a) have b) had c) is having

  1. Kate _______________ dinner now.

a) don’t cook b) doesn’t cook c) isn’t cooking

  1. Tom__________________ his mother yesterday.

a) didn’t help b) doesn’t help c) isn’t helping

  1. My parents in the garden now.

a) work b) worked c) are working

  1. He always to classical music.

a) listens b) listened c) is listening

  1. Jack and Lora ________________ last summer at the seaside.

a) don’t spend b) didn’t spend c) aren’t spending

V. Write the correct form of the verbs.

  1. Granny (cook) dinner every day.

  2. He (watch) TV yesterday.

  3. They (lis­ten) to music now.

  4. Children (play) darts in the evening.

  5. Jack (eat) fruit for breakfast.

  6. It (be) cold 2 days ago.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Контрольная работа "Настоящее и прошедшее время"

Автор: Дутова Юлия Алексеевна

Дата: 23.03.2023

Номер свидетельства: 628183

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