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Контрольная работа

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Контрольная работа по английскому языку

для 5 класса


1. Прочитайте текст и подбери заголовки к каждой части. Один заголовок лишний.


A Take the Eiffel Tower home                       F Cinema time

B Greeting from Paris                            G Holiday in France

C See the architect                                             H Lunch in the clouds

D The amazing sights of Paris                       I A lovely place for parties

E A high and well-built tower


The Eiffel Tower is the symbol of Paris! Let’s take a look at this unique tower …

1___The Eiffel is 324 metres tall. It’s a strong ______ tower with 3 floors. From the ground to the third floor  there are 1,665 stairs.

2___Visitors can start their tour on the first floor at the “Cineiffel”. Here, they can watch short films about the history of the tower and see unique old photos of the tower and the city of Paris.

3___On the first floor there is also the Gustave Eiffel room. This is a______, elegant room. It has got 250 red chairs and a big balcony. This room is for special events, like award ceremonies and birthdays.

4___ Next, visitors can go up to the second floor. This floor is 115 metres high. This is the floor for food! Visitors can eat a sandwich in a café. Or, for some real French _______, they can go to the expensive Jules Verne restaurant!

5___For shopping, visitors can go to the _______ floor. It has got three shops. They can buy souvenir items, like cups, T-shirts and small models of the Eiffel Tower, for their friends and family.

6___ Then it’s up to the third floor, the top of the tower. Here, at 276 metres high, the view of the city is ________. It’s a great place for photos!

7___ On the top floor, visitors can also ______ the office of Gustave Eiffel, the creator and the man behind the tower! Inside the office they can see a wax model of Gustave and his old office furniture.

8___ Finally, visitors can go to the Eiffel Tower post office on the ground floor. They can send their friends and family a postcard with a _______ of the Eiffel Tower. They

can say hi from Paris in style!

2. Вставь пропущенные слова в текст.

large, picture, second, steel, wonderful, visit, food


3. Найди в тексте фразу, которая подтверждает следующее


On this floor visitors can find a room for special occasions. ___________________________________


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«Контрольная работа»

Контрольная работа по английскому языку

для 5 класса

1. Прочитайте текст и подбери заголовки к каждой части. Один заголовок лишний.

A Take the Eiffel Tower home F Cinema time

B Greeting from Paris G Holiday in France

C See the architect H Lunch in the clouds

D The amazing sights of Paris I A lovely place for parties

E A high and well-built tower

The Eiffel Tower is the symbol of Paris! Let’s take a look at this unique tower …

1___The Eiffel is 324 metres tall. It’s a strong ______ tower with 3 floors. From the ground to the third floor there are 1,665 stairs.

2___Visitors can start their tour on the first floor at the “Cineiffel”. Here, they can watch short films about the history of the tower and see unique old photos of the tower and the city of Paris.

3___On the first floor there is also the Gustave Eiffel room. This is a______, elegant room. It has got 250 red chairs and a big balcony. This room is for special events, like award ceremonies and birthdays.

4___ Next, visitors can go up to the second floor. This floor is 115 metres high. This is the floor for food! Visitors can eat a sandwich in a café. Or, for some real French _______, they can go to the expensive Jules Verne restaurant!

5___For shopping, visitors can go to the _______ floor. It has got three shops. They can buy souvenir items, like cups, T-shirts and small models of the Eiffel Tower, for their friends and family.

6___ Then it’s up to the third floor, the top of the tower. Here, at 276 metres high, the view of the city is ________. It’s a great place for photos!

7___ On the top floor, visitors can also ______ the office of Gustave Eiffel, the creator and the man behind the tower! Inside the office they can see a wax model of Gustave and his old office furniture.

8___ Finally, visitors can go to the Eiffel Tower post office on the ground floor. They can send their friends and family a postcard with a _______ of the Eiffel Tower. They

can say hi from Paris in style!

2. Вставь пропущенные слова в текст.

large, picture, second, steel, wonderful, visit , food

3. Найди в тексте фразу, которая подтверждает следующее

On this floor visitors can find a room for special occasions. ___________________________________

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Контрольная работа

Автор: Понетайкина Галина Васильевна

Дата: 19.02.2019

Номер свидетельства: 500410

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